White nationalist in r/CringeAnarchy gets his fee-fees hurt when compared to Nazis, tries to point out the "nuances" of his ideology

135  2017-04-16 by YHofSuburbia




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It's like when people argue that being attracted to 12 year olds isn't technically pedophila.

My loli body pillow is perfectly normal.

Nothing normal about being weeb trash

Step up so I can cut you back down with my million times folded genuine state of the art best you can get Nippon nip steel

It's actually not.

The point being nobody that is normal gives af about distinguishing between a fucking loser that has sex with 13 year olds as opposed to one who wants to diddle 7 year olds. We don't have a problem lumping them together because they're both taking sexual advantage of young people. People think it's fucking weird to have someone interject a convo about how morally abhorrent a kiddy diddler is with a hair splitting semantics definition of a word-type comment. Epepepepebephphilia or pedophilia, they all want to fuck kids and manipulate them into sex so they should be gassed whatever they're irrelevant label is.

14 year old fucking 7 year old=horrible. 14 year old fucking 13 year old=normal.

This is why the world hates muricans, you are so outraged about everything even the simplest points turn into "debates". No wonder most bullshit ideologies come from there, you can't even agree on what words mean...

Who gives a fuck about being normal.

By "normal" he means "not a kidfucker."

I don't give a fuck if you watch scat porn, but diddling kids is wrong.

people who leave their home and go out in public

Fuck off paedophile scum


lmao, did you just drop in from the Middle Ages?

funny, but the ash represents a sound somewhere between ā and e, not ī like in the video

Don't know what you are talking about.

Paedofile is an alternative spelling and pronunciation in other counties. Sometimes they spell things with a U next to O like 'colour'. What will they think of next?

I'm pretty sure all English speaking countries use modern English.

Are intentionally dense or does it not require any effort?

Are intentionally dense or does it not require any effort? Google paedophile or color vs colour.

Have you ever installed Windows and it asked you if you want American English or British English?

He's just trying to change the topic from the fact that he's disgusting kid-fucker.

Have you ever been to the UK? They don't speak Middle English there. Lmfao

British. We write paedophile.

British, seconded.

thaths whence thou art incorrect young rapscallion

Please hang yourself from the nearest lampost and stop putting neighbouring kids in danger.

wow a nazi and a pedo

Hardcore projection

Appropriate flair tbh

And username too.

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here, hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilia. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy and human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescents fucking sick and disgusting but only in the us does there seem to be this unwarranted taboo around a healthy and...

No mansplaining in this sub.

Or worse....femsplaining

Um, there's no such thing??

He's just a little cuntfused.

You're ovaryacting.

Thank you!

Don't take this the wrong way, but it's frightening that your comment garnered [score hidden] upvotes. It's frightening because:

(A) Your comment is wrong.

(B) Paedophiles are very predatory, either as adults or as teens.

(C) No citation/link was provided, so it's likely many of the upvotes were given because there was no convenient way of verifying your degeneracy. If so, that kind of upvoting is contrary to our rules, specifically the one that prohibits sexualising minors. If a citation/link was provided, and a verification was done before upvoting/downvoting, it should have been clear that it's not an "ephebohebejeebyphile". This reminds me of that one experiment I once did many years ago: I once made up a B.S. claim on a popular messageboard, and I cited a bunch of random studies that weren't even relevant. The frightening result was an overwhelming majority of people praising me.

If recent history is any indication, my comment will be unpopular with a vocal minority/majority group. If you are going to downvote my comment, it would be productive to explain why as well, especially my comment concerns the livelihood of this subreddit. When it becomes a trend that misinformation is upvoted, and worse, blindly so, this subreddit is lost and no different from other...certain unnamed "drama" subreddits.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Pedophilia, is in fact, Ephebophilia, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Heterosexuality plus Ephebosexuality. Ephebosexuality is not a sexual fetish unto itself, but rather another component of the fully functioning heterosexuality system made useful by the genitals, tongue and finger components comprising a full SEX as defined by Congress.

Many sex users run a modified version of the heterosexual system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of heterosexuality which is widely used today is often called “Pedophilia”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the ephebosexuality system, developed by the Muhammed Prophet.

There really is an Ephebosexuality, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Ephebosexuality is the preference: the program in the system that allocates the human's genitalia to the other young girls that you secretly desire. The pedosexual/ephebosexual is an essential part of the pedosexuality/ephebosexuality movement, but useless by themselves; it can only attempt to legislate for the legalization and the recognition of consensual sex with girls aged 16 and under and abide by the law in the context of the complete society. Heterosexuality is normally used in combination with women aged 18 and over: the whole heterosexual system is basically 10 to 17 year old girls with women added, or Loli/Shota. All the so-called “Heterosexuality” distributions are really distributions of teaching people how to fuck, so I was wondering if you guys could tell me how to fuck young girls (preferably aged 10 to 12).

Can I steal this one?

Save it, it's all your my friend (^:

It's not stealing since it's a piece of free, open-source text. That is, free as in freedom (instead of free as in beer).


Both hate Jews blacks and basically everyone else not their skin color, both are economically not well off, what's the difference?

There isn't one. All they're doing is making their cancerous ideology seem reasonable and centrist to idiots, so they can make more populist grabs for power in the near future.

To think white nationalism is centrist one must be a complete idiot.

Thankfully idiocy is not in short supply.

I think he's saying that they're trying to make it appear more centrist, i.e. less extremist/more moderate.

I think the guy you responded to is saying only idiots are gonna fall for that ploy

Fortunately, you don't have to convince anyone but idiots of anything to seize power

They totally are, it's how radical groups lure people in to begin with. They start with reasonable statements that many people could agree with that often have an appeal to emotions like fear and insecurity, then they introduce them to beginner literature full of more rhetoric that connects to the target recruitment demographic while continuing to disguise the awful parts of the ideology, and if it hooks the recruit then they'll slowly be introduced to the more radical aspects of the ideology as they get involved with the community, read more literature, and learn to understand the dogwhistles.

unrelated but check this out

All they're doing is making their cancerous ideology seem reasonable and centrist to idiots

No, leftists and the mainstream media are doing that because their crazy fucking behavior since election day has made everything else look "normal" by comparison.

Do you think we'd really be talking about white nationalism today if Antifa and the left hadn't come out of whatever hole they were living in to protest literally everything conservatives do?

lmao no amount of idiocy can make white nationalism seem okay

You underestimate the power of idiocy.

wow you're right, I mean if leftists get too agitated then murdering all black people becomes a good idea

A+ logic

He's retarded but he does have a point in that if you violently protest everything, you give really obscure groups a spotlight and they resulting recruitment they never had before.

For example in Canada we now have this stupid group of Nazis called the Soldiers of Odin. They're very small and basically only consist of a couple tweeked out bikers. I only know they exist because they planned some stupid march for free speech and there was this massive demonstration against them. I know people planned the demonstration to show them that they aren't welcome, but the thing is now a lot of people know about a group that never used to matter. They used to be so obscure no one but the police knew about them. The police were keeping an eye on them because of their reputation in Europe, but these Nazis never had any real recruitment tools aside from stupid online shit.

Now there's videos of the rowdy counter demonstration and they can cut sections out to show the worst of the counter-demonstrators and use it as a recruitment tool. They can show people guys in all black attacking people for trying to express free speech and use those videos to get retards like /u/botchlings to support them and their desire for genocide.

The best case scenario is to let the Nazis scream out into an empty field. Fucking pay for food trucks in areas away from the Nazis, peacefully make sure that people don't listen to their message of hate. If you have Nazis on one hand demanding brown people go, and on the other you have a group that welcomes everyone and provides food, which really is more appealing? Fucking show people first hand the benefits of a multicultural society and how people are not all so different. Instead of counter protesting dressed in black and getting punched by manlets, organize a large multicultural festival in opposition. Be a positive voice instead of an autistic REEEEEEEE in the night. Show people first hand that your way is best.

What no one likes is edgy anarchists smashing shit and rioting every time that these retarded Nazis try and speak. It gives the Nazis more propaganda and reason to organize, and it only benefits them. Remember how AntiFa stopped WW2 with their street fighting? Me neither. Take the positive route or you'll just end up helping your enemies out.

TL;DR: AntiFa is bad at strategy and is ironically helping their enemies

The funny thing is that I don't really disagree. No platforming via starting a riot and massively increasing their platform is dumb as fuck. I wish people would focus on self defense in case some of the MAGA chuds and "identitarians" aka right-wing Tumblrites get some ideas about attacking minorities.

actually you're just retarded and trying to make excuses for it

u got me fam

You just described a lot of communists as well.

Just the poor part

No, all the other stuff as well.



No communists are retarded but I haven't seen them act as racist as alt right members

That's why I said a lot, not all.

Racism is a pretty fundamental part of the Alt-Right though. Without it they'd just be your ordinary right-wing conspiraturds.

I don't think I've ever seen a racist communist. They aren't picky with what type of people fill the mass graves, they just want them filled.

i've seen a buncha racist communists, but they all call themselves socialists

There's National-Bolshevism, but I understand it's not very popular outside of Russia. Racism for its own sake doesn't mesh with communism very well.

Most mainstream Internet Communists are pretty heavily anti-racist. The more traditional /leftypol/ types tend to see race issues as a distraction from the real issue, that being the class conflict, and so may seem somewhat racist in comparison, but neither group is really focused on "racial purity" the way Nazis and WN's are.

Most mainstream Internet Communists are pretty heavily anti-racist.

Just because you claim to be something doesn't mean that you are. You realize the National Socialist German workers party wasn't actually socialist right?

Obviously. I'm just saying that opposition to racism seems to be a pretty fundamental part of the Internet Communist platform. If you have evidence to the contrary, I'd be happy to reconsider my views if you pointed me to it.

You realize the National Socialist German workers party wasn't actually socialist right?

why would he think that, oh you're one of those fucking morons that thinks that the nazi's were socialist, fuck off you fucking lite weight political moron

uh, what?

You realize the National Socialist German workers party wasn't actually socialist right?

Boy what does that have anything to do with what /u/uptotwentycharacters said? Why would you even bring up actual Nazis, and then point out that they weren't actual socialists? What possible benefit to your argument could you have had when you were trying to show that some internet commies are racist?

/u/uptotwentycharacters is completely right, modern commies are exceedingly anti-racist. Go ahead and find a local communist group and see what they say about racism. Usually they say that racism is a tool of the bourgeois to oppress the proletariat. It don't matter where they come from, all modern commies are very anti-racist.

Here's the thing, if you're so right and /u/uptotwentycharacters is so wrong, it should be a trivial matter for you to flood him with evidence that supports your point. After all, why wouldn't you release information that would help your case? Oh that's right, it's because you're talking out of your ass and now you're flailing. Either put up and support your case with evidence, or shut up.

They both have deformed micro penises

Nazis want to kill people, white nationalists want to deport them (or want to move to Hungary to get away from them.)

move to Hungary



Plz no bully magyers

It is kind of a thing, though I don't suppose they'll get too many people moving there for the same reason that you don't see activists that bemoan the West as racist and Islamophobic actually going to black majority or Muslim majority countries; even ideologues mostly don't want to give up their quality of life.


I don't really hate jews so I guess I can't be a white nationalist, even though I pretty much dislike every other non-white?

both are economically not well off,


One takes more meth than the other.

You're allowed to say terrible shit and people are allowed to say "wow that shit you just said was terrible." People disagreeing with your viewpoint is not the same as stifling it.

i'm glad i'm not autsitic enough to say this in a thread about berkely shutting down free speech

Why? It's not like they were talking about the original post anymore. The conversation was tangential, and I think it panned out a lot more civilly than what happened in the video.

/u/Phazon2000 needs be a good Nazi can kill himself

Am I too late for the b8?

hey /u/phazon2000 follow your leader like a good little nazi

Isn't summoning people to be annoying against Reddit rules?

It is one of /r/drama rules.

A) Nope

and B) read the sidebar

I find it interesting the threads that make fun of SRD and liberal subs always get way more upvoted than the ones that make fun of alt right and conservative subs

I also find it interesting when people upvote things that confirm their views. Very mysterious.

I do find it more enjoyable to make fun of SRD than white nationalists. I don't know why, i think it's the smugness of the SRDines.

Also you have to keep in mind that we're currently having a meltdown of antifa and supporters, so the best drama is there.

As a liberal, it's because dumb leftists make me look stupid by association. Dumb rightists? I'm 36, I've known they're dumb for literally two decades. Not that fun, but that new, and certainly not threatening.

Also you have to keep in mind that we're currently having a meltdown of antifa and supporters, so the best drama is there.

I got voted down hard for pointing out that you aren't exactly a victim if you purposefully go out to fight, and go to a fight. Apparently she's completely a victim, doesn't matter she was dressed as black bloc and throwing fireworks at old ladies, she's an innocent flower.

user reports:
1: super duper self aware

This is frankly a really awful week for /r/drama, it has way more bigots and Nazis than normal.

I usually go by how many people are frantically pinging me to call me names in the hope I will pay attention to them, it's at an all time high atm.

This is frankly a really awful week for /r/drama, it has way more bigots and Nazis than normal.

you should leave and stay in SRD


Why don't we vote on it?


Oh Fuck off

i'm not going to pay attention to you sorry

Everyone's a Nazi if there as far left as you are Kropotkin

obviously not, very few people are nazis, but there are some here for sure

I mean a bunch of people told ya why they prefer leftist SRD drama over your standard "far right people being retarded" episode and inherantily racist stuff that isn't layered with sarcasm gets downvoted, so I'm pretty sure it's just being triggered

He's still mad that people misgendered Brianna Wu.

I mean that's a dick thing to do.

It's pretty minor actually in terms of shit said on here.

"Haha this tranny said something bad so I revoke HIS ability to self-determine because HE now is MALE" is not really minor.

but we can start killing any second

Uh. Am I being trolled here?

wow, you're surely right, at no point do transphobes advocate for murder, and "trans panic defence" that implies that it's completely justifiable to just murder a trans person on the spot because your feelings got very hurt is not a real thing they invoke

Listen m8 I'm not running around calling anyone whatever gender they don't want to be called but equating misgendering with murder makes you look pretty stupid. Besides, isn't trans panic defense referring to people in dating situations?

Nvm it's actually murder when you call Brianna Wu a dude.

equating misgendering with murder makes you look pretty stupid

sorry i got owned. memed hard upon, as it were. I thought that the objective fact that there's an incredibly strong link between "I misgender this person" and "this person deserves killing" means anything, but you really memed dankly epically.

I thought that the objective fact that there's an incredibly strong link between "I misgender this person" and "this person deserves killing"

objective fact

Oh damn Mr. Scientist here with the 100% objectives facts. It really does not get more objective than "incredibly strong link" according to the opinions of an Internet crusader.

100% of people that think misgendering is literally calling for murder are massive idiots

Very nice of them, but I've never said that and pointed out that I've never said. This is very dishonest of you. Apologize.

You can keep thinking that this opinion

there's an incredibly strong link between "I misgender this person" and "this person deserves killing

is cold hard fact, but the truth is misgendering does not constitute a death threat. It takes a deranged person to think that being misgendered online is threatening to ones safety.

Brianna Wu is American, so it makes sense to use stats that are American. No weird leap of logic there.

What's wrong with being a nazi? Mayo > nutella

Not even as a meme you fucking heathen

If you ain't white you ain't right.

White is made up of all the colors in equal measure. Therefore, the only way to ensure global whiteness is for all the white people to strictly avoid reproducing with other white people.

Big if tru

probably because SRD covers the making fun of alt right/conservative subs, and most of us are already subscribed to SRD

If you want mocking of alt right/conservative subs, /r/subredditdrama is thata way. We only do that shit on our free time.

Also /u/Prince_Kropotkin, I'm pretty sure you blocked me, furthermore proving leftists are pussies. I despise Nazis, but at least they have the balls to not run away from an anonymous fucking internet user.

Stop ignoring meeeeeeeeeeee, I want to yell at you on the interneeeeeeeet.

I'm bored now

And, surprisingly, you've decided to whine about that too.

You're pretty used to hearing moans, seeing as your mother complains daily that you still live in her basement and you listen to your wife being fucked by me every night.

Lol. Why would you add a wife to that jumbled, shit level insult? You are not even good at this most pathetic of pastimes.

Why would you add a wife

Even you can't fathom a female being attracted to you.ho

My favorite part is thinking of you violently stabbing at the downvote button the second you finish reading my posts.

I don't do anything violently, I only do it in the most unrelentingly constantly neutral moods.

I just unrelentingly constantly downvoted you in a neutral manner.

Now all I can picture is a Tibetan monk with Down syndrome

You should really stop looking in the mirror.

Come on brah.







Is this meant to be some hypnotic mind control shit to make me a faggot like you? Because I refuse to watch MMA!

Well shit, when you put it like that it looks like I'm saying that I want to cum in your bussy.

Well shit, when you put it like that it looks like I'm saying that I want to cum in your bussy.

The most honest thing you've said all evening.

That's not true. I was also completely honest about picturing you as a monk with Down syndrome. A big fat one.

How big is your mirror?

Wait. Do big fat people buy extra big mirrors? You've given me a lot to think about tonight.

Do big fat people buy extra big mirrors?

You tell me

These vague yet profound remarks are really solidifying the Downie Monk image for me.

Dude, if this is your weird fetish, that's cool, but can you stop forcing it down people's throats? It makes people really uncomfortable

Which people? Don't tell me how to think, man.


        E V E R Y O N E  
      / V           / V  
    /   E         /   E  
  /     R       /     R  
E V E R Y O N E       Y  
V       O     V       O  
E       N     E       N  
R       E V E R Y O N E  
Y     /       Y     /    
O   /         O   /      
N /           N /        
E V E R Y O N E          

pretty cool bot i just found.

lol the hypocrisy of you getting mad about people wanting to fight on the internet.

nigga, your comment history is a fucking shitshow. Stick to commenting about MMA.

I like to think of it as man on man competitive cuddling.

Enjoy your autistic rage research. I bet I've got some comments you'll really hate if you dig deep enough.

But without bussy, what is the point of cuddling?

I really don't care about you enough to spare more than one click into your comment history. I'd probably discover your latent homosexual repressions and your longing to be dominated by Anthony Johnson and then I'd have to kill myself.

Maybe I'm just a romantic.

In any case, you shouldn't let the rumblings (get it?) within my sexuality affect your life like that.

This joke was awful.

You probably didn't get it.

No, it was just awful man.

No no. Anthony Johnsons nickname is "Rumble," do you understand?

I knew where you were getting at, it was just fucking awful.

No, it's because then I said the "rumblings" in my sexuality. That was the joke, not just that he has a funny nickname. It was that I made a wordplay on his name.

I'm sorry, I forget that not everyone on here has English as their first language.

It was that I made a wordplay on his name.

And the wordplay was fucking awful. I mean, I've spent less time explaining shit to literal autists, how many more times do I have to tell you before you get it?

Uh, I'm pretty sure I've been explaining it to you my man.

The amount of times you failed to grasp your joke was shit makes me doubt you can explain what colour grass is, let alone anything else.


It's ok, I figured English wasn't your first language.

It's ok, I figured English wasn't your first language.

No, actually, English came from my homeland, you yank, so how about you learn what language the Indians at your closest reservation speak. It's ok, I figured America wasn't your native land.

Lol, I don't think English came from India dude, you guys learned it from the Welsh, or whatever they called England back then.

This comment solidified it, I've been fooled into interacting with yet another actual autist. It's truly fascinating on how their random jerking spasm legible words out on the computer screen.

Hey! You edited your comment to make it look like you didn't say you are from India! That's a pretty lame way to try to make me look foolish.

I edited my comment because it was too long.

My original comment was also about how Americans should speak an Indian language as in Native Indians, you fucking retard. Since when do Indians from India live in reservations, you spastic? You're doing all the work making yourself foolish here.

Actually most Native Indians speak English as well as Hindi.

Also I get reservations at Indian places all the time, you just can't get them for the buffet. (Get it?)

oh fuck i'm being trolled

Eh, more just fucking around.

I liked it, for the record

Making fun of SRD is more fun

where do you think you are right now

Do you also find it interesting when you scratch your ass, and then smell your fingers? Do you suppose there's a correlation there?

he says as srdrones upvote this post to hundred upvotes

kek laddie. not to mention the "trump said retarded shit on twitter" posts getting hundreds of upvotes in the past.

slob behaviour

Best insult ever. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

There was barely any drama there. I am disappointing.

this post doesn't fit my agenda well enough, better complain about it "not being drama"

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

nice goading. But for a comment chain about Nazism that is incredibly dull and you know it.

I'm 8/8 on the butt-triggered scale

Then cause some by bullying other members in this thread. Don't come bringing problems when there are easy solutions.

Don't tell me what to you you Nazi


Nazism = White Nationalism

White Nationalism =/= Nazism

Apparently doesn't understand what an equals sign means?

Come on man, go easy on him. He's a Nazi, you can't expect him to understand such concepts.

What sort of retard can't infer.

yes yes, the finer details of white nationalism and nazism are very important to distinguish between

i mean they kind of are if youre using that as a basis to attack them

Why won't someone think of the white nationalists???

hey lets attack people based on a label we cant or wont define properly, that definitely wont lead anywhere dangerous

Who cares, it's US of A, it's not like definitions of political movements were making sense before [current year].

well yeah youre right in that aspect

i trust an antifa to judge who nazis are about as much as i trust /pol/ to tell me whos jewish

its just everyone

Think about how much of a Puss McGuss you'd have to be to form your ideology around something you didn't like seeing on the internet. Like, the worst thing that's happened to them due to their race is a Netflix show was called "Dear White People."

Imagine if white people were disproportionately killed by police. Or had banks target them with higher interest rates, if not outright reject a loan on the basis of race. Woo boy, if white people had something real to whine about America would be fucking Mad Max status right now.


pls go back to /r/circlebroke2

no u

symmetric property of equality much

I'm dying beside they're under the same umbrella. Where did I just hear that? /u/Prince_Kropotkin?

Honestly, Reddit doesn't accept any nuance, because it's full of children.

Virtually every nuance this sub treats as non-existent, you will all come to understand do in fact understand as you get older and less prickish.


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Don't Ever Play Yourself - DJ Khaled Vine +1 - He's retarded but he does have a point in that if you violently protest everything, you give really obscure groups a spotlight and they resulting recruitment they never had before. For example in Canada we now have this stupid group of Nazis called ...

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Wtf why did he reply directly to Totes? Who does that?

tfw you're white and a nationalist but not a white nationalist

Strange, I don't remember clicking on SRD. How did I get here?

Also there is nothing cool or cute about just plain not understanding things. The Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Nazi) was one single party in one nation in a very specific set of time that ended generations ago. It doesn't make sense to use that party title for every ideology or political movement under the sun before or since - no matter how much you like the idea of transferring negative associations. No more than it makes sense to call every right wing extremist Christian movement from Pentecostals to Opus Dei the Spanish Inquisition or Crusaderism.

user reports:
1: Waaahhhh daddy drama posters are making fun of my flavor of goober how dare they


Why the fuck is this board turning into a SJW hellhole? No WN is not Nazism.