TinkerTailor343 fights the good fight against anime in SRD.

21  2017-04-23 by Standard12


Mainly down the bottom half.

Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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Catering to pedophilia shouldn't be a business model, ban anime already.


I don't see the big deal. I'd rather pedos jerk it to cartoons on the computer in their own home than jerk it to actual children in a public park.

>needing reason to purge paedophiles and/or weeaboos

what has happened to drama? fucking sjws infiltrated the sub

How about neither?

I prefer both, thank you.

Well I see another reason its not a big deal. THEY'RE FUCKING DRAWINGS. Its not real. You might as well argue drawing a stickman getting blown up is murder.

Looking at the cards, I didn't see anything sexual about them. I always get the feeling these virtue signaling autists get a bone over art and feel the need to tell the world how gross it is. Come to think of it, that fits the Republican right perfectly. HMMMM!

Oh, un-ironically linking the documentary that tried to link Girls Und Panzer to child porn.

The fight to be ridden of the scourge of anime has been long and arduous but we'll get there someday.


As long as depravity exists in the world, there is no way you will be able to take my cervix-ripping weebshit from my clammy hands.

one of them linked to the BBC's definition

Knew this would happen. The BBC has been on a moral crusade against "sexualization of Japanese cartoons" for a while, probably to re-apply for admission back into the human race after sheltering and aiding literal pedophiles for 50 years. Another motive is probably to fuck up Tokyo 2020 for Japan.

When did reddit start becoming so authoritarian? These nu-male faggots (actually, that's an insult to faggots since they typically have more balls than "male feminists) are literally trying to sell our rights down the drain so they maybe just possibly get to chew one of Anita Sarkesians pubic hairs.