Joy Lane, Joy Lane, Joy Lane, Joy Lane

0  2017-04-17 by subpoutine



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Wtf it actually shows him shooting some old guy

What the fuck when are the police going to kill this piece of shit

Watching that guy get shot is heartbreaking

What the fuck when are the police going to kill this piece of shit

Luckily CPD has the Chubbisher on the case.

retards like /u/ThaAstronaut preventing the chubbisher from doing his job. It's a win-win either way, you got one idiot dead or two idiots dead smdh

/u/ThaAstronaut, why do you suck so much?

Considering my efforts were pretty successful I can't answer for that :-)

pretty successful

pretty successful at preventing the best shootout Cleveland's ever seen, ya jerk

Joy Lane is too fine for only one man.

She's certainly a whole lot of woman.

not watching this

Lol pussy. Watch some ISIS beheading videos and nut up

but it's Easter Sunday

man that wasn't dramatic, that was just unpleasant

usually i only downvote noobie and tokkull posts, but you can have one too

but you can have one too

that hurts beaux

Wew lad bring on the race war!!!

But watching that old man die ruined my day.

Fuk u op

Fuk u op

no u

Someone is having a "cry for help" contest.

I'm removing this. There's no drama. This isn't /r/watchpeopledie.

/r/Cleveland is literally spazzing out over one murder, but whatever you say.

A link to a /r/cleveland thread with drama in it is one thing. This is just a video with a dude getting murdered. That's not drama. That's /r/watchpeopledie.

This was supposed to be linked as the main URL. Guess I forgot to include it. JIDF must have gotten to it.

No real drama there. Nobody is arguing. It's just sad.

Drama: any incident, scene, gaffe, rumor, opinion, or disagreement that is blown entirely out of proportion.

One person gets killed and the entire city shuts down, tards roam the streets wearing punisher shirts while packing heat until the police have to pull them over (because a redditor turned him in!), and everyone from local news to CNN collectively shits their panties over unsubstantiated rumors that 14 people are dead--but that's not drama.

I'm sorry that a NSFL video ruined your day sugar tits, but if that's not drama to you, then eat a bag of dicks.

Nobody is blowing anything out of proportion. It's literally people in shock and/or expressing sadness.

tards roam the streets wearing punisher shirts while packing heat until the police have to pull them over

None of that is in the thread ¯\_(ツ)_/¯