Slightly different approach to recent Youtube Drama

5  2017-04-20 by Villentrenmerth

tl;dr Drama in 5 acts:

  • Act 1. Youtube lost advertisers and money.

  • Act 2. Youtube is pulling "Trump card - why don't you think about the children?" and pointing at Daddyofive channel

  • Act 3. Shitstorm on all social media (twitter/facebook/imgur/reddit) begins.

  • Act 4. Do5 are being thrown left and right for few interviews, clickbait webpages catch the bait. Unique visitors are rolling in. Do5 are finally shut down.

  • Act 5. Youtube's campaign is great success, DeFranco is being crowned as hero who saved Cody and other children from abuse. And as a result DeFranco swims in glory and Britney Spear's Vagina (this is a mean reference to one of the oldest videos: [Britney Spears' Vagina Never Stops! by Philip DeFranco, Uploaded on 3 Dec 2007]

slightly longer version

To give you some context to this whole submission I will tell you first who I am.

I am NOBODY, a single pre-30 casual who is working an entry office job and spends his evenings playing video games. In the RPG alignment my character would be described as "Lawful Neutral". I am procrastinator with the most quirky music taste because I can listen to anything that is not a noise (from Rock'n'Roll to Techno), and I get most of my playlists from Youtube portal. And because of that I have YT tab constantly open. I use YT, Imgur and reddit to chill after job that is mentally exhausting, as computer admin I need to dissect problems and assemble the code. As the result of my ineptitude most likely I'm dissecting the code and assembling the problems. But hey, I'm slowly learning!

So, because my brain doesn't always swap to chill mode very fast, and in the past I've been in the vicious circle of abuse, I approached to the Do5 Drama problem with "backwards" attitude: what if it is all smoke and mirrors? At first I was obviously outraged, and the content that even "pretends" or engages children under 18 should be banned from TV or any internet media. Buy hey, I'm not in the money or power to tell Youtube what to do.

Now that I know that my words are worth shit, I'm hoping you will aproach the following with light heart. Enjoy the Drama!

YT is losing advertisers [Is it Over? Youtube is LOSING ADVERTISERS. by boogie2988].

Direct link:

Transcript (Part):

Published on 31 Mar 2017


And of course you see AT&T, and Verizon, and all these other companies start to pull out because they don't want their Wall Street Journal running article saying 'Why does coca-cola continue to fund terrorists?'. And that leaves Youtube having a huge alergic reaction which I think is expected when you loose one billion dollars overnight, but at the begining of the week they announced that they would be really ramping up the advertiser-friendly thing and we've definitely have seen that happening this week. We've seen big channels like h3h3 have dozens and dozens of videos flagged as non-advertiser-friendly. Now, as a part of that Youtube did say that they would try to give us an appeal system, unfortunately that appeal system simply isn't working on those videos. I have a few videos that have been flagged as non-advertiser-friendly, I also can't appeal them, neither can h3h3 or anybody else like that. They say it's a bug, and I hope it's a bug... could be a "feature" though.

Now I know some of you are gonna say "boogie, I do not care about people who create non-advertiser-friendly content. They made their own bed, they have to lie on it." While I disagree entirely, let's dismiss those people just for the sake of argument. This still impacts creators who create advertiser-friendly content. Artisans, animators and musicians who rely on Youtube as a way to provide for themselves or their family, they are taking huge cuts in income. Keemstar is currently reporting that several youtubers have come to him and are saying "we are earning half of what we were earning last week, we are only earning fourty percent of what we were earning last week". And he's reported his channel itself is currently earning about twenty percent of what it was earning last week. Twenty percent! That means a lot of people are getting fired at some of those bigger companies, but even worse, a lot of smaller youtubers who've just now begun to realize their dreams: your dreams is dead.

They find most disturbing channel that they know about, and that they "mistakenly" kept open for the past 10 months. They contact "content promoters" like boogie2988 and DeFranco and let them "antagonize" their audience towards Do5.

They are asking DeFranco [WOW... We Need To Talk About This... by DeFranco]

Published on 17 Apr 2017

Philip DeFranco: Welcome back to the Philip DeFranco show, and a quick note for today's show. On today's video I've removed all advertising, I have rescheduled the sponsor that was originally scheduled today and that's because I don't want to talk about a story today and have it in any way seem like I'm exploiting the situation. And I know a lot of your, especially in these more trying times for youtubers, are going to say "no, keep the ads up". But because the situation deals with children and I know that one of the arguments is going to be "you're trying to exploit my children", [is he a prophet or what?] I need to pull the advertising for this video, because this story is far more important.

The title actually implies "WE need to talk" when it might actually mean (just like the whole premise of DeFranco's channel) "no, YOU need to talk about this, and we will listen to what you say". The viewers will think "oh, such a good guy Phil", but was the message directed to the viewers, or advertisers? I think both, two birds with one stone. They also contact boogie2988 [Rambling: CHILD ABUSE on youtube? by boogie2988] to cover the topic of Do5. Boogie2988 calls DeFranco a "Hero" [quote] 'for having the balls to make that video and for intervening and drawing attention to it, and leaving it "open-ended", he didn't make any accusations, he just left it open ended', which is lightly said "hypocritical", because boogie2988 became popular by depicting a fake character. I assume both DeFranco and boogie2988 knew that Do5's content is disturbing but fake. Realizing the outrage that might be coming boogie2988 releases "safety video" [IS FRANCIS REAL? The truth about francis RAGES and boogie2988!]:

Published on 19 Apr 2017

twitter question: Is Francis a way for you to truthfully speak your mind by just making everyone think it's skit?

boogie2988: There has been times where I will use Francis in that way, saying something that I may not necessarily feel confident saying as myself but it's always overblown, it's always way bigger than I would have ever said it or even how I actually feel. I always try to ramp it up 10 times, 50 times, a hundred times how I actually feel about it. Myself I'm not a very outraged person, it's difficult for me to get upset about stuff that I read on the internet. I'm just happy to be alive, I'm a happy person for the most part so it's difficult for me to really get as invested as Francis does.

twitter question: Have you ever accidentally hurt your wife while filming?

boogie2988: <shouts at wife> Hey Annie, come here for a sec!

wife: yeah, couple times, yeah

boogie2988: like the Francis stuff?

wife: yeah

boogie2988: have I ever hurt you 'emotionally' while filming?

wife: no, that's not...

boogie2988: Okay. <laughs> What do you think about the Francis' videos? This is the chance to reach out for help <points at the camera> if you need it. <wife laughs> Let the audience know, that you have this shit

wife: <shrugs> I love Francis' videos.

boogie2988: Well, okay yes, I guess. I guess we have probably bruised her once or twice, ooops.

twitter question: Where you surprised that people didn't at first seem to understand that the Francis character wasn't real?

boogie2988: Well, to this day I still don't think that I'm a very good actor so when I watch the videos it seems obviously fake to me, the fact that 'anybody' believes that it's real seems surreal to me, especially up till today and especially becausem I'm trying to put in a lot of markers in there like: Francis always the same shirt, or the situation being particularly outlandish, I even made changes to the voice, you know it used to be a lot more lower voice and a lot more lispy, I've made changes to the lisp and I've made changes to the voice so it was a little more cartoony and clearly not realistic, but people still fall for it, almost every single time.

Do5 is shut down and reimbursed by YT, or simply shutdown because YT doesn't care. Looks like they are left alone: THIS COULD BE FAKE! [twitter message] [imgur mirror]. DeFranco shows Youtube in good light because "such content shouldn't be allowed". Advertisers hopefully come back.

Flaw in this plan is: Advertisers don't care, they do not come back, YT is "purging" themselves as the last futile attempt to rescue the sinking ship. DeFranco who became popular and gained money by "reviewing" youtube videos in the past 10 years and boogie2988 who became popular by doing exactly the same style as Do5 was performing (exaggerated rage videos) could be as well labelled as agents contracted by Youtube. Quoting RIP Robin Williams: "they are like leprechauns judging the beauty contest". Interestingly, DeFranco "demonetized" first video of the Do5 drama, second one [YouTube Abuse Scandal Apology And Why It Fails To Fix Anything] is sponsored without any issue.

If you are a witness of child abuse, do not ask your neighbour to bring a pitchfork (and IRL you wouldn't do that probably). People raging about child abuse in this case are like firefighters with can of gasoline. Record material (video gives the court easy case, because it has all the details such as "time of the recording", or the "device used") contact authorities pass them the evidence and let them take care of the issue instead. If you want the case to be solved quicker, be prepared to testify as a witness (anonymous or in-person).

My breaking point was when I saw DeFranco saying:

Philip DeFranco: I want to say before we move forward these are allegations. It is very important whether you have closed the door on Mike, or you've closed the door on me...

No, I can close the door on both of you. And you do not help abused children by making videos about it. You report it to the authorities. You are not a White Knight. You are Drama Queen.

You do not know what is behind the scenes of Do5. Cody and the bunch could have been abused in the past and through the youtube channel they might be just venting. Also, posting or or anything else is most likely pointless. The fact that Daddyofive (which I call "Family Jackass") decided to monetize those disgusting videos is no better than [Psycho Dad Drowns Xbox by McJuggerNuggets] which accumulated 21mln views or "HowToBasic" with... 8,909,318 Subscribers and 1,394,446,482 Video Views <facepalm>. Since I started creating this post I've found a video where they even "hired" Steve-O to comment on this topic! WHAT? [Daddy of Five ft. Steve-O by h3h3Productions, Published on 19 Apr 2017]

It's the audience that's the problem (yes, including myself and you who read this), not the YT channels themselves. In fact, such channel as Do5 shouldn't be allowed in the first place. I'm really hoping that after all this storm goes away, community and media will rethink the content that is being served. This might be the most extremist view I have, but I think "entertainment" should be restricted to portray adults only, just like alcohol or driving. Or it will simply turn into full retard "gameplay drama alert prank fake commentary teenagers react to elders eating pudding videos".

Probably the latter.

Well, my extremist point might have a basis, one of the biggest kid's franchises "Harry Potter" probably was never intended by JKR to be made into a movie (under-aged kids kissing, really?). Watching the whole movie series is a cringe. Ofc it sprung those child actors' careers in the future, but it is still cringe.

In any case, it feels like I'm a part of a huge social experiment, in which biggest video sharing website is trying to measure how deep can they go to attract more audience and advertisers, to recover from the damage they received month ago. Whatever decision or policy changes they will make you can contribute right now, and block Family Jackass, Phil RePoster, Drama Alert or any other Youtube channel that lives off people spewing vomit on each other. What is still a big mystery to me is the contribution from boogie2988, who mentioned in his LOSING ADVERTISERS video, that he will do fine even after the YT money cut. Why he calls DeFranco a hero? I can feel the resentment in his voice as he does it. Oh, this might be why: they have been collaborating for a while [Youtubers- Love 'em, Hate 'em, or No Comment w/ Boogie2988 by DeFranco] "boogie2988 reacts". Well, seeing how "minor" channels try to chime in and reap the rewards of Do5 drama, I'm even more inclined that their ship already sunk.


[DaddyOFive - CHILD ABUSE? | Kati Morton Therapist & PTSD],


"For full coverage, please check out the videos listed below.

  • Phil Defranco's videos covering the story: link x3
  • DaddyOFive - Response video
  • DramaAlert interview with DaddyOFive
  • Boogie2988 (Francis talking about child abuse)

Published on 20 Apr 2017

Kati Morton: ...and the overall thing tha this whole experience has made me feel is grateful. Grateful for our online community and people like Phil DeFranco and boogie who have used the platform to highlight situations like this and to talk about it openly because as you know one in four struggle with mental health issues globally and the more we talk about it, the more we speak up, the more we can affect change and that's a really powerful and wonderful thing.

If you want to stay up to date on this story because there seems to be each and every day new developments all in the description Phil's channel because continues to talk about it, he himself has been abused as a child, so this is an issue that is really close to his heart [this is where the toxic part begins] so I will link to that so you can follow along, and as always leave in the comments your thoughts and your experiences with this, because as a community it's important that we [her voice cracks] talk about this, and as always the message that I have for today is, if you see something, say something. I will see you guys next time.

A "professional" therapist recommending "community response"? Witchhunting, lynching instead of reporting to the authorities? I really give up on this case. Is it really the darkest place under the candlestick?

Oh, and because this is reddit, please visit /r/aww/ /r/UpliftingNews/ or /r/wholesomememes/ and enjoy the rest of your day instead.

Or if you are interested in some science, go to watch and hopefully develop your own opinion on this Do5 Drama:

[How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer by TED, Uploaded on 13 Oct 2011]

absolute tl;dr

  • Do5 kids were abused in past
  • Guy takes their "experience" and makes a profitable channel out of it
  • YT lost profits due to "non-advertiser friendly content"
  • YT decides to crucify Do5 while engaging the community in a "friendly witchhunt"
  • Do5 is shutdown, everybody is happy and suddenly feeling an expert about how to handle child abuse and spot fake prank videos

Also, whenever you doubt anything you watch, try to slow the video down. It really helps.


What the fuck is this post?
Dude, are you high? Did you forget to mention you're a meth-head when you wrote that little bio? Because I see no other way how someone would be able to type and paste all that inane shit.

Well, I drink less than 5 beers a year nor take any drugs, but sometimes I'm very bored. I was planning to get really drunk AFTER reddit rips my post apart, not BEFORE :D

You made the mistake of thinking that we actually care about the details of the drama, like the losers over at SRD, instead of just using the topic to grandstand and pick on the idiots that particularly stand out.

In the time it took you to write all that, you could have read a good short story, call a relative that you don't talk to often enough or at least do the dishes or some vacuuming.
Seriously, get a life.

Oh. Noted. Thank you for the advice, I did all of that what you said, I got back from work 5 hours ago, and during that time writing this "rant" took no more than 2,5 hours. Including transcribing the youtube quotes. All I forgot about was eating, but I have low calorie intake anyway. And minus calling the relative, because I don't talk with any of them.

And you're not on Adderall or anything?

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post -,*,,*

  2. [Britney Spears' Vagina Never Stops... -,*,*

  3. [Is it Over? Youtube is LOSING ADVE... -,*,*

  4. -,*,*

  5. [WOW... We Need To Talk About This.... -,*,*

  6. [Rambling: CHILD ABUSE on youtube? ... -,*,*

  7. [IS FRANCIS REAL? The truth about f... -,*,*

  8. -,*,*

  9. [twitter message] -,*,*

  10. [imgur mirror] -,*,*

  11. [YouTube Abuse Scandal Apology And ... -,*,*

  12. -,*,*

  13. [Psycho Dad Drowns Xbox by McJugger... -,*,*

  14. "HowToBasic" -,*,*

  15. [Daddy of Five ft. Steve-O by h3h3P... -,*,*

  16. [Youtubers- Love 'em, Hate 'em, or ... -,*,*

  17. [DaddyOFive - CHILD ABUSE? | Kati M... -,*,*

  18. -,*,*

  19. /r/aww/ -,*,*

  20. /r/UpliftingNews/ -,*,*

  21. /r/wholesomememes/ -,*,*

  22. [How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer ... -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Oh the irony

Man that's a lot of text

nigga wtf

I've read the WholeLottaToughLove's comment, I already realized my mistake.


#420BlazeIt - /u/Villentrenmerth

omg this is amazing+++. i felt like some of it was so surreal and outrageous that i also felt like i was part of a social experiment or something. and also i noticed how phil made 3 videos and tried to make them all seem serious but then monetized the last 2. anyways though this was what i wrote on another site earlier today:

" i don't see how calling them trash repeatedly and even child abusers helps the situation anymore.

people are way overreacting which can also cause harm. just google "overreaction to child abuse is harmful" and you can find a bunch of info from experts and psychologists. i mean i already knew this but in case anyone had doubts.

i mean i've heard of him before and didn't like him. i think he was def. trying to create drama and family fights to get fame/fortune kinda like a super cheap reality show. by fights i mean yelling and lite roughhousing. but people took their hatred and dislike way too far.

and also like for example everyone talking about the bottle/slap game like it's the most horrific thing ever. i still agree that it's trashy to put that on youtube but as a child i played egyptian ratscrew and had pillowfights and wrestled in my family a couple of times myself. that's not abuse. he did slap too hard but was punished for that also in the video.

also a good portion, probably like 1/3 of people who are so "horrified" and "concerned" are making jokes like "this is how school shooters are made" so how is that okay? if this was such a big deal those comments wouldn't be so popular. i think this entire outrage is 1/3 people trolling which is just frustrating to say the least.

oh and lastly i also cringe when so many people talk about how they are garbage/worthless/etc. most any expert will also say this is not good language because at the end of the day those are the kids' parents and that will also make kids just more confused and hurt.

"Myth: Only bad people abuse their children.

Fact: While it's easy to say that only "bad people" abuse their children, it's not always so black and white. Not all abusers are intentionally harming their children. Many have been victims of abuse themselves, and don’t know any other way to parent. Others may be struggling with mental health issues or a substance abuse problem.

Myth: Child abuse doesn't happen in “good” families.

Fact: Child abuse doesn't only happen in poor families or bad neighborhoods. It crosses all racial, economic, and cultural lines. Sometimes, families who seem to have it all from the outside are hiding a different story behind closed doors."

anyways i'm not sure what else to say but i had to get some things off my chest. thanks for listening. "

so yeah you just pointed out so many more things i was trying to say

i understand you and totally see what you're saying!

Holy shit that's like 10 paragraphs and not a single meme or slur

Pretty big dif between a bit of rowdy play and your dad screaming at you and smashing your xbox with a hammer for his own amusement, imo



Should've made this wall of text ten feet higher.

yes and

You should be ashamed for caring this much about youtube.

Well, I do not care about YT, I never uploaded anything and I'm using adblocking and since forever.

What I do care about is the backstory of how kids landed in Do5's household. in this interview with Cody's biological mother Published on 18 Apr 2017 you can hear why kids are no longer there. Main part starts around 21:00 when mother finally "cracks open" and at some point the grandmother walks in asking for TV remote...

What I'm most terrified with is that YT doesn't care, audience cares too much, and as a result some real shit will happen.


Pardon my cluelessness, is this a description of the post, or a request for even shorter 'tldr'?

Don't breathe on me.


  • Do5 kids were abused in past
  • Guy takes their "experience" and makes a profitable channel out of it
  • YT lost profits due to "non-advertiser friendly content"
  • YT decides to crucify Do5 while engaging the community in a "friendly witchhunt"
  • Do5 is shutdown, everybody is happy and suddenly feeling an expert about how to handle child abuse and spot fake prank videos
  • some normie decides to create overly complicated submission on /r/Drama and doesn't realize where he landed