74  2017-04-17 by [deleted]



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/u/waterwanter what made you such an angry little manlet? Do you need a Pepsi?

He's angry about that dreadlocked whore got btfo yesterday at Berkeley, he's adamant that it was a sucker punch

She got punched in the forehead in the middle of a riot/physical removal. How can you excuse that by saying she had her guard down?

She didn't appear to have her guard down (she actually appeared to be trying to block his punch), but it does look like she may have initially been trying to help someone else up, rather than get involved in the fight directly.

She was there as part of antifa a known violent group. Plus the middle of a streetfight is not really the place one expects to get a lot courteous questions as to intentions.

/u/waterwanter why do you post in /r/Iamverybadass and then go to /r/fullcommunism to pretend that you're a badass yourself?

That's pretty hypocritical fam

The /r/drama poster is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, child-size, child molester, fruit flake, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a /r/drama poster and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

This sounds vaguely familiar is this a copy pasta from somewhere

Something about jews?

I think it's from some HP Lovecraft jew rant

Unironically fucking disgusting

Huh. Why did I think that was Lovecraft?

Because it definitely sounds like one of Lovecrafts crazy ramblings.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh (((Cthulhu))) R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

The man sure hated him some jews, I tell you hwat.

u/waterwanter Why are you so angry did you not have enough good boy points to get the six piece tendie meal and had to settle for the 3 piece.

You may not be given another chance

Smash that bussy like it's the last chance you'll get OP.

Tear that ass up OP.

wow this thread needs a trigger warning

This brought up memories from when I was molested. He had a house out in the country. He picked me up in his pick up truck and pressured me to let him do me in the butt. I pretended like I didn't want it, but really I wanted him to invert my bussy. It was the best sex I've ever had.

Some stupid 14yo faggot reported him and he got put in prison. By the time he gets out, I'm going to be way too adult for his liking. KILL ME

If cringepics wasn't driven by an agenda it would be full of posts like this, instead of awkward icky men trying to talk to women.

He went from suggesting you fucking him in your mother's vehicle to you sucking him off.

Send him to me.

My dick, his mouth. They need to fucking meet and greet.

Now this is shitposting

it reads like an aggressive love letter