Child abuse on YouTube? DaddyoFive Drama within

90  2017-04-19 by a_jill_sandwich

So there's a JUSTAPRANKBRO channel on YouTube with a difference - it's a family who prank each other. Or maybe there are heaps of channels like that. I don't fuckin' know.

Anyway, recently this channel had a video up where they put invisible ink on the carpet and then freaked out at one of their kids, blaming him for it. Kid then freaks out that he didn't do it. Then YouTube sees it, and they freak out. The channel took it down, but it's been reuploaded here.

Phil DeFranco has gotten hold of the story and doesn't think it's cool. DaddyoFive is currently freaking out and now claiming that their kids beating the shit out of each other is just acting. There is also a hilarious "fuck the haters" video from a few days ago on their channel.

Turns out that the family are blended, and someone got hold of the real mother of the kid who was pranked for an interview. She sounds like a real winner too.

tl;dr Give it 5 years, this kid will probably shoot up a school.


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


  1. This Post -,*,,*

  2. here -,*,*

  3. doesn't think it's cool -,*,*

  4. now claiming that their kids beatin... -,*,*

  5. someone got hold of the real mother -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

tl;dr Give it 5 years, this kid will probably shoot up a school.

Or his parents.

He is white after all

He would only shoot his mother if he were black

Ever wonder why black children never accidentally shoot the father?

You can't shoot what isn't there.

only because his father isn't there to stop him

That's the joke

you're a joke

Dude niggers lmao

Or his parents


Over a couple of years or so, I noticed a very aggressive phenomena of a person recording something they do or interact with others where their overall thinking is just because THEY are the ones recording it, they are always in the right and any neutral 3rd party will automatically sympathize with them.

/r/PublicFreakout and /r/RoadCam are full of those

It’s not just “it’s a prank, bro”, it’s “I’m right, bro.. I’m the one recording”.

There should be a special addition to the criminal code for these morons - just like we have “hate crimes” - add another category of “self-inflicted autistic crime” and triple the sentencing by default.

By the way, lock these psychos before it’s too late.

Serious posting in /r/drama


Where does he think he is, SRD?

Not nearly enough leftist self-flagellation for that nowadays.

SRD was good before it was swarmed by SRSers, just like tia was good before it was swarmed by goobergators.

and this place was good before you started posting here

That's a lie, /r/drama was never good.

Also, rude.

We all need to kill ourselves to return this sub to glory.

I thought that was the whole point of the mayothing.

I think life in general. But especially the mayocide. But especially Bart. But especially Lisa!

/r/PublicFreakout and /r/RoadCam are full of those

The hugh mongous lady was pretty much this.

Or the lyft freakout girl

ur gonna be on gawkERR

Or the sovereign citizen lady getting pulled over and then cuffed. Or the open carry fuckheads who went to a police station.

How they didn't get shot pulling that shit, I'll never know.

>be mayo

>be female

ugh, gross, no thanks

He was white.

Over a couple of years or so, I noticed a very aggressive phenomena of a person recording something they do or interact with others where their overall thinking is just because THEY are the ones recording it, they are always in the right and any neutral 3rd party will automatically sympathize with them.

Sovereign citizens/Freemen on the Land are the best for this shit. It's the best.

I feel for the kids; I watched a quick demonetized piece on them, its two white-trash parents acting like total fuckwits. The youngest kid keeps giving out these coded responses his dumbfuck parents are too thick to pick up on that basically scream "no this isn't okay."

In one of the videos he says "please leave me alone, I need to be myself to calm myself down", showing considerably more emotional maturity than either of his parents

Poor kid is gonna end up on /r/anarcho_capitalism some day.

I wouldn't blame him, his parents deserve to get McNuked

>Not ending up on every news channel as school shooter

You could be both.

He's definitely going to attach himself to one edgy radical ideology or another.

I was about to freak out and start breaking things

I wonder where he learned to do that

Youtube drama is soo fucking boring..

"This autism bores me more than the garden variety mayocide autism."

It's so fucking sad tbhq, poor kids.

Fuck those faggot parents

Those parents are horrible even by mayo standards. Time to put on my reddit robe of self-righteousness and start calling CPS on some strangers! I'm doing a good deed! Praise me!

Ur a good person 😝

Thanks pls donate 2 my patreone.

Ill gladly donate to you so you can donate to others.

Ah, here we see the elusive troglodyte in the wild, the kind who thinks strangers worrying about the well-being of children are the bad people in this situation.

Please, keep yourself safe.

lol, I don't have any problem with strangers being concerned about the well being of others. But 10,000 people on reddit being concerned is usually the source of some pathetic bullshit. It's about as helpful as having 20 people standing over an injured person going OMGGG SO SAD and taking selfies.


kid, you're salty.

I'm sorry, you seem to have mistaken me for le concerned redditor.

please continue posting about how not mad you are

lol ok

This sub likes to act like it's above the drama, but that video of that shitty family abusing their kids, especially the one kid, that really got to y'all. Yeah, it's terrible. But you've got to be kind of retarded to jump on a reddit bandwagon.

There are thousands of kids living with shitty parents that abuse them and they all need help. It's not the job of redditors to decide who does or doesn't need help the most, there are already trained professionals making those decisions.

So what's the end game? That kid gets taken into foster care due to public pressure? And then everyone on reddit high fives each other and forgets about him, because they never gave a shit about him to begin with.

All this is about is people making themselves feel good en masse. I'm sure there are a bunch of people setting up fake gofundme pages for Cody as we speak, because they know how retarded reddit is and how desperate people are to help when they've had their heartstrings pulled. But helping out regular kids with uninspiring sob stories? Nah, that's no fun.

And god forbid someone point this out, and disrupt the delusion. Even /r/drama can't rise above this circlejerk. Ya fucking loonies. Go give ten bucks to charity or something if you're so upset.

lol i don't care about children being beaten and psychologically abused, thanks for taking my incredibly low-effort bait though, you hopeless autist

How about the fact that this family is literally monetizing the systematic abuse of their children and have hundreds of thousands of subscribers? I mean this is actually one of the rare instances where internet people getting up in arms about something can actually make a difference.

I'm working on the assumption that they are still going to be shit parents even after their channel gets shut down. So really all we're talking about here is how much money advertisers give them. Maybe you could make the argument that they're encouraging other parents to be shitty to their children, but that's a tenuous connection.

I'll bet you some of the people up in arms about this are also shitty parents that abuse their children without even realizing it. It'd be nice to think that they might see this and figure out that perhaps they could be nicer to their own kids. But I think that's unlikely.

If some people who share my views on the situation are retards then the entire thing isn't worth it. Gotcha fam. You're a retard.

This sub likes to act like it's above the drama

citation pls

Tbh it's just the fact that all the evidence is already there on YouTube so it's fucking easy to call out

M8, I'm starting to suspect that never had sex before.

Gas yourself

i love this comment. thank you.

If you're worrying about the welfare of cumskin tadpoles you need to mayocide yourself ASAP

Trying too hard kid.

Someone is going through all their videos and showing the worst of their family

Jesus Christ.

How about "These parents should be waterboarded for what they put their 8 year old through."?

That's a "prank" I would fucking love to see. Some dudes grab this guy throw him in the back of a van, waterboard him, then as they drive away leaving him crying on the side of the road yell "it's just a prank brah" as they drive away.

I would pay money to make that happen.

Maybe not in your pansy ass, liberal world. But this is how real parenting is done.

Eh, to be fair to these idiots wasn't there a late night show that basically capitalized on pranking your kids with shitty christmas gifts or no gifts or something along those lines?

Most people who enjoy late night talk shows are drooling dummies so is this really surprising they would search for the same level of success with their own kids?

Yeah but buying your kid a shitty present as a joke and having your kids hurt each other are very different things.

I can't wait for the day a kid sues their parents for emotional damage and uses all the YouTube, instagram, Facebook bullshit that their parents uploaded over their childhood. Gonna set a great precedent.

They abused their child, recorded it, uploaded it to youtube, profited from it, and then tried to destroy the evidence when they realized they were in trouble.

They're going to spend the rest of their lives being raped by lawyers.

In b4 it's all fake just like every other prank channel on YouTube because kids are good fakers when it comes to getting what get want by crying and s were the ones getting pranked.

Tfw the parents claim it's fake and everyone wants it to be fake, but we're finally getting real videos.

Even if they were scripted, there's no getting around the kids getting physically hurt; if all else is fake, at the very least the physical abuse is undeniable.

Update Not really because the video was up before I posted this, but the family have fucked off to DisneyWorld without the ginger kid because he smeared shit around "several times".

Bonus points for how fucking gleeful the stepmother is that he's not going.

They changed the story since smearing shit is a sign of child abuse

Yeah, I heard about that. The thing is, in that video he also tells another kid he's lucky he's even going after all the stuff he's done. So how come that kid still gets to go, but Ginger Kid doesn't?

In the Keemstar interview they also played it down as the toilet overflowing and not poo-art.

See - little bugger is being disgusting. That seems a suitable response to being disgusting and causing all that clean up work.

He should know better at his age, there's something mentally wrong with him - he's 9!


9! = 362880


I needed that after reading about all that child abuse, thanks.

I think not going to Disney world is an appropriate punishment for causing a huge disgusting mess like that, but at the same time...I don't trust those parents and the whole smearing shit thing being a sign of child abuse is suspicious even without all the other videos.

The issue isn't with the punishment, it's that kids smearing/throwing feces is a sign of severe trauma and the mother says he's done it "several times" cementing the fact that this isn't one act of disgusting behavior but a red flag meaning this child is developing forms of PTSD and other mental trauma.

I'm pretty sure it's something to do with feces being the last thing a kid has control over in an abusive environment.

TW: effortpost

Just picture yourself in that situation really. His step-mom & dad are constantly fucking with him when he asks not to be "pranked". Like every single day. Then when he gets upset, they play mental games with him to convince him that it's normal family behaviour and he's the one with "anger issues".

He's been given an ipad only to have it smashed on camera two seconds later as a prank. He gets his toys taken away as "pranks". He's not old enough yet to buy his own things, so he depends on his parents for that. But anything that they give him, he can't be certain they're not going to smash or take away later on film to see his reaction. He doesn't own anything concrete. He has nothing tangible that is truly his. No control over his physical environment.

Then he gets blamed constantly for shit he didn't do (like the ink prank) so it seems like no matter what he does, the world is out to get him and he has no control over it.

All the while, his parents keep telling him that it's all his fault that they pick on him more than his siblings because he's the one that "can't take a prank". In the video where they tell him he's being put up for adoption, after they reveal that it's a prank and he's obviously upset by it he asks to be left alone to calm down. They just keep following him with the camera, telling him "you know daddy's gotta vlog his life, bud".
So he also doesn't have control over whether he gets privacy or not, even when he asks for it politely.

He's never sure if what his family is saying to him is real or not because of how often they "prank" him. He's never sure if the few things that he owns will still be there tomorrow. He has no control over anything in his life.
He can't lash out physically because he's too small. He can't lash out verbally because he hasn't developed the language skills yet, and his parents just gaslight him anyway. All he can do to show that something's not right is hurt himself or smear shit on walls.

hurt himself

Which he did, and got scolded for. It was a relatively recent video that's obviously gone now, but his dad was yelling at him for scratching at his arm in school. Kid can't win.

He can't lash out physically because he's too small. He can't express his frustrations verbally because he hasn't developed the language skills yet to take on a full-grown adult that's gaslighting him. All he can do to show that something's not right is either hurt himself or smear shit on walls.

Man, that's just fucking sad. I would hate to have a father and stepmother like his.

there's something mentally wrong with him

Common side effect of abuse

I have begun to make compilation videos, separated by month that include any relevant clips from any of their videos.

I started doing this the night I saw the post on r/videos to raise awareness. However, thankfully it has been made very very public, so maybe these really aren't needed. I've gone through the June 2016 and July 2016 videos so far.

The videos are aimed towards being something that is easier to digest. I mean that in the sense of seeing what they did to their kids without having to watch hours and hours of pointless video. I don't mean that as in removing the most difficult parts to watch. The point is to include the parts that would be difficult to watch, but not include things like their "Let's Play"s. It created quite a bit of anger and anxiety watching these videos.

I also included the video title associated with each interval of the video's description.

I'll begin August 2016 tomorrow, unless you guys can convince me that it really is unnecessary, which I am completely open to hearing.

Also feel free to post these. To r/videos too, seeing as this account definitely cannot post on r/videos.

Keep up the good work.

I love it when these white trash bozos have bigger, nicer houses than me. What do they do for a living?

What do they do for a living?

Abuse children

It's a lot cheaper to live in the middle of nowhere than it is to live in the city. Like.. a LOT cheaper.

Traumatise their children for YouTube money.

That kid is completely fucked no matter the outcome of this situation

All their videos are gone bar one.

TFW more than your normal sociopath subscribers see your child abuse videos and they arnt broken sadists

Feels bad man

Man, /r/drama is really slackin. I had to hear about this first from the normies at outoftheloop. Pick up the pace!

Normies disgust me