Leftists want you living in a shoebox - suburban hero fires back

5  2017-04-16 by newcomer_ts


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Full disclosure - I lived in a condo in 00's and had incredible luck living next to a guy who liked blasting Celine Dion on AM at 4 in the morning.

One time, a security guy, at the request of a pregnant lady in the other unit, actually went inside and turned the radio off. The dude was drunk out of his mind, snoring.

Condo living and North American notions of freedom are a bad mix.

Never again!

Full disclosure - I lived in a condo in 00's and had incredible luck living next to a guy who liked blasting Celine Dion on AM radio at 4 in the morning.

In the US, that's a valid reason for murdering someone.


A mistake on its own tbh