After publishing anti-Semetic artwork, Marvel now wants retail workers to dress as Nazis as a promotion. Camp labour not amused.

42  2017-04-22 by shitpost953


Cool story, bro


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Secret Empire which saw it revealed that the Axis had actually won WWII (meaning the Nazis)

Thanks, Comicbooknews. I don't think we could have figured that one out on our own.

maybe japan won? that would explain all the tentacles in Marvle comics.

Also thanks to Marvel time, wouldn't the Nazis have only been in power for like 20 years?

Uncle Ben served in WW2. So maybe the guy that killed him was one of those secret nazis

Uncle Ben was killed by a Japanese guy for stealing his rice recipes.

Well, you say that.

It should also be noted that Marvel Comics is not giving away the Hydra t-shirts for free, but that apparently retailers need to order a certain amount of the books to be eligible, and then on top of that the retailers has to pay for the Hydra t-shirt.

Ah ha ha ha what.

You can't get nazicon clothes for free

How tiring does it get being offended by quite literally everything?

HEY FUCK YOU m8! I had nothing to do with this! I just report the news! REE

I wasn't talking about you m8 lol


Being offended on the behalf of others actually taps into the feel good parts of your brain.

There is a release of endorphins experienced when you think that PoC's are possibly looking up to you as you struggle for the their rights on twitter.

That's what cocaine is for.

lol nerds

This story arc and its writer has produced a symphony of REEEEE. This is what I've collected so far:

Trumptards getting "triggered":

"Marvel Anti-Trump/Hillary Supporter Nick Spencer now thinks writing completely logical/legitimate statements being said by a villain such as Red Skull are somehow magically invalidated. Yes, they actually think making the villains the ones making sense will make their SocJus valid."

"The whole theme is the same, which is that out there in the middle of the country between Malibu and Georgetown everyone is an ignorant, snake-handling bigot and they need to be held in place or else they'll turn this country into Nazi Germany."

"Nick Spencer Demonizes Conservatives (AGAIN)"

SJWs getting "triggered":

"Marvel seems to want to make industrial-military authoritarianism cool and relevant again. To the extent that all of their vendors should cosplay terrorists."

"In a rather preachy tone, the comic presents a judgmental divide between two versions of anti-racist activism: wholesome heroes like Sam Wilson, and laughable weirdos who use words like “patriarchy” and try to blow people up. It echoes the common misconception that social justice terminology belongs to a realm of Tumblr teens who get “outraged” as a kind of hobby, while reasonable adults provide practical solutions in the real world."

"Nick Spencer straight up created a team of SJW super-villains"

"The guy who made Capt. America a hydra agent (Nick Spencer) put this in his latest issue of Sam Wilson Cap and yeah... it's not great."

["Nick Spencer makes Magneto a Nazi"](

"Marvel Anti-Trump/Hillary Supporter Nick Spencer now thinks writing completely logical/legitimate statements being said by a villain such as Red Skull are somehow magically invalidated. Yes, they actually think making the villains the ones making sense will make their SocJus valid."

Left wingers think that simply telling men not to care about the fact that there are no jobs, and that women won't marry them because they have shit jobs and can't buy homes, will make the problem go away.

Which is exactly the reason fascists come to power. The left never really wants to solve tangible economic problems. So right wingers get to 'solve' the problem their own way.

Well, as a way to promote Secret Empire, Marvel Comics came up with the "brillaint" idea to have retailers dress as members of Hydra (who are really Nazis).

Mocks Marvel for its bad spelling. But in the very next paragraph:

As Bleeding Cool points out, a bunch of retailers aren't too thrilled with the Hydra idea (to say the least) as some of the retailers are from Jewish decent,


This is dumb, everyone involved is dumb, and we are all dumber for having read this.