Brawl In /r/Anarchism As Users Start Accusing Eachother Of Being Alt-Right Sleeper Agents

128  2017-04-22 by fucked_my_shit_up


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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Nazis are everywhere. Also, everyone who's not an anarchist is a Nazi.

Anyone who isn't an anarcho-communist, those ancaps are also Nazis

It's okay though, we had our authoritarian overlords ban everyone who was a Nazi.



neutral politics? Sounds like FASCISM TO ME

They didn't call them Holocaust CENTERS for nothing

this but unironically

You know what? I think you are being ironic

fuck my covers been blown


user reports:
1: dead meme. ban this dude as punishment


Isn't anarchism/communism a dead meme anyway?

The key question for both is who should hold the memes of production?

Me. I'm the perfect person for this.

Now gimme.

Also, any anarchists who are usually anarchists but who presently disagree with me are also Nazis.

I see you read the guidebook.

Help, people on our sub are saying stupid things and making us look bad!


From my limited perusal of the_donald, they are a closed group of circle-jerking closet racists anyway, I never take them seriously and neither should you.

Listen to this man, fellow anarchists (/u/BashTheAltRight , /u/marisam7) , there is nothing going on. Also we haven't formed databases with social media information from Antifa in the USA and Europe. Scout's honor.

As if they would understand something like honor.

Well it is a concept developed from hierarchial aristocracies

These guys are always hamming up every little thing like it's all part of some grand conspiracy. How does somebody "infiltrate" a public forum? We must stop alt-righters from infiltrating our grocery stores! We must stop alt-righters from infiltrating our movie theaters! We must stop alt-righters from infiltrating our roads!

I mod an anti-SJW sub and have been called an "SJW infiltrator" like 20+ times.

I mod an anti-SJW sub

Get help

Help for what?

help for being such a fucking retard

But without him who will defend our video games from (((cultural marxism)))

good question

Have you been to KIA lately? It's a full T_D takeover right now. Conspiracy theories involving "the fake news MSM", the left being the truly violent ones, and plenty of whataboutisms to go around. It's great though because KIA is not a safespace and it's easy to rile up Trumpers.

I-It's about ethnics in vidya journalism

Wahhhhhh all I hear is crying.

You can hear it all the way from KIA, yeah

Wahhhhhhh, why aren't you guys driving the snakes out of Ireland?!?

Wahhhhhhh, KIA went to shit a long time ago.

Wahhhhhhh, knee-jerking by everyone.

I will pay you $10 to drag my nuts through your asscrack


Still not an answer.

You take Reddit and the internet far too seriously. Nerd.

How do I take the internet too seriously?

you know pretty much all the sjw subs think that this is one too right

like they dont differentiate

Some levels of 'tism can't be helped, certainly not by us

Only because some godawful limp-dicked retards post on this sub like it'd be sympathetic to their retarded Fox News-style bullshit :^)

As opposed to your retarded CNN style bullshit?

I've literally never watched CNN, you numpty.

I've literally never watched CNN

You've literally never done anything of note

Modding /r/Drama is the pinnacle of human achievement.

And I've never watched infowars. Doesn't mean I'm not worried about the homosexual frogs.

I never mentioned Infowars, but if you're worried about homosexual frogs, I recommend a lobotomy.

Would that cure my autism?

Depends how much you scoop out. Coathanger up the nostril as deep as you can and wiggle it around until you smell purple.

Done. What now?

You lie!

pretty sure even if only the srd crowd posted here theyd still bitch tbh


Don't know about him, but it's hella common in places like KiA and TiA (at least it was it's been a while).

I would think that replies like this one don't help, if it is indicative of your style.

What does not liking retarded coal miners have to o with SJWs?

Uh oh lol..

/u/marisam7 your doing a great job infiltrating all these leftist hideouts. No worries they'll read this and think it's not possible because they're gullible, just keep up appearances. gg bb :)


I think yall should start conducting tests to see who's REAAALLYY Anarhist, and if they turn out to be Nazis in dsguise then you should send them to the gulag. Its the only way to protect the revolution.

"everyone is a nazi" - /u/marisam7

I think yall should start conducting tests to see who's REAAALLYY Anarchist, and if they turn out to be Nazis in disguise then you should send them to the gulag. Its the only way to protect the revolution.

This! And don't forget to laugh when bashing nazi kids against the Chankiri Tree, so that the other comrades don't think you're Nazi-symphathizing.

/u/kappa-mikey /u/deimos-acerbitas /u/Faolinbean /u/AugurOfEbrietas /u/BashTheAltRight /u/TempestofMist /u/swallowedfilth /u/berkeleygrowertosh /u/HeloRising /u/TorbjornOskarsson

How stupid do you have to be to ping that many people?

How stupid do you have to be to ask this idiotic question?

Slightly less so.


I hope for your sake you look like Ryan Gosling.

come on, don't be shy. out with it.

Only three people can be pinged in a post, trumpet, otherwise it just doesn't work at all, for any of them.

thanks for the tip

I think yall should start conducting tests to see who's REAAALLYY Anarchist, and if they turn out to be Nazis in disguise then you should send them to the gulag. Its the only way to protect the revolution.

This! And don't forget to laugh when bashing nazi kids against the Chankiri Tree, so that the other comrades don't think you're Nazi-symphathizing.

/u/TempestofMist /u/swallowedfilth /u/berkeleygrowertosh

I think yall should start conducting tests to see who's REAAALLYY Anarchist, and if they turn out to be Nazis in disguise then you should send them to the gulag. Its the only way to protect the revolution.

This! And don't forget to laugh when bashing nazi kids against the Chankiri Tree, so that the other comrades don't think you're Nazi-symphathizing.

/u/Faolinbean /u/AugurOfEbrietas /u/BashTheAltRight

I think yall should start conducting tests to see who's REAAALLYY Anarchist, and if they turn out to be Nazis in disguise then you should send them to the gulag. Its the only way to protect the revolution.

This! And don't forget to laugh when bashing nazi kids against the Chankiri Tree, so that the other comrades don't think you're Nazi-symphathizing.

/u/Faolinbean /u/AugurOfEbrietas /u/BashTheAltRight

"everyone is a nazi" - /u/marisam7

I think yall should start conducting tests to see who's REAAALLYY Anarchist, and if they turn out to be Nazis in disguise then you should send them to the gulag. Its the only way to protect the revolution.

This! And don't forget to laugh when bashing nazi kids against the Chankiri Tree, so that the other comrades don't think you're Nazi-symphathizing.

/u/kappa-mikey /u/deimos-acerbitas

What have I done

shoulda kept ya mouth shut, buddy.

i would have never known :)

This is a bitter pill but I'm a better man now

Why was I called here

Am also wondering this

just for laughs

That's ignorance, not stupidity

You can't ping more than 3, goy


RnBS comics being posted here are just gonna make them call him a Nazi more but they're so funny.

They are also hilariously true as well.

That one is fucking hilarious

They're eating each other lol

Leftist infighting is a time honored tradition. Of course they are!

the far left devolving into infighting and backstabbing? has this ever happened before?

Read Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell. The anarchists and communists actually controlled part of Spain in the 1930s.

They almost literally formed a circular leftist firing squad. It was just like the People's Front of Judea sketch by Monty Python.

water is wet lol

post these long buzzword filled rants that are the type of things you see on /r/tumblrinaction and basically just a parody of an angry SJW.


Then these posts will get no upvotes

LOL sure. Anarchism would never upvote anything hateful or violent or stupid just because it was on their side! So, hypothetically, if I were to go to T_D and search "anarchism" I wouldn't find something like this right?

I'm a moderator for /r/enoughtrumpspam

Here we have /u/marisam7 admitting to being a low functioning autist. Why don't you go back to huffing your own farts?

lol hey I wonder how is that resist movement going. Is Trump still president? Impeachment imminent???

Not only is he still president, he's still retarded too!

You just wait I got news from my socialdo friend who is a member of #resist #enoughtrumpspam #lovetrumpshate and xhe told me zhey are overthrowing Trump tomorrow and installing communism!

I'm gonna install communism in your butthole.

Not on my nazi frog hitler white supremacist watch

You watch for that shit?


Am I an alt right sleeper agent?

Sure, anarchism is nice, but what would be really nice is an authoritarian dictator who exiles people for thoughtcrimes.

Thoughtcrime gets a bullet. It's political.

Stealing because you're hungry or something is exile and/or labor camp.

Having food leads to some people having more food or needing more food than others, to trading food for goods and services, to reemergence of spontaneous capitalism.

As comrade Iron Joe said: no food, no problem.

fucking hell theyre easy to manipulate arent they

didnt think theyd turn on each other that quickly

I just unsubscribed to this sub...not for feeling one way or the other, but that I don't need additional shit in my life. I'm going to go look at puppies.


One conspiracy I've never really understood was that Soros funds anarchists. If he really did wouldn't you see some pretty beefy guys among the AntiFa ranks rather than crackhead skinny non-binary marshmallows?

Hey you should go to eastern europe all the hooligans and antifa are fucking huge, I dont get why the skinny activists in western europe/states, want to write cringey material on FB or Tumblr about "bashing the fash" to actually "bash" someone, you need a few things... guts... a decent amount of strength to swing a punch or a plank of wood, and the attitude... "I am going to prison but what Im doing is worth it..."

I was banned from /r/anarchism yesterday, im a long time activist, leftwing anarchist scumbag in the real world, and been on reddit for 3 years and the Cheka NKVD COMINTERN who control /r/anarchism and /r/metanarchsim basically dont like people like me, who want to protest about stuff but dont want to play the stupid game of agreeing to everything else every anarchist says.

I posted something about 4chan and antifa, and they assumed I must be "one of them", then one of the mods saw my post history and they saw I post to /r/trashy, /r/drama etc and (heavenforbid!) I use the cunt word... im english, we use it all time. relax.

I care about 1 thing, working class politics, i fucking hate rich people, I dont care about what you do with your penis, where you stick it, or what hormones you take, how bipolar you are, how vegan you are, a few years back I was at the anarchist book fair, its a big event and usually a laugh, and I was talking at a discussion about a community project i was part of, and I used (heaven forbid) a slang word "rude boy" while talking about the social make-up of the people who take part in our community project... "yeah, we get a lot of rude boys coming down to our center..." and the room went really cold, it was full of Trustafarians and priviledged white SJWs and they instantly assume "uncouth" working class language must be racist, rude boy, for me, can be any kid who is poor and wears Adidas, hahaha, like myself, afterwards instead of getting loads of people asking to volunteer, I had 5 or 6 pricks verbally harass me for using "hate speech", the problem with these middleclass bellends who take over organisations they police speech and want their own "new speak", they like to talk down to the people below them, it makes them feel better, so they assume they are anarchists, when really they are just missionaries like those who went to Africa in the 18th century and piss everyone off.

rude boys

I've never heard this word used as anything other than as a racist insult, so if people got pissed at you for using it, I'm not too terribly surprised.

It's the equivalent for using "thugs" instead of just straight up calling a black person something worse.

strange cause where I live everyone uses that word, most of the people I hang around refer to themselves as rudeboys as well as a lot of of other words, but for us/them rudeboy aint an insult, chav or nigger, yeah definately but rudeboy is different.

also if you met me, you would tell by my accent straight up I aint no fucking middleclass kid who is well spoken, thats how I speak i assume its cause you hang out with racist people or maybe its cause you are from a different country I got no fucking idea.

Speech doesn't have much to do with your class. Look at Donald Trump...

well if some posh kids think they can come in the estates and do community work they more than welcome, but they shouldnt expect everyone to be as sensitivie as them.

>they still havent found my alts

All smiles