Hey everybody! Remember this guy?

9  2017-04-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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Projectmayhem666 he was our resident "nazi" for a while.

He looks like he's signing for a bus to stop.

Yeah he's not a great nazi. He did marry a jew after all.

rookie mistake

do they not have stops where you live


Pinging /u/LovelyLeahMarried. I know she loves every time someone bandies this picture about

Is she the jew that married a neo nazi?

Yes. She also allegedly works for the JIDF

People using the term latinx triggers me

As a Hispanic person. Anyone who uses the term latinx is guaranteed to be loco para loco puffs.

Yeah especially when latin@ is so much better

This is how I praise kek.

Wrong hand you mong.

Niggah inform me what I'm to be looking at, who's this milqtoast crackkker and whys he saluting with the wrong fucking habd

Well my negro amigo, it is me and the correct hand. However the camera flipped, you can tell if you look closely as that green day photo faces the other way, if you google it.

Sorry about all this. Did you and Leah have a wonderful Passover?

While I sort of know what Passover is, I don't know when it is.

It just happened. Well Happy Easter. He is Risen!

He's a big guy.

For me