Another UKIP member announces their attraction to silverback gorillas.

14  2017-04-23 by shitpost953


Cool story, bro


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I love those old people who don't give a fuck.

Allen also advocated for the return of the guillotine, euthanizing the elderly and sick, and revoking child care funding to force mothers to stay home with their children.

So we can euthanize her and get rid of all her views in one swoop? Sounds good.

I could see the guillotine making a nice comeback.

is it time to add another B to LGBTQWJLKJFOUOIFJLK for beastiality?

I wonder what subreddits they moderate.

"If it please Your Majesty,

There are too many constiutuent countries. Please eliminate Wales.

Also, we should take back Rwanda.

P.S. I am not a crackpot"

Gorillas r hot tbh

“You like violence? Well let’s see how you like to be on the receiving end.”