
0  2017-04-17 by [deleted]



peace out dude

Literally who?

He's the guy who can't not mention he's married to an Iranian

I'm glad I'm not the only person who noticed that. Really creepy tbh

using your wifes race as a weapon in online arguments on /r/Drama multiple times means that you really should step back from using the internet so much.

They don't talk about their wives because they nearly always turn out to be jews.

Oh gross that guy

A man?

Good luck with everything mate

After much consideration and consultation with the wife

Iran wins again!

They're just killing us on these deals.

Might as well post bussy on the way out, don't you think?

It would probably be for the best, for your mental health to step away from the internet for a while.

Good luck and best of wishes.

Who gives a shit.

Dude you have things backward under sharia law your wife is the property not the other way around.

rule does not apply to dhimmis.

When the bull comes over, /u/donaldblythe pays the Jizz-ia tax.

bombard the headquarters 1488

Good there's too many smug lefties here already. If you want to start sperging out and demanding our deaths then you can stay

you watch survivor and dragon ball z unironically. If that's what liberals have to offer may god help us all

Sad! You should beg your wife's bull to reconsider his decision.

Even in a goodbye note you have to mention the wife

u wild tho

I'm an active user here and a moderate liberal. You never had any control and I'm better than you.

I am an actual liberal and i've never seen you post here. So I guess it's been pretty insignificant.

See you on some other account, stranger!