Happy Easter, Everyone!

28  2017-04-16 by Callooh_Calais


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Fuck you

That guy looks nothing like Jesus

But he walks like a gentleman

Jesus didn't have that big of a nose

Correct. Jesus was a Jew, his nose was probably much bigger.

woke black people twitter today is like "Ishtar was a bunny" or something it's stupid



Very Nice

Happy easter y'all.

I don't get it but I feel like I should

pls no bully

Why are conservatives mad about this?

We can't stop until all the Juden celebrate the Birth of Christ

Ahh I see, this another war ok Christmas meme

They're always mad about something

I went to a school with his name on it!

We must reclaim Jesus from the white man

I say toast that damn bunnies white ass. Jesus is cool, his black ass can come cuddle me

bitch, ok if you don't want no fertility in your bloodline. Praise Eostre