r/conspiracy advocates terrorism

8  2017-04-23 by [deleted]


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u/cannibaloxfords u/no-ez u/autopornbot You guys are literally advocating terrorism. The FBI will soon disappear all of you and your stupid subreddit, and justifiably so

actually I'm not advocating anything. I'm stating that ecological freedom fighters are fighting against Monsanto. This has happened in history before, one example is:


So the point here is, that one some big Corporation continues to go against the grain of what some people believe to be conscience/moral/ethical values, they will react with force.

So I ask you, since when is stating a news article advocating for terrorism? Because that's clearly not what I'm doing

Animal rights groups have been doing this for years to research facilities and individual researchers. Do they seriously think this is an uprising of the people? It's just another group of loons being violent loons.

And even this type of thing isn't new, eco-warriors have been protesting Monsanto forever, so no sudden uprising of the proles there either.

Do they seriously think this is an uprising of the people? It's just another group of loons being violent loons.

Extremists don't think rationally. They have a very "Us vs. You" mentality with no room for a middle ground. It's exactly why the Taliban will set off a bomb in a civilian marketplace to show how the Coalition forces are evil. They honestly don't believe that they're the bad guys, they think they're fighting the bad guys.

Extremists perceptually have the belief that one big event will start a revolution. That's why anarchists always smash windows and loot during riots, why Timothy McVeigh blew up that government building, and why suicide bombers keep attacking civilians. They're firmly convinced that they just need one more big event and everyone will flock to them in support.

They honestly believe they're the vanguard of an uprising of the people rather than just dangerous extremists.

Anti-GMO people are honestly just as ignorant as anti-vaxxers.

I don't blame them.

On top of changing science, which makes many cast a side-eye in the direction of current statements, you have a very serious problem in western civilization: corruption. Many 'experts' are clearly bought and paid for. That's why people don't give a shit what anti-brexit types say, or if Trump says retarded shit. They've heard corrupt experts announce that immigration doesn't hurt wages and that free trade helps everyone--two things nobody honestly believes, and which have been contradicts by facts on the ground. They've seen psychologists and biologists intimidating by political factors. They've seen doctors lie about the health effects of cigarettes.

So why would they just take an experts word on anything?

Why takes someone's word when it's easy to research for yourself and see how they work. That logic can be used to justify disbelief in anything you choose.