Two losers argue over nothing in /r/place

91  2017-04-16 by uniqueguy263


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There's nothing better than a classic "I am superior to you IRL look at my muscles bro" fight on the internet.

Long ago most people realized it wasn't an argument that is worth having and couldn't be won most of the time, but every now and then a few exceptional individuals decide that they must beat their virtual chests and try to out badass one another while everyone looks on.

This is really next level. Fuck me that teacher is pretentious as fuck.

Haha god it's just so obvious how much you hate yourself eh. You're probably 14/15 right? Think you understand the world around you. Think your opinions are the real truth. Your future is written in everything that you write. And you probably think you're so complicated and unique. I can read you like a children's 5 page book. You're a nothing. And I wish anything I could say would change that, but frankly you're just one of the students that needs to fill the ranks at Mcdonalds. It's a hard truth but you need to swallow it quickly. You are not a creator, you are a destroyer. Someone that puts down everyone around themselves until they form a hole where there's only room for you. You lonely, sad fucking pit of pathetic. You will never be anything in this life. You will get up every day wanting to change yourself and be better today. But you'll never escape who you are. A nobody. So enjoy your life, enjoy putting people down, enjoy never amounting to anything. At least I'm doing something with my life, no matter how small you think that is. If doing this kind of shit online is what gets you to sleep at night, then go ahead. But never forget that you will live this life alone, depressed, and believing you are something more than you are. But it's just the opposite. You're a zero.

Do i smell a new pasta?

I actually found this on /r/copypasta

here's a pic of my cat and I

I have this strange intuition that I'm about thirteen times better looking than you. I love when Redditors run out of shit so they say dumb stuff like "good luck with ur ugly face" and then they get surprised because I'm significantly more attractive then they are. The best part is the feeling of not only anger but also confusion that they get. They're always like why is this super attractive dude bugging me online?


You are just not understand the social situations of calling people autist.

Yes, such an situation may cause a many deep emotional trauma

I think I got a PM from MasterLawlz saying the same once. Kek.

Goddam that thread just keeps giving and giving.

/u/SmallPl0x stop arguing about dumb shit and start posting nudes, thx


I don't care what anyone says, Brother Dean is a national treasure.


good shit

This is my favorite kind of drama. No political agenda, no social issues, just good ole fashioned dick swinging where both arguers look totally ridiculous and douchey.

Reply to this comment if you're gay for /u/SmallPl0x

/u/Smallpl0x is one of the best, dare I to say it, even the best waifu that ever existed

Des he have pics?

How about checking out the linked thread, you well-adjusted heterosexual?

Don't call me hurtful names. How rude

The one dude should have just left it after his first comment. The teacher is a laughably pretentious twat, but the other guy is a little unhinged for letting that internet argument escalate to that level.

But then we wouldn't get my favourite quip, "Are you a teacher in the states? That would explain your anger."

I think I see the disconnect here. u/EvisceratedInFiction probably is a teacher in Finland or one of the Nordic countries where they have a good education system and teachers actually are really smart, well-respected members of society. Meanwhile, u/SmallPl0x is more familiar with the American system, where teacher's unions have sheltered many teachers for so long from corrective action, that most of them are basically glorified babysitters.

It's a simple misunderstanding, and is the only possible reason for such an argument to occur. Now please shake and make up, you guys.

Meanwhile, u/SmallPl0x is more familiar with the American system, where teacher's unions have sheltered many teachers for so long from corrective action, that most of them are basically glorified babysitters.

There's a not-insignificant proportion of the United States who takes pride in being uneducated. That's unheard of elsewhere.

It's not.

I have never seen someone make fun of early reddit so impeccably

You're a master of satire, man

with the American system, where teacher's unions have sheltered many teachers for so long from corrective action, that most of them are basically glorified babysitters.

Please, /u/SmallPl0x is from glorious Russian motherland where teachers are best.


I bet your 8 year old students make jokes about you that make you cry.

It's actually my 16 year old students that make me cry.

do you call them autists after they raise a valid point?

Haha god it's just so obvious how much you hate yourself eh. You're probably 14/15 right? Think you understand the world around you. Think your opinions are the real truth. Your future is written in everything that you write. And you probably think you're so complicated and unique. I can read you like a children's 5 page book. You're a nothing. And I wish anything I could say would change that, but frankly you're just one of the students that needs to fill the ranks at Mcdonalds. It's a hard truth but you need to swallow it quickly. You are not a creator, you are a destroyer. Someone that puts down everyone around themselves until they form a hole where there's only room for you. You lonely, sad fucking pit of pathetic. You will never be anything in this life. You will get up every day wanting to change yourself and be better today. But you'll never escape who you are. A nobody. So enjoy your life, enjoy putting people down, enjoy never amounting to anything. At least I'm doing something with my life, no matter how small you think that is. If doing this kind of shit online is what gets you to sleep at night, then go ahead. But never forget that you will live this life alone, depressed, and believing you are something more than you are. But it's just the opposite. You're a zero.

so I guess that's a yes

That dude just refuses to stop digging, doesn't he?

I'm starting to think xir is a shit-tier troll that drafted some sweet pasta but I'm so fucking disillusioned I can't tell what's real on the internet anymore

It's literally copypasta from the thread . Dis gud shit.

Nothing is real, it's all just an intricate round of performance art for my entertainment.

Based on his post history there is a 100% chance we're looking at a 16 year old

Seeing as u/SmallPl0x did the right thing, apologised and said that he regrets acting like a cancerous angry turd, will you be doing the same? I mean you have also acted like a cancerous angry turd too but at least he came right in the end.

This made me cry 😂

Teenagers are brutal but younger children have a certain innocence that makes their bullying worse imho. Not that I've ever been bullied.

I do love that the grade the 'teacher' is teaching keeps getting lower as the conversation continues.

It is a class of Benjamin buttons

Im pretty butthurt over the fact that those lame comments get gold. When my comments have been seriously overlooked 😢😢. Seriously tho those dudes must have gilded themselves. Right.

your comments are shit

Hurtful, tbqh.

I did not gild myself and I strongly recommend not holding retards like myself

True. Nothing pisses me off more than when retards like me get gilded.

/u/SmallPl0x Damn man, absolutely savage.

two losers fight over nothing in /r/place

that describles literally all drama in /r/place

There aren't enough autistic sperges on the logo for it to be representative of society.

I kinda agree with the second dude, the """"teachers"""" attitude in his fist comment, is why merda d'artista is a thing.

Also imagine being so incested and triggered that you start posting pics of yourself just to prove to the internet that you are a cool guy.




Always nice when you stumble upon two retards flinging shit at each other.

You stand there watching them for a couple of minutes, and then you move on without a care in the world.

Man I am soooo surprised they are so upvoted for acting so vile. Usually those numbers would have plummeted.