A Brave Womyn Of Colour approaches /r/Anarchism and reminds the 'White Boys' of their privilege--naturally, they resist the imposition unto their daily acts of chauvinism

99  2017-04-20 by MasunobusGhost


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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They are upvoting it... :(

I knew thay were dumb, but not THAT dumb...

I have a feeling she is for real, tbh fam

Nah, definitely a troll and trying too hard. The thread about the misogyny of the assumption that buff white bros would beat black women in a fight sealed the deal for me.

Maybe she is for real and trolling

If someone calls you out on it you can always say lel I'm behind 4 layers of irony champ xD

Muscles are an illusion of the Patrickarchy.

Antifa is scum

There's nothing to discuss. You may as well say 'the sky is blue, discuss'.

The sky is blue


Blue, the color for men, or should I say boys. White boys. Even this is problematic as it enforces gender roles. Why can the sky not be deep mahogany brown, with a little purple streak? Trans atmospheres have rights

"blue" is just a social construct anyway.

"Colors" don't exist, we only acknowledge them because our eyes register them as such. They are a subjective mental phenomena that depend on our visual systems and how the light falls. “Green” is light with a wavelength between 520 and 570 nm but only because we perceive it as green makes the colour exist. Also the sky seems blue but that's because of how the light is scattered, "blue" is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. It's all a sham. This is why I never stop for a red light, it's not real, and neither are the "FF0000" and "#0000FF" police lights outside of my house.

Also it's non-colorblind normative

This is literally sunset-erasure.
kys blue sky truthist scum.

fuck off with your color revisionism

This is racist... Delete this

What about when there are clouds

Then you are in Great Britain and should commit British seppuku

No it's gray.

"And communism is a stateless society, the USSR, PRC etc were marxist-leninists states, they did not claim to have communism. " /u/IShillForSocialism is another moron who spouts the that's not real communism line. I know man we should read the books. I'm not sure how you get communism without enforcement which has to come from somewhere which we will call the state. People aren't just going to give up property, land, wealth without coercion thus force is needed.

that's not real communism line.

No, it's not that it isn't real communism, but it just isn't communism. They didn't even claim to have communism, the only people that did so was the western media.

I'm not sure how you get communism without enforcement which has to come from somewhere which we will call the state. People aren't just going to give up property, land, wealth without coercion thus force is needed.

I completely agree, all revolutions are inherently authoritarian. That small minority which holds private property will indeed have to be forced to give it up.

You and your idiot friends won't take a fucking thing from anyone. The world will collectively or literally (god willing) smash your idiot teeth out of your mouth with the heavy boots of order.

Also there are too many white boys in antifa and that is problematic

while you were slaying pussy in high school he was studying the book. Now he has a book to throw at you and you are defenceless with your hands stuck in vagina.

Not all vaginas are innies, broscialist swine.

After the 1936 constitution Stalin claimed they had achieved socialism.

Socialism as Lenin said, is the path to communism, they were definitely on that path.

Please come try to take my property, this will be fun.

You probably don't own private property.

The small minority of the 60+% who are homeowners? or the 50+% who own stocks? Those are quite the minorities you have there.


this is why we dont let british people talk about race

/u/IShillForSocialism stop with the biotroofs, the idea that men are stronger than women is made up by the patriarchy

/u/Tiocfaidh_Cheese you're using the racist term "c*****ed showing you have internalised racism


Wew using alt-right terminology

Off to the gulag cuckrade

>using 'cuckrade' and thinking it's clever

epic meme friend

how will I ever recover

You might recover but those vertically challenged people you call manlets will live in oppression forever

Yeah, it was great.

Bet you gagged on his sausage

How does it feel to be part of a movement that is so easy to manipulate? One small "idiot" will stop you in your tracks for hours to discuss logocentrism and structures. At the same time you're propagating for a Nazi bloodbath. Something's gotta give!

You seem a bit fed up with the PC-culture too buddy.

These people make up a tiny minority of the leftist movement

Keep telling yourself that goy

Seize the means of recovery from the bourgeoisie.

EDIT: HEY! You're the guy that I BTFO about the common meaning of socialism and communism within your own group! Here's the link to that chain

How did you BTFO me?...

I measure my self worth with upvotes. Also see edit #2

Is English your first language? You have absolutely horrific reading comprehension. How was my comment in your edit #2 contradictory?

I'll take the bait, just for the entertainment it will bring others.

This is you now.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism#Etymology_and_terminology Really not hard at all to google mate And communism is a stateless society, the USSR, PRC etc were marxist-leninists states, they did not claim to have communism. I understand it's shocking that what you've been taught is wrong, but maybe you're the stupid one, not us who are trying to explain these basic concepts to you.

I said Socialism is Communism-lite + State. This is you before

No?? Communism has government.

ME : > You say communism has a state, they say it doesn't. How are you both right?

You: > We're not both right.

So do you think communism has a state?

The state is different from a government.

Honestly, you seem to not understand things, and then assume it's because everyone else is stupid/contradicting themselves. Maybe consider you're the stupid one?

This is my understanding of a state :

A state is a type of polity that is an organized political community living under a single system of government.

This is my understanding of a government :

Government is the particular group of people (bureaucracy) who control the state at a given time.

So according you, communism has a group of people who control the state, but has no state.

those are literally just the first results on google

So the definitions are wrong because...? And your contradiction isn't a contradiction because...? And what am I wrong about?

Educate me senpai.

I really need you to explain how what I wrote is contradictory?

I wrote them before but once again, I can't resist

  • Bro...How are you gonna give me shit for saying Communism is stateless, then type this up

  • This is my understanding of a state : This is my understanding of a government : Government is the particular group of people (bureaucracy) who >control the state at a given time. So according you, communism has a group of people who control the state, but has no state.

You're embarrassing yourself

Cool. I can't play anymore though. Gotta go back to work. Thanks for the fun

Do you really think you're the one 'in control' of this discussion? You're not owning me or trolling me, you're just coming across

wow u r v v powerful

can't be hard, you're already at the bottom

You need to gas yourself comrade, that's an alt right term now.

I love when intersectionalism bites them in the ass.

Is it weird that I'm actually pleasantly surprised at /u/ishillforsocialism actually sticking up for the lower working-class people in the face of a rich leftist

Been doing it for decades mate

Nope it's good to see a leftist be reasonable (except for the part where he threatened violence). He's right to be angry though.

What the hell is "c*****ed"


Read her comment. I don't want to type it without asterisks because it's a slur

I don't want to type it without asterisks because it's a slur




"Too many white people fighting for meeeeeeee, fuck them".

American kids are too pampered to carry out a revolution.

/r/anarchism where the mods are power hungry assholes and anything but the opinions of white privileged men is banned on sight.

Kinda makes sense that your ideology can't even survive in the open Internet for fifteen seconds though.

They capitalize White, pretty onvious troll.

You clearly aren't a German Person then, Friend.

bullish Somali

no such thing

It's obviously a troll, but some people are taking xe seriously. Regardless, anarchist infighting is always fun.

It's obviously a troll

Hah, not on /r/@

Dont ya mean /r/Ⓐ or am I not up to date on memes?

/r/@ is the lazy version of /r/Ⓐ

Not having an anarchy key on your keyboard

> Not being able to format comedy chevrons on plebbit

❆ calling an angle or arrowhead right bracket 'comedy chevrons'

❆ ignorant of what a comedy bracket looks like (double is funnier: »)

❆ not using a unicode 'Heavy Chevron Snowflake' for all of your comedy needs

You're literally a child and it's not amusing. This board is for GROWNUPS

I'm not a troll...just a barrister specialising in Poe's Law

👉not using emoji instead in 2⃣0⃣1⃣7⃣

I'm not even going to try on this one, just want to remind you I'm going to fill your throat full of poop.


Itstill works on anarkids

Obviously, but still not anything r/anarchism could disagree with. The political message isn't dialed up at all, a little cornier rhetoric is the only thing that gives it away. Trolling on this level gets weird. Who is the intended audience? We end up with a pretty standard post and discussion.

Fun exchange with /u/marisam7 trying to prove why this discourse and these ideas were silly compared to his that is... basically the same. He even falls for the ol' racism by proxy when he tries to prove OP's a racist.

Only in the mind of a racist would someone instantly connect things society considers vices like porn to black culture.

It was in your mind the connection was made. What the hell does that say about your weird double-think ideology? All in all a good post :)

then the White hetero cis presence needs to eradicate and remove itself from our broad-based working class movement

Black people don't work tho

i've literally been up all night grading :(

Black people are a minority... that is by definition anti-thetical to "broad based"

They meant it as in female-based obv.

This contributes to negative stereotypes about African Americans while passing the buck on the White people who may be inflicting them. 

Learn English.

Honest question: do you guys actually meet such people in your real lives? I used to know such a person but she thankfully killed herself but apart from that one anomaly, I know how this garbage is so common

I lost a friend last year.

We met up for a drink and as she got progessively drunk she explained to me that white people shouldn't be allowed to wear dreadlocks. Then she said we were oppressors. She didn't believe the rest of the socjus stuff, just what her housemates had told her (they were black and had been constantly told by the students union that they're oppressed) so it was interesting that she criticised her university for banning sombreros. It was just black people specifically because of her friends even though in the UK racism generally affects Eastern Europeans, Arabs and Indians. Eventually when I tried to move on from the conversation she called her friend to get her to explain to me that white people can't be racist to black people, at which point I just left.

Oh yeah, she was upset with me the next day because she asked me if she was fat and I tried really hard to avoid saying yes without lying. Also because I called her friends fascists ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

White people cant be racist to black people? Did you mean the other way around?

Oh yeah, fixed it

We met up for a drink and as she got progessively drunk she explained to me that white people shouldn't be allowed to wear dreadlocks.

They shouldn't, though






no, not because of socjus jargon, but because it genuinely looks like shit

No really, it looks disgusting. I don't care about the cultural appropriation.

Progressively drunk.


Yep. He/she was a tranny and a Marxist, real trailblazor, before SJWs were even really known about.

Ended up killing itself, too. Funny how problems have a way of working themselves out.

Yeah mine had depression or some shit. I have zero sympathy for stupid excuses like that. "Depression" yeah sure, whatever you say lol

Same here, someone i know died of ""cancer"" like finally but still i know they were just lazy and blamed it on "cancer

Too lazy to live. Impressive.

Cancer is a real disease though. Depression is just lazy millennials not wanting to work or wanting free pills

I'm not saying that the old days of locking away the mentally ill in asylums were necessary the best approach, but in hindsight it does seem to have had more positive results than letting them go out and vote.

Exactly. Not a fan of lobotomies though, that shit is gnarly

Yeah, a guy from my high school turned into one. He's also a gay muslim, so it's funny to see the mental acrobatics that he has to employ.

Gays muslims are an interesting case to me. I feel it's the deviants in these religions that are needed to push Islam as an ideology is a less extreme direction. It's shame he went full retard, but in general I feel that letting the less conventional Muslims flourish is a good way to show the more Snackbar kinds that they can be happy without jihad

do you guys actually meet such people in your real lives?

almost never. I have a family member who is touching this level of insanity, but nowhere close to it for real

I live in new Orleans so maybe it's different in different places, but for the most part I really don't know anyone with beliefs like this, and have never come across anyone with them either. and I'm a pretty social dude

My sister is like this, she's bipolar though so she at least has that excuse.

/u/Tiocfaidh_Cheese - lady, you're fucking stupid.

It's a troll account

She uses 'White Boy' 'White Girl' and even 'White Supremacist' as proper nouns what the fuck.

Culture is only inappropriable by certain people in systems where a group can be denied culture. You know, the defining characteristic of slavery.

There's a post in there with nine bullet points, nine of them! That's pretty good going. When I was a teacher & lecturer I would have scored that at 10% per bulletpoint = 90% for the whole assignment / comment. I've probably marked a few reddit comments plagiarised and handed in as essays, come to think of it.

Coincidentally, I saw an antifa confronted with a black man today.

/u/Tiocfaidh_Cheese you out progressived them good. Keep those white middle class kids in their place.

/u/nopuncity Yawl need to listen to PoC and shut up becky.

What the fuck is that "War Damn Equality" sign trying to convey?

No clue, just some pregressive word salad.

what is the black guy in that video saying? I'm guessing he's not trying to defend Richard Spencer but I can't figure out what point he's trying to get across.

Maybe he's just trying to take the piss out of the squawky anarchist kid?

I looked it up since I didn't have a clue either. Something about thinking the kid is full of shit? We need a translator.

Why are you assuming my race? If I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you looked at the one picture on my account (creepy) I have to ask you why you think white is the default race and don't consider that someone who looks white could be mixed race?

Not to repeat the drama or anything but sometimes there's something to what she's saying, a sliver of truth if you will, very hard to come by.

But, I think I know who's she's referring to.

Just the other day there was a video on my FB feed of a white dude with his goldilocks boy offspring, about 5 or 6 years old, on his shoulders dancing and singing to Migos Song Bad and Boujee.

So, here's what will happen - this little snowflake will get back to his suburban, well organized and scheduled life with caring mom and dad and will probably read Greek Myths books or something and only on occasion get exposed to lifestyle of hoes, thievery, crack and other drugs, guns and violence through visits to rap shows.

B the time he develops self-awareness, someone will tell him it's his fault. He will braid hair in cornrows and think it's his job to turn back the clock of cultural history.

Then he will go out on the street and will get beaten by white trash.

So, yeah, she might have a point there... albeit, difficult to connect.

Poe's law: the post

Mmmm, damn son. This is exactly the zesty start of the day I needed.

/u/IShillForSocialism you ugly chav pleb, I'm gonna take ya mums benefits away innit.

my nama jeff

lol poor

Not gonna lie I did get completely trolled in this discussion.

So what are you gonna do, beat the shit out of every white person that shows up at an antifa rally?

lol from the people who beat up every Trump supporter they see

I wish cancer on all parties involved.

waves wand Cancerous, Recto-Collus!

/u/IShillForSocialism Fuckin' Charlie big potater's over here.

ID politics and the progressive stack are the thing now, class is out. That's why you can look forward to however many more years of Tory government.

You shouldn't worry about "fascists" as much as the posh SJWs making the left look too retarded to touch.

yes if we're talking about physical fighting I could probably beat most women of colour in a fight

/u/IShillForSocialism, why so keen to beat on WoC? Thinking of switching teams?

Also /u/Tiocfaidh_Cheese, nice try but tone it down. Im able to use my alts on r/@ to stir up shit without being so hamfisted. It takes a bit more practice but keep at it, i believe in you !

le epic trolling xD

Its ok, the helicopter will end your suffering soon

I'm terrified

I'm terrified

this is a great thread about privilege - https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/66ktwp/do_mtts_enjoy_their_new_role_in_activist_spaces/ - radical feminists angry because transsexuals are stealing their privilege.

this is a great thread about privilege - https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/66ktwp/do_mtts_enjoy_their_new_role_in_activist_spaces/ - radical feminists angry because transsexuals are stealing their privilege.