Assclown accuses /r/drama of being as bad as SRS. Thinks we're all rapists who spend time brigading and molesting each other.

11  2017-04-17 by buttsecksyermum


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Well I've raped a few posters here so he's not all wrong

Inbox raping isn't actual rape my briend

Don't minimize my experiences

you didnt rape me

Your time will come

oh boy

TFW Senpai doesn't even take the time to rape you....

Wait we arent supoosed to molest eachother?

It usually doesn't stop us, regardless.

I thought that was the basic purpose of this sub?

I didn't say it wasn't.

How dare he compare drama (peace be upon us) to SRS.

True. One is full of delusional harpies, screeching autistically into the ether, one is full of retards screeching autistically into the void. We're just aware of our role as provocateurs.

We aren't ?

I do