A holocaust denier walks into /r/Drama. Drama ensues.

43  2017-04-23 by justcool393


For those whose this is their first time on /r/Drama, I make a half-effortpost on /r/SubredditDrama in this thread. Gotta reap that sweet karma for posting to all the drama subreddits.

Crossposting to SRD is a gateway drug for Holocaust Denial.

Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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White majority countries are the only ones forced to accept mass immigration; why am I supposed to celebrate it like it is a exclusively good thing? It has only brought more violence(especially towards women) and terror. Not to mention the burden it puts on the state economy. Who would celebrate becoming a minority in their own homelands, and which race/people/ethnicity would celebrate it happening in all the countries they are represented in?

If diversity and multiculturalism is such a good idea, why do other nations protect their bio-culture? Are you implying we are smarter than them? Why aren't there any organic multicultural societies(that aren't run by an authoritative state)? If it's such a good thing, why can't sociologists and anthropologist prove it? When they try to prove diversity is a strength they discover it is in fact a source of conflict: why is this info suppressed?

White people are the only ones facing these dilemmas. Those of us who point out the downsides are labeled racist and haters. Why should white people, as the only people, accept this faith? Why are we supposed to disappear into history without putting up a fight?

Why should not European peoples, cultures and heritages have the same right and opportunity to exist in the future as everyone elses?

Do you really think the process of making white people a minority everywhere on earth is gonna lead to a more harmonious world? Isn't this a reason for white people to become more racist and less inclusive?

Something just doesn't add up..

tl;dr: white people were a mistake

1488 bitch

Wasn't Hitler the guy who got his Aryan nation occupied for half a century by globalist cucks?

I mean, I'm not here to judge anyone's fandom but... lol. At least you're not a furry, right?

And these burn attempts don't even apply to me. None of you even knows what my position is on anything. It's just like hey here's an anti Semite or whatever, let's come up with twenty different ways to say yer stupid.

clearly 20 isnt enough

Adolf Hitler was a great man, he lead to half of Europe being occupied by superior slavic races and also for the slavs to improve the gene pool of Berlin.

I am half Slavic. Nice try though, faggot.

The autism is terminal.

He tried to eliminate the Slavs. Your blatant low IQ almost makes me wish he succeeded.

Shut up. You're too late here. I would destroy you in a debate.

A quick perusal through your comment history makes me seriously doubt that.

You just saw things that your plugged-in liberal mind didn't like to read. Your use of the phrase "blatant low IQ" reeks of a pedestrian intellect.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a liberal. Your inability to grasp nuance is a result of your low IQ.

How do we approximate intelligence? Where did you go to college? Did you go to one that precludes having a low IQ? Because I did

If you think I'm wrong just pick a comment and let me destroy you.

I went to a state school with a low acceptance rate and is considered to be a 'public ivy.' Graduated with a double major in bio and psych, minor in chemistry, and am currently in medical school. Colleges don't test for IQ, retard. Though I did test into Mensa because ego.

I have personal criteria in how I qualify a person as intelligent: processing speed, grasping complex systems and how their elements work in relation to each other (necessary for bio and med school), amount of info absorption per sitting, etc. I'm aware of general intelligence g and multiple intelligences (see psych major).

I'm also aware of race differences in intelligence. I oppose mass immigration, like you. I understand assimilation is impossible when you transplant a foreign community into your country, effectively creating an insular colony. I actually think this country would be better if it retained its white majority. I don't have an issue with a country that cuts or curtails immigration to retain its majority demographic.

I'm very well assimilated, having been born here. I tend to date attractive white women, possibly because they see something exotic or novel in a good-looking, light-skinned ethnic. If you saw me though you'd only see that I'm a non-Euro Caucasian of Turk-Indian descent, and only that in spite of my academic and physical accomplishments. This irritates me because 8-9/10 of the members in the alt movement are inferior to me in the qualities they attach the most value to. I'm clever and strong, and I don't need a bootlicking neo-nazi telling me that I'm inferior between sips of paint.

If you can provide an argument with regurgitating amren, occidental dissent, or counter-currents, come at me. I'm well versed in those arguments and can tell an intelligent alt-righter from the majority of alt-righters based on his capacity to produce original thought.

You're the one who called me dumb for nonspecific reasons. You're welcome to propose something for debate rather than make dumb quips and then give me unnecessary life details.

I didn't even remotely imply that colleges test IQ so you've now said something really dumb in every single message so far.

You wanted those details to make an assessment of me. And there's a disconnect between you and I because I don't see anything of what I've said to be factually incorrect. You're full of rage at non-whites in toto instead of just blacks, hispanics, and Islam. When I see a person who looks at the world as just white Europeans, East Asians, and shitskins, I'm looking at someone who's categorically retarded.

Some of what I say on race is purely to piss people off. I'm a realist not an ethno-nationalist. It's just that Western society has forfeited the right to civil discourse.

My policy on non-whites is to limit immigration severely on an "only their best" basis. There are a lot of west Asians and Indians who are adding value, just as long as they're Christian or atheist. America would be best off at around 80% self identifying whites. Europe 90% with negligible Muslims.

And Jesus, you're a half Slav neo-Nazi. In Poland they'd kick the ever-loving shit out of you, and they just might be doing you a favor in the brains department; you'd rebound off the rock bottom of intelligence.

Please stop insulting my intelligence. You're not fooling me with your own intellect. You're no Mensa with those rhetorical skills. I'm also not a Nazi or a no-Nazi.

You have an inaccurate idea of the types that get into Mensa.

I'm usually not abusive towards others. If you hitch your wagon to the alt-right it won't just be overzealous liberals that lash out at you. The extent of overlap between the alt-right and neo-nazis in terms of ideology and membership makes distinction pointless. There are younger conservatives and libertarians that go after explicit racism with a vengeance.

If you're unwilling to distinguish between Nazism and alt right, then you shouldn't ask that I distinguish secular Eurasian you from a common Mudslime.

Can't differentiate an agnostic from a Muslim? When the prospect of ethnic cleansing, RaHoWa, and a 'Day of the Rope' excites you, most are no longer interested in the finer minutiae that makes you different from a neo-nazi.

BTW, I merely assumed you were a liberal (which is probably mostly true if you're triggered by my comments), but either way, I haven't digested any information about your beliefs, so there was no "nuance" to "grasp." This is the second dumbshit phrase you've used in ten minutes. You're an intellectual lightweight, I know it. Walk away.

Also what is this, you abhor racism so much you use racism against racism

You're a total loser

Obviously you have a sexual attraction to being a victim of genocide why do you accept one genocide but not the other :)

Thanks, Yakub!

Have you ever wondered if that's not because of some (((perfideous))) plot but because whites are inherently inferior wimps?

Oh so now inherent traits do matter. Got it goy. You're doing well here.

Oh so now inherent traits do matter.

That is one of your main political points, isn't it?

so you agree with him?

on which part do you disagree with him?

It's just one of things used in discourse: take you opponents' beliefs, extrapolate it and ridicule it.

I'm too lazy to have real political affiliation tbqhwufaklcxinbmaoldn.

i know what you're trying.

but effectively you agree with him on his most essential claim: that there are significant inherent between different races.

you think you trapped him with "this proves whites are inferior", but does he even believe that whites are superior in that way? does his wish for racial segregation require that?

...I think you forgot where we are.

God you normie liberals are so fucking dumb and easy to argue with. You just validated race realism.

Now we just need to get people like you out of the way and we'll be cooking with gas.

for someone who claims to belong to superior race, you sure are one dumb motherfucker

how can you be that much oblivious to people making fun of you?

Nazis were the people who thought that exterminating social group with the highest IQ will somehow achieve 1000-years Reich. You can't expect much from them.

Even less from burger knock-offs.

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligenzaktion

they had a habit of murdering anyone who was smart enough to tie their own shoes really

You just validated race realism.

I just used your arguments to mock you. I'm sorry you're so stupid to fail to realise such obvious thing but I guess I can't expect more from a nazi.

I feel mocked. You totes win Paolo.

he does win actually

I already win by sheer virtue of not being nazi. The only reason I'm engaging you are imaginary internet points.

God you normie liberals are so fucking dumb

Holy shit, please tell me you are being ironic.

Actually you're the dumb one

Holy shit good comeback

Are we twelve? I'm just surprised someone of Drama is acting in good faith but is just as embarrassingly retarded as those who aren't. Jesus that's sad.

Please, please, please join the Marine Corps. I would love to see how well you dry.

I would have, but I got the call too late in life and had to go elsewhere

Oh no no, no excuses. Join up and tell your black, Jewish, Slav, and Latino squad mates and boot sergeants all about your superior genes.

I don't have such conflicts with people in the real world. That's the place where no one ever throws a cross word in my general direction.

I don't have such conflicts with people in the real world.

Oh we know.

Because I'd bury my fist in the back of your faggot skull


Donkey punching me won't make daddy love you.

Omg lol


Because I'd screech about it on Reddit in my Nazi echo chambers

Fixed that for you

heh.. nothing personel, normie liberal (((globalist)))

Nah because we can smell your cowardice from here. You don't have these conflicts in the real world because you're too much of a pussy to deal with the social blowback of saying this anywhere you aren't anonymous.


Yeah I'm not gonna "kms" you fucking faggot. You're a douche for using words like cowardice too. I live for confrontation and you're all pieces of shit next to me.

No you don't. If you lived for confrontation your be having them with jews and darkies IRL which you've just said you don't. Because you're a filthy fucking coward. We all know it. I bet everyone you meet in real life knows it. And deep down, I think you know it too. You're an utter failure of the white race. You're the bottom of the bottom of the gene pool. And you keep insisting on your "genetic fitness" because you're trying to silence the voice of truth inside your head telling you that your mere existence is a failure of evolution and the least you could do is not pass that on.

Kill yourself.

The nigger high school I went to learned me well how to deal with confrontation. Look pal you're obviously a piece of shit next to me and you couldn't even articulate what it is you think you dislike about me. I love when faggots like you come all late and try to give a speech and sound tough. Go on not existing, bitch. I'm the type of guy who the sight of me in public ruins your day

"kys" in all lowercase

Look pal you're obviously a piece of shit next to me

Methinks the loser doth protest too much.

(note because I doubt you got much book-learnin: this is from a play. it means you're calling me a piece of shit because you're a piece of shit and are trying to hide it)

and you couldn't even articulate what it is you think you dislike about me.

I very clearly articulated that you're a pasty, weak coward. It's obvious why nobody likes you.

Go on not existing, bitch.

But I clearly exist. Your /r/iamverybadass routine isn't even flirting with the idea of making sense anymore.

I'm the type of guy who the sight of me in public ruins your day

Because you're enormously fat, ugly, and smell like week-old cum socks?

You'd eaten too many twinkies by that point I take it.

Exactly. Every other race seems to be doing just fine with eleminating these commies and SJWs and liberals.

If diversity and multiculturalism is such a good idea, why do other nations protect their bio-culture?

we must secure the existence of our bio-cultures and a future for white yogurt

finally a movement i can get behind

I can get behind you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Something just doesn't add up..

The money in the leftist politicians' bank accounts adds up great.

You don't know the true meaning of "being paid handsomely" until you shill for Mr Soros.

What the fuck does this have to do with you thinking the holocaust is made up? lol

Just in case you got confused by the white nationalism argument by itself, it's important to keep in mind that everyone advocating it is a meth-addled holocaust denier who is deeper into conspiracy nuttery than even flat-earthers.

I don't like reading. Can you summarize this in a grainy YouTube video? It might be more believable then.

You should write a manifesto and then shoot yourself in the head on live television or find some other way to very publicly kill yourself. Youd get media coverage, and the suicide would ensure people would feel sympathy for you, maybe even enough to read at least 2 pages of your retarded missive. It's really the only way to advance your cause, friendo.

Why would I want to kill myself? My side is winning. Anyway you're guaranteed to be not hot at all, so you're worthless as a woman. Stop talking to me and cancel your internet.

Are you really winning though? I mean, there's thousands, maybe even millions of good solid white volk out there NOT hearing your message because a) Everyone hates nazis so anything you say is immediately disregarded [normies, right?] b) they do not trawl internet forums because they are off working, contributing to society, and having beautiful pasty babies together and c) the (((libcuck MSM))) will always spin things to obfuscate the truth.

Your movement will amount to nothing if it only reaches basement dwelling losers who frequent these forums. You need to reach the normies, in a way the (((MSM))) cannot spin against you. Suicide is really the only way, if you actually care about the shit that splatters out of mouth.

God I hate all these flourishes you put on your faggy Reddit voice here. The movement is doing very well, you simply cannot even hope to understand it because you're so indoctrinated to normie culture. There's more than enough men out there, some of them non-white.

Wow, and here I thought you actually cared about your cause. Forgive me, your incessant earnest-posting had me mistake you for someone with integrity.

Is it really winning when A muslim ban fails 2 times? Is it really winning when Richard Spencer gets punches to the face? Is it really winning when Geert Wilders lost the Dutch election? Is itreally winning when white nationalist steve bannon gets kicked out of the national security council and the presidents top aide is a jewish person? Is it really winning when the coward Adolf had to blow his brains all over the ceiling in fear of the allies?

that's not even mentioning the rise of interracial marriage. it truly is possible that in a couple hundred years the white race as we know it will cease to exist. the mayocide will not be fought with guns, but with adorable interracial babies. it almost brings a tear to me eye. my heart swells with such pride at the thought I want to go straight so I can join the movement and degenerate the gene pool. even reddit founder kn0thing is doing his part

I like to tell mayos that they're being inauthentic (the worst thing you can do, according to their value system) if they don't have surgery that makes them unable to reproduce.

The only things you )))mayos((( are capable of is stealing valor

literally kys

Ah, r/Drama... where the great and good can gather together and argue with a friendless, attention seeking twelve-year-old.

More like a place where people can all put more than three minutes of effort into their comments.

If you try to share your opinion on anything in this sub that isn't MLP lolis, or especially if you tell literal nazis not to say hilariously misinformed things here, you honestly disgust me.

if you tell literal nazis not to say hilariously misinformed things here, you honestly disgust me.

Hear, hear.

Did someone say Nazi MLP lolis?

Also I think the brownies call them fillies, not lolis.


teleports behind jew

psh.... nothing personnel.... kike

/u/aesthetic-as-fuck, i'm beginning to think you're not even that aesthetic.

Is it the zit on my chest?


lol am i pretty gaiz? Tell me I'm pretty, please

Never question Bruce Dickenson

I don't see the resemblance. Is he a nazi too?

You're on top of this thread which wasn't involving you. You dirty little bitch. What's goin on there??

I don't know if you're aware of this, but you are posting a public forum where everyone can see what you post. You, in particular, are a pretty voluptuous lolcow and it's pretty fun to see what you post, seeing as though you haven't deleted your account yet.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm a fan! Keep it up, at least unless you want to get serious about white rights and then you should probably log off and concentrate on that pre-suicide manifesto bruv

You look like you're crying.

Please tell me you didn't really post a picture of yourself here....

Wew lads, this is some spectacular shit

What a weekend

There's a big one between your shoulders, closet case.

Why do your eyes have like these weird fold like flaps of meat sloping down outwards? And were you perhaps taking a shit when this was made, or is your face normally like that?

why do you have flesh on your eyelids?

Also it's a narrow iPhone lens with the eyes at the very top of the frame. How are you people so dumb? You've never seen a distorted shot? Cell phones lengthen/narrow the face and more so the closer you get.

No, you have these weird folds drooping off over the sides of your eyes. I have never seen anyone with shit like that. It's outrageously weird. Just being honest though dawg...

Read my previous message and actually comprehend it this time. You just said the same thing twice after getting a full explanation.

I do find it slightly amusing this is your play. Blaming it on the picture. Maybe you should read it again? Or just look in the mirror. Or better yet, if you like, tomorrow I'll make a visual indication in photoshop of what is already obvious to everyone but yourself. If I can assist in helping someone establish a realistic self image I will. Good night. Flappy.

You're literally asking "why do you have this particular subtle phenotypic variation that millions of people have and is overemphasized by the lens?"


People have different amounts of flesh on the eyelids. Have you ever heard of Chinese people? You dumb mother fucker?

You are so fucking clueless and still being so arrogant. I seriously want you to die

So are you chinese? If so the lens must have obscured that part too. You also don't seem to comprehend the meaning of the words "literally" and "subtle".

I truly am shocked your "superior" genes failed to come up with a working link instead of facing the truth about yourself. But hey, with those flaps drooping over your eyes in such a weird manner I can imagine your vision to be somewhat impaired. But fuck all that, riddle me this: why would you post a picture of you in the act of shitting your pants for the whole www to see? Is that like your thing?

The time for arguments has passed.

Jesus, get a fucking life loser

You fucked up brother

Do you want to meet and fight? I really need to best your ass. This is going to consume me.

"Let it consume you"? You just literally said that! Lmao. Fuck off, loser.

/u/aesthetic-as-fuck, I can think of a handful of people on drama that have either said they work in military intelligence or just intelligence or strongly implied it.

None of them are half as stupid as you so I want to quiz you on this topic.

Don't even bother, he'll just start throwing generic insults at you until you tire him out. He's like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum in response to anyone saying anything he dislikes. He'll have his fit and eventually tire himself out without making any sort of point whatsoever.

I want to talk about three letter agencies and see if he knows anything at all about just one of them.

I dunno, it's pretty easy to Google shit like OGA and the like. Then again, this guy is barely able to write coherent thoughts and string then together to make a response to anyone commenting here so...

None of you normie kikes

Please tag me normie kike.

Wow that actually perfectly explains the current political situation in the US tbh

Down voting the lolcow in ((([current_year]))). smdhf

Hey /u/aesthetic-as-fuck, how ya doin' there buddy? Still triggered? Need a Snickers? It sure was interesting watching your swastitendies get spilt yesterday.

No one has ever made a good argument against me, so yes I am doing fine.

I don't think anyone here has actually attempted to have an actual debate with you, honestly. I managed to get you riled up a bit yesterday using pasta worthy shit posts, after all. Good to see you again though, we appreciate potential regulars here. How's that mayocide coming?

No one in the general direction of the left will ever attempt to argue. Getting someone riled up is not an accomplishment, and it's not even verifiable. I often have several threads going at once. What makes you think any of this affects me?

No one in the general direction of the left will ever attempt to argue.

No non-nazi will attempt to argue with you because since 1939 it's well known fact that nazis don't get arguments other than bullets to the head.

Good luck getting any political power in "Israel's greatest ally".

I'm not a Nazi you dumb cracker

This is my point here. No argument was made. No thought took place. From that lots of opinions formed

I'm not a Nazi you dumb cracker

Who cares, it's not about who you really are, it's about me gaining internet approval in the form of redditpoints.

Oh boy, where to start with this one...

No one in the general direction of the left will attempt to argue

Well, no one wants to argue with someone who prefers his own arrogant and ignorant views to over anything others have to say so...

Getting someone riled up is not an accomplishment and it's not even varifiable

I think you've forgotten what sub you're in, dude. With that said, it was pretty damn easy to get you going. I've seen 16 year olds with a thicker hide and more common sense than you (not to mention better critical thinking too). Also, you're commenting on a thread directly linked to the one where you're​ clearly seen shitting yourself in the comments. Speaking if which, methinks you need to change your undies. Maybe that's why you're so cranky.

What makes you think any of this affects me?

Um, well you are here having this conversation with me right now. If you didn't give a shit then you wouldn't be here shitting out clichè responses in defense of your online sperging. So...

hurrr so easy to get you going

This is the whole point. I get semi erect from saying mean things to people. The triggered alt right meme needs to be retired

you're stupid, something something critical thinking

Then how come every smart person I've ever known has said "hey you're smart"? You can't just declare someone stupid. Life doesn't work that way. There is no doubt at this point in history that I am intelligent.

Then how come every smart person I've ever known has said "hey you're smart"? You can't just declare someone stupid. Life doesn't work that way. There is no doubt at this point in history that I am intelligent.

this is definitely evidence you hang out with idiots

Once again you're continuing to prove my point. You're still responding with the same old rehashed word vomit preteen kids say when they have nothing to contribute the conversation after being called out for it. At no point in your rambling, incoherent, responses have you ever made any sort of point or said anything to be considered of value. Everyone reading your comments in this thread are now dumber because of you. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your pitiful sheisty soul.

As an Air Force vet, all I have to say is right the fuck on! This guy is almost certainly a case of stolen valor, but if not absolutely a disgrace to the uniform.

Then how come every smart person I've ever known has said "hey you're smart"?

this is what's known as "not being mean to the mentally challenged." it's not really our style around here, but it's pretty common irl

That was predictable and not funny at all.

Who says he was trying to be funny? It's just the truth. We aren't tryna rib you here. We genuinely think you're dumber than a five-year-old with downs and are assuming people in your life treat you like one.

This is the whole point. I get semi erect from saying mean things to people.

you wouldn't believe how hard you're making half of /r/drama then


What were you testing?

Jesus. From glimpsing at his profile he could be a normal-enough seeming guy. Into fitness. Likes bourbon. Attended a good University. But underneath has this raw streak of hatred and arrogance. You might have a pleasant conversation with him out in public, with no idea that later he's going to attend a lecture about race war and white superiority, likely held in a wood-panelled den at some militia compound.

I'm not a Nazi or even alt-right. I'm a non-autistic libertarian or perhaps an atheist conservative, so hold he purity tests and autistic slogans (taxation is theft). I just deeply hate Reddit people. I'm not even above average in racism. I'm likely below average. The time for arguments has passed is all. You dumb gullible cocksuckers made this political/cultural mess.

You might be able to deny the holocaust, but you'll never be able to deny the Mayocide!

The worst thing is when this sub takes drama seriously. Because it proves that most of you aren't here for drama, you're here to soapbox.