Bill Nye simultaneously destroys science, music, netflix, gender politics, and his credibility. World is still not saved. All here in this very Corey Feldman-esque cringefest musical on "Bill Nye Saves The World "

415  2017-04-25 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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Request to mod /u/sundialbill because he definitely gets the bussy.

No wonder Reddit likes this show

It's gay as fuck

Reddit loves these pretend scientists like Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

They really only exist to promote far left politics and pass it off as "science".

I watched the first episode and it was about climate change. Was that about as scientific as it gets?

I bet you believe that the moon landing was real too...

Only anti-environment science-illiterate nazis would mention parameter tuning.

NDT rarely strays into politics, and takes deliberate steps not to, this is pretty unfair of you.

Is he wrong?

Are we talking about the accuracy of his statements or whether he avoids commenting on politics?

He avoids politics as much as he can, but the time for that is over - Read the article.

That may be true, but I'm directly addressing:

NDT rarely strays into politics, and takes deliberate steps not to

when his last series of tweets were expressly political. It doesn't matter if "science is partisan" if someone is taking "deliberate steps" to "rarely stray into politics."

The guy avoids politics, for the most part, that's an objective fact, him speaking about it now is 100% justified.

Logic motherfucker, do you speak it?

At this point I don't think scientists can just stay or of politics, given how bad things are getting, how fucking stupid people are for believing climate change is a hoax and vaccines = autism.

The climate change thing is hard because it is only politicized. I think it's difficult for people to even know what is the truth. "Is it Global Cooling, Global Warming, or Global Climate Change? Is it explicitly manmade or is it natural? Why does it matter what I do when China is pumping gasses into the air more than many other countries combined?" These are questions normal people ask themselves, not to mention that "going green" got shoved down everyone's throats.

And the vaccines = autism thing is just a stupid people problem and they aren't partisan. For every hyper-religious group of morons who don't believe in vaccines, there's a bunch of holistic, New Age idiots following the advice of a woman famous for being naked.

The tweet linked just above may or may not be percoeved as attack on sitting POTUS, "science-hostile" meaning "opposed to climate change" and thus trying to pin USA's problems on its administration. I'm not implying it absolutely is, just food for thought.

Although if you want my opinion it's pretty likely to be that, given the fact every time NDT delves into politics his stance is painfully leftist.

The sitting president is a profoundly ignorant moron that believes vaccines cause autism and climate change is a hoax.

I really don't get this mentality, do people seriously just expect scientists to never call out science denial?

Nice derailing bitch. How about you address my argument, not try to change topics? Well, whatever, I'll still argue with you.

Are you really attacking a person based on what they believe in? He can believe whatever he pleases unless he acts on it. And please don't claim that climate change spending cuts are him acting, there are scientists pretty skeptical on whether those enormous budgets are justified or can do anything to help.

Lmao, what do you mean it doesn't matter what he believes?

He's the president of the worlds only superpower. How exactly do you think we get other countries to push vaccination or to renewable energy when our own president is a science denier that thinks vaccines cause autism and climate change is a hoax?

What "enormous budgets" are you even talking about dude? I'll leave you with some Sagan.

I'm worried about how research funds are distrib-uted. I'm worried that cancelling government funds for SETI is part of a trend. The government has been pressuring the National Science Foundation to move away from basic scientific research and to support technology, engineering, applications. Congress is suggesting doing away with the US Geological Survey, and slashing support for study of the Earth's fragile environment. NASA support for research and analysis of data already obtained is increasingly constrained. Many young scientists are not only unable to find grants to support their research; they are unable to find jobs. Industrial research and development funded by American com- panies has slowed across the board in recent years.

States lost its lead to Japan in most semiconductor technologies. It experiences severe declines in market share in colour TVs, VCRs, phonographs, telephone sets and machine tools. Basic research is where scientists are free to pursue their curiosity and interrogate Nature, not with any short-term practical end in view, but to seek knowledge for its own sake. Scientists of course have a vested interest in basic research. It's what they like to do, in many cases why they became scientists in the first place. But it is in society's interest to support such research. This is how the major discoveries that benefit humanity are largely made. Whether a few grand and ambitious scientific projects are a better investment than a larger number of small programmes is a worthwhile question.

We are rarely smart enough to set about on purpose making the discoveries that will drive our economy and safeguard our lives. Often, we lack the fundamental research. Instead, we pursue a broad range of investigations of Nature, and applications we never dreamed of emerge. Not always, of course. But often enough. Giving money to someone like Maxwell might have seemed the most absurd encouragement of mere 'curiosity-driven' science, and an imprudent judgement for practical legislators.

Why grant money now, so nerdish scientists talking incomprehensible gibber-ish can indulge their hobbies, when there are urgent unmetnational needs? From this point of view it's easy to understand the contention that science is just another lobby, another pressure group anxious to keep the grant money rolling in so the scientists don't ever have to do a hard day's work or meet a payroll. Maxwell wasn't thinking of radio, radar and television when he first scratched out the fundamental equations of electromagnet-ism; Newton wasn't dreaming of space flight or communications satellites when he first understood the motion of the Moon; Roentgen wasn't contemplating medical diagnosis when he inves-tigated a penetrating radiation so mysterious he called it 'X-rays';Curie wasn't thinking of cancer therapy when she painstakingly extracted minute amounts of radium from tons of pitchblende; Fleming wasn't planning on saving the lives of millions with antibiotics when he noticed a circle free of bacteria around a growth of mould; Watson and Crick weren't imagining the cure of genetic diseases when they puzzled over the X-ray diffractometry of DNA; Rowland and Molina weren't planning to implicate CFCs in ozone depletion when they began studying the role of halogens in stratospheric photochemistry. Members of Congress and other political leaders have from time to time found it irresistible to poke fun at seemingly obscure scientific research proposals that the government is asked to fund. I imagine the same spirit in previous governments - a Mr Fleming wishes to study bugs in smelly cheese; a Polish woman wishes to sift through tons of Central African ore to find minute quantities of a substance she says will glow in the dark; a Mr Kepler wants to hear the songs the planets sing.

These discoveries and a multitude of others that grace and characterize our time, to some of which our very lives are beholden, were made ultimately by scientists given the opportu-nity to explore what in their opinion, under the scrutiny of their peers, were basic questions in Nature. Industrial applications, in which Japan in the last two decades has done so well, are excellent. But applications of what? Fundamental research, research into the heart of Nature, is the means by which we acquire the new knowledge that gets applied. Scientists have an obligation, especially when asking for big money, to explain with great clarity and honesty what they're after. The Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) would have been the preeminent instrument on the planet for probing the fine structure of matter and the nature of the early Universe. Its price tag was $10 to $15 billion. It was cancelled by Congress in 1993 after about $2 billion had been spent - a worst of both worlds There is a growing free-market view of human knowledge, according to which basic research should compete without govern-ment support with all the other institutions and claimants in society. If they couldn't have relied on government support, and had to compete in the free-market economy of their day, it's unlikely that any of the scientists on my list would have been able to do their groundbreaking research. And the cost of basic research is substantially greater than it was in Maxwell's day -both theoretical and, especially, experimental. But that aside, would free-market forces be adequate to support basic research? Only about ten per cent of meritorious research proposals in medicine are funded today. More money is spent on quack medicine than on all of medical research. What would it be like if government opted out of medical research? A necessary aspect of basic research is that its applications lie in the future, sometimes decades or even centuries ahead. What's more, no one knows which aspects of basic research will have practical value and which will not. If scientists cannot make such predictions, is it likely that politicians or industrialists can? If free-market forces are focused only towards short-term profit - as they certainly mainly are in an America with steep declines in corporate research - is not this solution tantamount to abandoning basic research? Cutting off fundamental, curiosity-driven science is like eating the seed corn. We may have a little more to eat next winter, but what will we plant so we and our children will have enough to get through the winters to come?

get other countries to push vaccination or to renewable energy

Oke so now you want to forcefully make other countries do what you think is right, literally bend them to your will and force them to do your bidding

/u/pizzashill is officially hitlerboi now

Do you have a learning disability?

I don't want to force anyone to do anything, I want them to do whats right.

Vaccination is right.

Shifting to renewable energy is right.

Do you have any idea how many people die yearly to diseases that can be prevented by a vaccine?

Do you have a learning disability?

no thx, my disability already learned everything it needs

Vaccination is right. Shifting to renewable energy is right.

Then why don't you let facts speak for themselves and let people make their own conclusions you authoritatian cunt?

Do you have any idea how many people die yearly to diseases that can be prevented by a vaccine?

US seems to do fine combating parents who refuse vaccinations to their kids. If adult doesn't get a vaccination of their own volition and dies because of that, well, it's their choice. The correct course of action here would be to educate people, not force them into anything.

Drama? in my /r/Drama?

Im not going to disagree with you, however, history will. You need to force societies to do things when it's clear that educating them isnt working, especially if they're ignoring something objective like hard science. If we followed the masses we'd still be spraying crops with DDT and have even more species going extinct. We'd have legal slavery in the southern states of the US, We'd have the the revival of thousands of cured diseases. At a certain point, a societies hands are tied and force must be applied for the good of the entire society, even the masses that oppose it.

What's the point in having a society thats based on specialization and dependency if we're too skeptical to honor peer reviewed studies done by specialists who devote their entire academic careers to such a narrowed down subject that most people will never have the time or money to learn. You can see how frustrating it would be to do research for years and years and have people who know nothing about your field completely disregard all your work.

Stop having so much faith in the masses, things don't just magically work out in this world. If a group of individuals are doing something that's detrimental to the survival of our species then there needs to be intervention.

True enough. I just don't have faith in individuals as well as in masses, too many times people and nations have been forced to do detrimental things that were disguised as beneficial. I think fucking off and letting them do what they think is best is lesser of two evils.

Are you really attacking a person based on what they believe in?

Hey this guy thinks all the jews should be eradicated, but we shouldn't be so outraged or aggressive until he actually does it!


meanwhile no leftard is punished for "bash the fash" rhetoric because apparently they haven't done anything wrong

y-yuou too...

nigga you forget about helicopter ride memes?

citing memes

Are you really attacking a person based on what they believe in?

what kind of pussy world do you want to live in?

i'd rather live in bussy world tbh

scientists pretty skeptical [about spending money to prevent climate change]

Lol Fucking dumbass You just wanna believe the "scientists" that support your political view huh? 97-99% of scientists know (not believe, because real scientists base conclusions on decades and decades of compiled facts) that the multitrillions of dollars of ecosystem services outweigh fucking the costs of legally enforcing people (read: corporations) to not destroy the goddamn world quite as fast. You probably don't know this because you probably shut your ears to all science that isn't parroted by Scott fucking Pruitt but believe it or not the earth's natural systems working in order have an unbelievably massive economic value to us we call "ecosystem services". Humans base our economy on our natural resources and the value we derive from everything working the way it should is literally in the trillions of dollars worldwide. Think how much extra money the government​ has to spend when your water reservoirs become toxic or when 90% of the commercial fish die off because of a eutrophic algae bloom.

The only fucking "skeptical" scientists are taking shit tons of money from the oil industry. When 99% of the highly educated population that actually understands the workings of the world agrees about something it's more credible than 1% of fringe "scientists" who publish unsound papers funded by the goddamn oil industry

Oh but no, just keep thinking scientific knowledge is based in political ideology and if you just believe the 1% real hard because their faulty science agrees with your worldview, everything will be ok. god knows the oil business isn't making enough money and we need these pesky regulations out of the way so those poor innocent oil tycoons can keep drilling and frakking in your water supplies.

I can't even tell what's pasta anymore.

Dude climate change is a highly politicized topic, and whenever there is a discussion about it, crazy doomsday liberals come out of nowhere and say things like "MEAN FLORIDA ELEVATION IS 12 FEET", when actually it's about 100ft (thus it's not going to be flooded in a hundred years). As long as some people are lying because they like idea of doomsday, there are going to be people that deny the whole thing altogether. If you want to overcome climate change denial, educate people not to make false claims about it.

And I must say, from the beginning of this shit, climate change advocates did a lot of shitty science in order to prove their agenda. It's disgusting. Even in last few years, if something is panic worthy - it's going to be published regardless of scientific value.


Whenever you want people to adopt your point of view, it's politics.

Climate change is a perfect example how you can be somehow right but lots of people will hate you and disagree just because you are a pushing-agenda moron and can't approach others in the right way.

The right way is:

  1. Don't exaggerate things.

  2. Never lie or make up data.

  3. Be skeptical to your findings.

dude just fucking go outside and you can feel the goddamn climate change.

Dude climate change is when average temperature rises at values about 0.5-0.9 degrees during dozens of years. Stop being a moron plox.

climate change advocates did a lot of shitty science in order to prove their agenda

Can't cite because I'm a dumbass and lost the link, but there was a comment on /r/science(not too heavily downvoted to my surprise) explaining why scientist ledditor is sceptical about climate change. In short, to make reliable conclusions, we need accurate data, and accurate data on climate we have goes not much further than 100 years, which is a laughably small sample. Any approximations on how was the climate before that are essentially wild guesses. Therefore, no one can't say for sure what is causing the current climate change, what consequences it will have and how to combat it(if we even can or should). Essentially, there's a big chance that all those billions of $$$ poured into combating climate change will do jack shit to prevent it or even make matters worse, since there is no definitive proof to any claims regarding climate change, no matter which side they're coming from.

And it's especially laughable that a huge bunch of scientists are jumping on board of this panic train while in any other sphere of science the man who would present such far-fetched claims with such a small amount of actual data would be laughed out of the room.

thanks sempai

(((climate change)))

The only reason Republicans are hostile to "science" is because ignorant leftists are trying to pass off entire garbage fields like economics, sociology, and gender studies as science. STEM fields are the only real sciences, all these other things are just ignorant ideologies trying to gain status by passing themselves off as scientists.

If you truly care about science then the best thing you can do is call out all the left-wing crackpots who pretend to be scientists.

You realize the GOP denies both climate change and evolution, correct?

Seriously, calling NDT a pretend scientist is bullshit. He might be a lot of things from great to annoying depending on opinion, but he is a scientist and that's a fact.

Going after people's profession if you don't like their opinions is just idiotic. I don't like the shit Richard Dawkins keeps spewing out, but I'd never question his status or achievements as a scientist.

Whenever he goes outside astrophysics he's being a pretend scientist tho.

Being a scientist has very little to do with your credentials.

So I'm a scientist?

I don't know you, so I have no idea. Sorry.

We are all scientists on this blessed day.

Of shitposting.

Lol sounds like you studied in the social sciences. Where you can just make everything up. Gender just a construct, race just a construction. Now science is just a construct. All those guys on YouTube talking about flat earth. Yeah their scientists too!

Science is a construct though...

But that wasn't what I was saying. You can be a scientist without having a PhD and you can have a PhD without being a scientist (though this is quite hard).

Still mad you couldn't get into grad school?

What's grad school?

That's just bullshit and you know it. Every scientist goes outside of their field of study. Even if it wasn't exactly his field, an astrophysicist has a better understanding of quantum mechanics than a layperson. Also having opinions and taking part in political discourse does not make someone a pretender or then everyone is.

That's just bullshit and you know it

He literally said bats are blind. I know elementary kids who know better than that.

lol he's black bro get real

He's not a particularly accomplished scientist though. Kinda subpar, but gets major bonus points because how many black astrophysicists are there really?

Okay, I'll bite. Give me a comparison of astrophysicist with the same kind of career path as he has had, compare their accomplishments (amount of articles? impact factor?) and show me that it's his skin color. Shouldn't be a big job to do those statistics.

In what universe is NGT a "fake scientist."

"everyone I don't like is a nazi leftist"

NDT's entire career is based on politics over science.

the only reason he is where he is because of his race.

Ok, give me an example of NDT pushing something that isn't real science, and is actually just politics.

"black people are not allowed to be scientists. NDT is only popular because of affirmative action"


He literally LARPs as "black science man". The material he puts out is mundane and could have been "delivered" to the viewers by any schmuck with a microphone. His only "redeeming" quality is his skin.

The reptilians traveled light years to get here, I think it can be assumed their competence exceeds yours.

NDGT is anything but a "pretend" scientist. You could argue he's obnoxious or full of himself, but he really knows his shit.

So he's a scholar then.

NDT has a PhD m8.

Cosmos is actually great, though. I think Bill Nye's new show fails to understand its target audience.

Reddit doesn't really like this show from what I've seen.

It's not really substantive in any way, and seems only to exist to try to appeal to the braindead masses who aren't paying attention to the world and don't give a shit about science. Seems to me they decided to go the route of "stupid will only listen if you are stupid too," and in that case nobody wins.

I understand why they did it. But I also think this new show is fucking terrible and should not be watched by anyone who is already familiar with all of this shit, because all it does is dumb it way, way down.

Who is the target audience? It seems a preaching to the choir show but it also seems poorly made if that is the target audience

Is it all like this? If this is targeted at idiots then I'm an idiots idiot because I didn't understand a thing! Wtf was this?

It's genuinely difficult to tell if Bill Nye has given up trying to convince people through well-spoken public appearances and decided to target the dumbest segment of the population with pandering... or if he's trying to be "hip" and "with it" and appeal to the sort of people who hang out in the default subreddits and say things like, "yeah science, bitch!". You know, the kind of people who aren't even remotely scientists, and are mostly into it as a concept to piss off their deeply conservative parents?

Bill Nye got lucky he was famous in the first place. He made a show kids loved in the 90's, but he's really clung to that character since and it just hasn't aged well. He's failed to continue being informative while also being entertaining.

This was a good chance to revive the old format, update it a bit for the streaming age, and provide substantive entertainment for children. His target should be "the kids of the kids who used to watch [his] show", not "a bunch of hipsters who grew up watching my show and are now really into identity politics".

There's a big niche that's wide open for an educational show aimed at children. I'm surprised there's nothing (that I'm aware of) on YouTube, Netflix, or any other major video service that caters to this.

Time to become motherfucking rich!

I watched the episode on artificial intelligence and it was... pretty shit tbh. Only one guy was talking any kind of sense, and it was the guy that was actually like an expert in the subject. Though I may be biased, he's also the best professor I've ever had. But the overall episode was like they deliberately tried to avoid any sensible discussion.

nah even /r/BillNye is shitting on it.

I want to make a witty comment so I can get the most upvotes and feel superior to all of you, but I am so stunned I can't think of anything else.

something something bussy

Oh, now I've got it: this is why we need mayocide nao!

Upvotes to the left.

Bussy mayocide lmao

mayocide BY bussy

now THIS i can really get behind!

Wasn't that GRID? So it's not like (((they))) didn't try already.

New band name!

this is mayocide

How funny are your memes nao???

Wow that was obnoxious, but you know, he isn't wrong.

Is this real?

My autism or the video?

Everything. I must be more drunk than i thought i was. That or ive had a stroke.

As bad as this video is, it's nowhere near as bad as this

It's like bloom watched that video and tried to emulate it, but thought it would be improved with badly engineered live sound, and the removal of all irony.

"I wonder if I'm actually hurting her chances of winning?"

why do people always say upvotes to the left? downvotes are also to the left. rly makes u think

Well upvotes aren't to the right, silly.

upvotes to the top-left



when you try to make an edgy and lame satirical meme about bussy that obviously complete bullshit but then a children's science show salesman goes out and proclaims it to be scientific fact and now you just look like you were on the right side of science all along

What is bussy?

GG no re

Stunned is the right word for this.

I'm just kind of blinking stupidly and can't react properly.

That is literally in the youtube comments. Come on man, can't you just not go for low-hanging fruit for once?

Lol no

This vid made me a trump supporter

This made me a Hitler supporter.

This made me late for work.

This made me want to kill myself even more than I already wanted to.

Follow your dreams.

I think this video has unintentionally created the next hitler

Fingers crossed babe.


This is why we need to destroy capitalism.

This is why we need to destroy capitalismJuden.

Right on mein bruder.

Just saying Stalin would have never let this happen

Stalin would've prevented it with one of his Five Year "Everybody-Gets-Starved-or-Shot-in-the-Head" Plans.

Id accept that over this.

Looks like we found another nazbol komrade.

I especially enjoyed the "bagels with lox" lyric, which has nothing to do with sexuality and merely makes the point that if you disagree with this song's message you should be (or already are) an antisemite. There is no third choice anymore.

It doesn't help that the "singer" is Jewish as are a good number of the producers

I'm now debating becoming an American citizen just so I can vote for Trump to get in on a second term.

This video removed the melanin from my skin and give back the bicycles I stole and connect with my 13 illegitimate children.

Nice to hear it did some good.

A few weeks ago when I first heard about this show, I was snarking to myself about how it was just going to be a reddity SCIENCE! show, maybe with some subtle "Fuck Drumpfs" here and there. But I never imagined it would descend into such blatant agitprop in the first episode. You really got to hand it to the left, they really just don't give a shit anymore. It's 0 to "HAVE TRANNY BUTTSEX FOR LE SCIENCE" in a second. There is not even an attempt to conceal an agenda.

I honestly think the purpose of the show is to indoctrinate millennials into far-left ideology. It has an entire segment devoted to "white and asian people are culturally-appropriating pieces of shit."

First episode? I need to see that, but if I have to sit through any more of this, I'm afraid I might not make it.

Gaze upon the harbinger of your doom:

Well...that was condescending and not even "fun bad." I feel worse for having watched that.

Why is he on the show

He's brown and Bill Nye is not.

Is the inherent gullibility of white people genetic, or can it be educated out of them somehow?

I can fix it, unfortunately it's not my job to educate you.

It's educated into us. Without the indoctrination, we'd be shaving each others' heads with axes.

We all know how gullible they are

Look what they've done to Yoga

Literally just swap white for black in this and his career would be dead.

hey indians you know i love you but can you stop using white people technology to make you look more credible

LOL at al the buttmad white people that replied to this

What am I watching

Gross, I freaking clicked. What a waste of a minute I could have used better by laying here do nothing.

if you think buzzfeed-tier identity politics is "far-left ideology" then oh man

i could show you the world

Please do, I love learning about new ideologies. Egoism is my new fav - it's all spooks!

Ignoring that, the Venice piece isn't even right. A major reason for the tide blocks is because the more powerful tides are starting to change out the brackish water under the city, which doesn't just flood the city, but risks collapsing the city as the wooden support structure starts to rot.


LOL. Give a stranger a handjob for science.

Gas them all. Its gone too far.


I want a tattoo covering my entire torso that looks like a t-shirt with this slogan on the front

"My sex junk is better than (((bagels with lox)))"

it's like they cant help themselves

(((They))) really can't though.

Yeah Rachel Bloom is Jewish, that's not exactly a secret though.

no shit

so are we just mad that they are jewish?

I really like Jewish people, coincidentally.

I just know what it takes to get upvotes around here these days.

uh, ironic anti-semetism

i like it!

well now you spell it out in chronological order and it seems fucking stupid.

i've gone native.

i've forgotten my purpose.

i recommend a one week internet time out

So why did she mention bagels and lox in a song about 1970s-era free sex?

Because she probably eats a lot of bagels and lox. Why do you think she did that?

Because [insert insane conspiracy theory lifted from stormfront here].

bagels and lox is mayocide

Niggah I just wanted to learn about climate change not this pseudoscientific sociological bullshit. God damnit bill you used to be fucking interesting you fucking weirdo

Well to be fair, the rest of the series isn't this bad, they do cover climate change and actual scientific subjects. They just had to make an entire episode about gender identity because "hello fellow millenials, don't you just fucking love science!?"

But they manage to make climate change look as plausible as a flat earth with how shitilly they present it.

At this point screeching about climate change is pointless, you're not going to logic any converts over. No one is suddenly going to go "yes now I believe the scientists and data and now that Bill Nye has told me to" so it's all self-masturbatory preaching to the choir so people can pat themselves on the back.

Either way when the ocean swallows California it'll be a win because 1. California will be gone 2. People will finally stop saying the earth isn't warming

Either way when the ocean swallows west coast it'll be a win win because 1. California will be gone and roughly half of these gender snowflakes will go with it 2. People will finally stop saying the earth isn't warming

Except the first state to go would be Florida, which I think we can all agree is not a loss. California is more likely to break off into the ocean from the San Andreas fault before that.

Are you saying that climate change won't drastically raise sea levels for at least a thousand years?

It's from 0.66 up to 6 feet in next 100 years. Mean Florida elevation is 100 feet, so it's just Miami going under the water at most.

With current level of scientific progress it's safe to say we'll make something up until anything bad happens.

So it's safe to say that California will not drift off into the ocean before their coast gets swallowed up.

Sounds awesome america needs its own venice

That would be hip af.

Fuck you, Florida is great.


Everyone in any position of power already knows the Earth is warming and humanity is causing it. They're not stupid, they're just greedy and do not give a fuck because by time things really go to shit they'll be dead.

The dumb, uneducated masses might legitimately deny climate change but that's because they're stupid enough to believe the former, powerful people's propaganda.

I never understand that. DOnt they have children? Or do they just think they'll have the money to change to the mountains if they have to

Or they just don't care that a few billionaires will have to sell their beach houses in 100 years. Crazy, right?

I choose not to believe in climate change until California is swallowed up by the sea. Then I will become a true believer and give thanks to it.


I fucking love science

That fucking page.

(((climate change)))

Oy vey goyim you in the West with no population growth need even fewer children and need to lose your luxuries while the African and Asians breed like rats and never get crimped down

I agree with the Jews on this.

/u/Inthissignveni should not have kids.

Really caused me to pontificate

kys fam

Fact: Mayos who complain about white genocide are the least likely to reproduce with another human being.

Two half-breed kids so far, I'm doing my part for slow mayocide! Are you?

I'm turning in my physics degree and getting a new username.

Don't worry. Bill Nye has a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering. Not an easy degree to be sure, but he's not exactly an expert.

Having an education from 20 years ago doesn't make anyone an expert. Becoming an expert means spending a lot of time on something. The education is just a basis.

But the question is: why is someone whose highest scientific achievement is centered around mechanical engineering, giving lectures on gender studies? Even more so, how did someone who spent most of their career in entertainment rather than science not see just how god awful this was?

Well, that I don't know. I haven't seen to show nor know him personally. Saying that, I don't see why a knowledgeable layperson couldn't give an intro to a specific area of research. When giving a cursory introduction to something, it's better to be a good presenter than to be an expert in the field - that's how most business consultants make their money anyway.

why is someone whose highest scientific achievement is centered around mechanical engineering giving lectures on gender studies?

Well, it means he starts with more credibility than the people with degrees in gender studies.

But gender is a social construct.... just ignore physiological differences and behavior in similar animals

Because redditors (and other dumbasses) think celeb scientists are something to beleive in.

But the question is: why is someone whose highest scientific achievement is centered around mechanical engineering giving lectures on gender studies?

Because when people get really good at one thing they honestly believe they're also great at other things they have no experience in. He may very well be an excellent mechanical engineer, but because of that he now thinks he can be an authority in areas where he has zero experience.

This definitely has been a problem for thousands of years. In The Apology Socrates didn't believe the Oracle at Delphi when she said he was the smartest man around. He questioned a bunch of people who were supposedly smarter than him and realized that he was the smartest man around because he knew his limitations. All the other smart men kept talking about shit they didn't know anything about and were trying to be an authority on it, but Socrates was the only person who realized he shouldn't run his mouth on things he didn't actually know.

TBH I prefer Adam Ruins Everything because he cites his claims and actually does research before he talks about things. I loved Bill Nye as a kid but he really needs to stop thinking he's an authority on everything when he isn't.

Bill Nye has no high-level education in any field other than Engineering. He has never published any scientific papers. He is not a scientist nor an expert in any objective way. Neil deGrasse Tyson at least has received a Ph.D. and has actually published papers (though it's been about 9 years since he was last named as an author).

Engineering is not easy, and I'd bet that Bill Nye has more knowledge than your typical STEM graduate, but he has no other formal training in the sciences. People look to him as an authority because he's a fun, goofy-looking guy who had the ability to explain (or at the very least, present) elementary-level science to them as children in an engaging way.

I agree that just having a Ph.D. does not make one an expert as unused knowledge can fade; however it is proof that you were at one time, and actively conducting research and publishing meaningful papers does make one more credible. If an individual has no (credible or actual) research to their name, they can not be considered an expert in any scientific field.

Gotta respect Sam Harris for continuing to do research even now that he's a famous author and speaker. He published a new fMRI study just a few weeks ago.

Looks like his PhD is relatively recent; Wikipedia says 2009. He was one of the "Four Horsemen" well before this, so it seems like getting this degree and doing the research were passions of his that were unfulfilled when he was writing his books.

Doesn't undercut his accomplishments in any way. It's fantastic to see scientists who can both work to derive knew knowledge while also tending to an audience. I don't hate Neil deGrasse Tyson or anything, but it seems like he's more and more out-of-touch each year. Resting on your laurels is a good way to become irrelevant in science, but the media is a whole different matter.

A lot of people think even his PhD is full of shit, and not just people who post on /r/badphilosophy

Tyson's or Harris'?


I can't find anything on it in a quick google. Link me pls.

there was that one big "debunking" blogpost that i'm sure youve seen, but that doesnt count because the author is very much an /r/badphilosophy type. tbh i cant remember where ive read other criticisms of him but i definitely remember seeing stuff from other people in neuroscience criticising him.

tbh if you wanted a proper debate with cited sources you shouldnt have come to an autistic shitposting subreddit.

Yeah I saw the giant blog post but it's like 4 pages long and I don't care enough to read it. And then the other shorter version was basically "He used his own money to fund research, and he hasn't published anything since", so basically that means fuck all to the quality of the paper.

I guess I'll never know if my favourite conservative irl shit poster is a hack or not.

is jordan peterson not better tho? he wore a frog on his head lol

He also has a funny accent which is always good.

Is Sam Harris really conservative?

He seems more centrist really, but this is an American website and centrism seems lost on the burgers

He was saying it was a moral imperative to vote Hilary. He is 100% centrist. Idk how anyone could argue otherwise, people just smear him without listening to what he has even said.

I just don't really see any mention of centrism in US politics, you're either a nazi or a libcuck

Not really. He's pretty centrist.

Mate I think you're spending too much time on b_p, that much cancer can be contagious.

You're a r/badphilosophy poster. Why would we trust what you say?

I think i posted there once??? to laugh at westworld fans. if that makes me a dirty jew then so be it

Gotta respect Sam Harris

you really dont

Flair checks out.

Show me on the doll where Sam touched you.

why is the sam harris defense league out today

he's overrated af seriously

Soros just sent his check to the SHDL so we've been hiring temps.

getting paid might be the only reason i would ever read a book about why i dont believe in god

Lolol. 1 dude mentions him and you go and cry about it when you get bugged in r/drama.

Lol. Ohhhhh the defense league is here guys WATCH OUT!

can someone translate this? my autistic is a little rusty.

autistic screeching

thanks, google translate was giving me "Acoustic yelling"

Because you're retarded instead of autistic?

i can read retarded, but i cant speak it

overrated is probably an understatement. He literally contributes nothing to philosophy and trots out ideas that have been discredited since well before he was born. Fucking Hume is ahead of him

He's pretty insightful if you actually take the time to read his book instead of doing le reddit all day XD

No he isn't, anything he says which has any merit has already been explored by people who actually participate in the field, sometimes several centuries ago. There is literally zero reason to read Harris when you could read hundreds of other sources who actually deal with contemporary issues

No he isn't, anything he says which has any merit has already been explored by people who actually participate in the field, sometimes several centuries ago.

Wow, this is pretty much the definition of what modern philosophers get paid to do at universities daily.

You do realize philosophy isn't some progressive evolution towards 'truth' right? Get back to class, you smelly undergrad

No, but it is engaging in lengthy arguments over the course of centuries, and you're doing a pretty bad job if you're losing to people who died before you were born.

There isn't really a 'losing' side here. Its people making qualitative judgements, with no black or white truth undergirding it. Which makes the whole practice of it one of navel gazing mental masturbation, really.

he is a pop philosopher.

the equivalent of watching carl sagan and thinking it is a detailed study of astronomy.

well, except sagan was entertaining.

Oh so you dislike him because he's a philosopher with the gall to be popular outside of academia. How dare he be I hate him soooo much now

There are lots of philosophers who are popular outside of academia, but also respected by it.

Sam Harris...could be one of them. We'll see what kind of work he does.

Anyone who unironically describes Sam Harris as insightful should probably be shot

this but unironically

"If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of either rape or religion, I would not hesitate to get rid of religion."

Sometimes the shit that he says is just retarded.

Hi Ben

That Batman thing isn't going so well, is it

I'm sure whatever joke you are making is wicked funny for those "in the know"

You've never heard of Harris and Batfleck getting in a fight about radical Islam on Bill Maher?

It's not that obscure of a reference brah

Spawned all sorts of drama

I don't really watch a lot of political comedy shows.

You're assuming he touched him on the doll.

Gotta respect Sam Harris for continuing to do research even now that he's a famous author and speaker.

Harris's research was incredibly limited even before he got famous and his claim to be a neuroscientist first and foremost is pretty hilarious.Most people working in the field have never even heard of him aside from his atheist circle jerk.

True, I had to look him up on Google

He might not have formal credit as a scientist - I agree - but his work in popularizing science is exemplary. By the way, that's a real thing. Hell, Public Understanding of Science is an important professorship in many anglosphere institutes.

It was. But if he keeps it up, this is what people will remember him for.

He's not a scientist. Deal with it.

Depends how you define scientist. I don't particularly care myself, terms are subjective anyway.

He was an engineer at Boeing for years.. he's definitely smart lol what are you saying?

My dad has been an engineer for over 30 years, but I don't consider him an expert on everything. I wish I could explain concepts to other people like he can, though.

Bill Nye has no high-level education in any field other than Mechanical Engineering. He has never published any scientific papers.

I dont get how this is relevant. Nye isnt a scientist, he is a science educator. Its his job to understand science well enough to be able to communicate it in a clear and concise way to the layman. Hes built up a good reputation due to his ability to do this in a reliable and unbiased way. Whats the dude's lack of research papers got to do with any of this?

No. If you are going to teach middle school and high school level science on TV and the Internet, you better be the best of the best or /r/Drama will hurt your feelings.

It's a good point. There's nothing wrong with that. But that's not really that relevant. I was only saying that he's not an expert, not that it invalidates his work as an entertainer and educator. He's not an authority though.

But that's not really that relevant. I was only saying that he's not an expert, not that it invalidates his work as an entertainer and educator. He's not an authority though.

No dude, its actually highly relevant because claiming hes not an authority on a subject in an effort to invalidate his claims (all while refusing to address those claims) is dumb and lazy and more than a little dishonest.

As I just pointed out, he doesnt need to be an authority, thats not what he does. Hes a communicator and an educator. He takes what the real authorities are doing and saying and present it in a way that is easily understandable. He doesnt create research, thats not his job. He does however read and understand research and then present that in an easily understood format. To try to undermine his positions by claiming hes not an authority totally fails to understand what the dude even does.

I'll just copy paste what I said to the other guy.

Bill Nye goes on unscripted, live, national television programs and presents himself as an authority. Nye has proven that when he goes off script, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Here he famously "forgot" the Ideal Gas Law, something taught to 14 year olds, stating, "to really change the pressure you need one of these: the inflation needle." Moving an inflated football from a warm facility to a near freezing, rainy environment would, in fact, change the pressure as P=T/V. Nye, introduced as someone who works in a laboratory, i.e. a scientist ("[W]e asked the *real* Science Guy what he thought about his new competition in the lab"), goes on to state information that is misleading at best. Perhaps he is just ignorant of the basic physics of gases, in which case he shouldn't be giving interviews and presenting himself as an expert on the subject.

Nye has proven that when he goes off script, he doesn't know what he's talking about

Wow, so he actually went back and admitted his mistake? How terrible!

but you're saying that bill nye is in fact, good at presenting and demonstrating complex scientific facts in a way that is both entertaining and meaningful to the average person, something the scientific community and academia have failed to do and have found themselves on the defensive.

but that's not why you're here, you'd have us believe that some elected official or corporate lobbyist would be a better person to listen to than someone who's only passionate about what they're talking about rather than making money from pandering to the highest bidder. you're here to cast doubt in the people, to muddy the waters. you're a piece of shit, and nothing you say or do matters, nobody cares what you think or how you feel, about anything. you're a slave, a facade of person without a meaningful existence, you sell out your fellow man and feel smug about it, yet you'll never know true happiness.

this is your brain on vaccines.

You're making a lot of assumptions from a comment elaborating why Bill Nye's BS in ME does not make him an expert in "science."

Here's a meme that might be more your speed. Be sure to smash that like button to say fuck you to dad, you science lover!


Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics.

From the link...

College and university degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are considered STEM degrees, and they are in high demand across many industries.

You didn't outright say that Bill Nye doesn't have a STEM degree, but your comment gave me the impression you think a Mechanical Engineering major isn't a STEM Degree. It is.

I actually had a whole passage in there about how STEM post-grad degrees were research degrees, but I deleted it out. It is important to note that Engineering, while under the umbrella that is STEM, is a distinct field from "Science." You wouldn't say that an oceanographer and an astrophysicist were experts in each other's fields, and you wouldn't say that an electrical engineer was an expert in molecular neurobiology.

What I was trying to say is that I do believe that Bill Nye, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, due to his age and likely interest in scientific papers, has more knowledge that a mechanical engineer graduating this May. But I don't think that he has any expert level knowledge in any field as the entirety of his credentials (other than a BS in ME) is "teaches children elementary math on TV." My 5th grade teacher taught me basic physics, but I'm not going to him as the end all, be all authority on all things science.

I actually had a whole passage in there about how STEM post-grad degrees were research degrees, but I deleted it out.

Good, because it's wrong.

Department of Homeland Security link which sources to the complete list of degrees that qualify as STEM degrees. CTRL+F "Mechanical Engineering."

You annoy me, so I'll respond to more of the armchair bullshit your spewing by doing some armchair research.

Bill Nye has no high-level education in any field other than Mechanical Engineering. He has never published any scientific papers. He is not a scientist nor an expert in any objective way.

... So?

But I don't think that he has any expert level knowledge in any field as the entirety of his credentials

It's irrelevant. Neil DeGrasse Tyson isn't a historian, but his show "Cosmos" covers tons of historical accounts. Does that mean Neil DeGrasse Tyson is asserting himself as an authority in a field he has no expertise in? No, it means he can fucking read.

Back to Bill Nye's show, within the first minute of "The Sexual Spectrum" episode we're talking about, Bill Nye present this bit of information...

"1 in 400 people are born with an abnormal number of sex chromosomes."

So, he doesn't give a source for this, which is a shame because it would make the show less shit. But because Bill doesn't give a source, does that mean Bill Nye is asserting himself as an authority in a field he has no expertise in? It does if you're too lazy to google search. Link to the World Health Organization giving information about "Sex Chromosome Abnormalities."

...Divergence from the normal number of X and Y chromosomes, called sex chromosome aneuploidy, accounts for approximately half of all chromosomal anomalies in humans with a total frequency of 1:400.

So, let's give you some options. Do you think...

[A] Bill Nye is maliciously trying to present himself as a PHD-level expert in every single field he ever covers.


[B] Bill Nye can read.

STEM is not = science.

Never said it was.

Changed my mind and deleted my comment.

"Research of science" is not = all of science. If it was, you wouldn't have to add the descriptor "research." Kids mixing together baking soda and vinegar in 3rd grade is science. Physics students figuring out the most optimal construction of a bridge using tooth picks is science. A mechanical engineer is scientific as fuck.

Good, because it's wrong.

A Ph.D. is by definition a research degree. It is explicitly different than other awarded doctorates such as a Juris Doctor (a professional degree for law) and a Doctor of Medicine (MD), among others. This is your very first sentence and you don't know what you're talking about; we're off to a great start.

Department of Homeland Security link which sources to the complete list of 400+ degrees that qualify as STEM degrees. CTRL+F "Mechanical Engineering."

Please point out where I said "Mechanical Engineering is not STEM." Go ahead, look for it. But I'll save you some time: I never said anything like that. In fact, I said exactly the opposite. Let's look at what I actually said:

Engineering, while under the umbrella that is STEM, is a distinct field from "Science."

What I also said is

Moving on.

Bill Nye goes on unscripted, live, national television programs and presents himself as an authority. No shit he's reading a prompter or memorizing a script on his produced shows. But Nye has proven that when he goes off script, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Here he famously "forgot" the Ideal Gas Law, something taught to 14 year olds, stating, "to really change the pressure you need one of these: the inflation needle." Moving an inflated football from a warm facility to a near freezing, rainy environment would, in fact, change the pressure as P=T/V. Nye, introduced as someone who works in a laboratory, i.e. a scientist ("[W]e asked the *real* Science Guy what he thought about his new competition in the lab"), goes on to state information that is misleading at best. Perhaps he is just ignorant of the basic physics of gases, in which case he shouldn't be giving interviews.

I think getting a phd does mean you're an expert in someway. A phd isnt easy to achieve

Well, I was more agreeing with the idea that receiving a degree 20-30 years ago and doing nothing with it (especially in the changing field of science) doesn't necessarily mean that you are an authority. And it's also important to note that while academia is great, there's nothing quite like practical experience.

But yes, I was trying to say that a Ph.D. recipient is, for all intents and purposes, an expert; or at least was at the time they received their degree.

Mechanical Engineering is the easiest engineering field to get a degree in.

Fuck me I read that greentext about this but i didn't think it was real.


And here I thought you were going to counter with this.

So many screenshots of this on that website that we're too scared to actually visit makes funny memes.

I do go on there every twice in a while, but I'm always on pol so I miss out on some good shit.

I'm always on pol


For the discussions ;)

Nah I just think its entertaining

Are people actually afraid of 4chan? Or is that a meme too?

It's a meme.

It's been memed into reality. Sister in law said nothing good came out of 4chan and my former best friend said she was afraid of anonymous

Tell her about the Jews.

>namedrops postmodern writers

>Gerard Depardieu


Haha what the fuck, why is Adam Savage being lynched? Is he now deemed a shitlord, did I miss something?

My life is now worse for having seen that image.

Oh God I DID NOT need to see that


I fucking love science

wtf i hate science now

I never watched Bill Nye, so I can't tell, but does he behave always like this?
He seems kinda confused, not really realizing what's happening. Like he's in some sort of haze and he's just stumbling about.

I think that's cognitive dissonance in his brain, creating a state of temporary dementia.

Yes. (((they))) are controlling him using a special dementia loop hole

Bill Nye The Social Science Guy

I heard about this but I had no idea it was this bad.

Holy shit.

Dropping a nuke on western society would probably be a net gain at the moment.

Start with California and New York.

North Korea keeps promising to take out SF. Can we hold him to that?


;-; goodbye my brothers

This is becoming worse than that documentary caked Idiocracy

Sorry but I prefer this bullshit that muslims blowing themselves up.

I cringed so hard seeing this that my face is stuck like this now. Congrats Bill Nye, cuz of you I can no longer smile.

I want to die

And people wonder why aliens won't visit us and Muslims hate us. Ive been promised right wing death squads since trump was elected what the hell is taking so long

I mean im gay so on the one hand i would die on the other hand YAY IM FREE

I agree, death is the sweet release from this external and internal prison.

Is this the same girl who did Fuck Me Ray Bradbury? If so she's REALLY let herself go.

Smash mental illness

i really dont understand what is even being envisioned with this one

Concentration camps for handicapped, you know, typical Nazi stuff

I'd settle for the reintroduction of institutionalization.

Maybe fascism isn't so bad after all

I've been saying this for years.

This is like the fire at the Reichstag

I don't know about fascism, but I'll say this: this would not be allowed in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Makes you think.

Who gives a shit? If parents want to ruin their childrens' lives by letting them watch this without being able to understand why it's retarded then let them win a Darwin Award.

Other discussions:

ISIS releases new recruitment video. Millions flock to Syria to join the Ummah. Europe and Americas depopulated.



White people were a mistake after all.

Goddammit, Bill.

Unwatchable but still more talented than Nikki Minaj.

Monster is the hottest verse ever dropped by a female MC.

Literally the only correct opinion in this thread

I think I'm just going to stick to my guns with "fuck (pop) science" and everyone on Reddit who isn't a socially maladjusted dweeb like 99% of the people who went to the March for Science rallies will know what I'm referring to.

lol all of the nazis in these comments are just angry that they're wrong about science fucking get with the times sweeties thanks xxx

nice b8 m8 8/8

Reported for hate speech.

I sexually identify as an angry Nazi-filled comment section.

I tried to watch several episodes of the show. I could get past the preachiness. I couldn't get past the forced laughter and applause from the audience at every horrible joke.

What in the fuck

[Donny from TPB]

I never really got the circlejerk around Bill Nye. I mean sure I enjoyed his show when I was a kid but there have been so many reports of him being a straight up douchebag now that he's older and he's promoted a lot of bunk science yet people keep fawning over him. Same with Tyson.

What "bunk science" are you referring to?

Well most recently would be the whole deflate-gate scandal where he was totally wrong and pretty much just promoting his football team. There have been quite a few times where he's just been straight up wrong because he's being represented as a science expert when he has no clue what he's talking about, almost like there are a shit ton of science fields and one dude won't know everything from every single one.

The problem with subscribing to a school of thought based on completely made up nonsense is that there's no way to tell if someone is describing it accurately. For example, this song is about gender identity, but the lyrics are about being bisexual and cross dressing and shit. Someone unfamiliar with this might come away thinking that the "progressive" idea of gender is just fine. Left out are the notions that there are a hundred different genders and each are equally valid, you can create new genders based on how you feel at the moment, someone's made up personal pronouns matter and need to be respected, and all this nonsense needs to be taught in school. Is she describing gender identity wrong? Is she a moderate gender warrior? Is that other stuffs gender extremism? When literally everything about that topic is completely fabricated, there's no way to draw the line.

you know that was noobie


Are you the killjoy?

Everything bad in this world is a result of my doing, clearly.

Thanks for the rent space in your head /u/LSU_CoonAss

If it wasn't you you would have just said no.

So is it safe to assume that you removed it from /r/cringe?

I didn't remove it

Who removed it out of curiosity?

Did you find it cringy?

Not saying who removed it so that user doesn't get targeted (though I highly doubt the person who removed it would care).

As for if it should have been removed, yeah, because it breaks rule #1 in that the people in the video have to feel embarrassed for what they're doing, which clearly they aren't.

What? Literally half the videos on the page have victims who aren't embarrassed.

Can you for example explain to me how this thread has people who feel embarrassed for what theyre doing? Cause they clearly aren't.

There are other people involved in that video apart from Tarantino.

None of them show any signs of being uncomfortable.


Did you think the bill nye video was cringy?

I think it's stupid. But stupid =/= cringe-worthy.

"Damn skippy, home slice, high fives indian sing it with me all night"

You don't think that line is cringy coming from a middle aged white woman?

I think it's stupid.

"My sex junks better than, Bagels with lox"

(slow motion)

"With lots of schmear"

That's the ending to the song.

Well, it made me cringe

11/10 mental gymnastics

because it breaks rule #1 in that the people in the video have to feel embarrassed for what they're doing, which clearly they aren't.

Give it a while.

How does it feel modding the worst sub on reddit?


/r/cringeanarchy is better. Still a dumpster fire, but better.

Terminal autism in the YT comments, what else is new?

Everything wrong with this video:

  1. Nye ironically genders his audience with "guys" in the first sentence.
  2. No one knows this girl from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
  3. Humans are now apparently referred to as "bipeds" which is ableist against war vets with 1 leg.
  4. "World of ours" implies the earth belongs to humans, which is western chauvinism and not environmentally friendly.
  5. If she has a vagina, she does not have the option of "hard"...she's stuck with "moist."
  6. Her vagina does not have a voice; that's gross. If it makes a sound it is actually air escaping and is rude.
  7. When she sings about her vagina she holds her stomach not her vagina. Anatomy error.
  8. "Metaphorical voice" is 6 syllables and she crams it into a 3 syllable section of the music.
  9. The woman is so out of shape she can't do a proper front kick her and looks like an elephant trying to walk up steps.
  10. "Butt stuff" is not highly related to evolution. Any mammal that does "butt stuff" routinely will actually be selected out. It's evolution in the same sense that extinction is evolution.
  11. Sex "stew" assuming it refers to bisexual orgies actually are taboo in most societies. Anthropology error.
  12. This is Gerard Depardieu:
  13. Singer declares that she will have sex with anything. And is proud of this.
  14. No one is boxing in her box.
  15. She recommends jerking off strangers.
  16. After 1:30 minutes of singing she is out of breath. This is pathetic.
  17. Sexuality is not a spectrum. See evolution of mammalian sex. The book Red Queen gives a good description (by Matt or Mark Ridley...I forgot).
  18. 1:38 Bill Nye grooving is sexually repulsive.
  19. No one uses a Fleshlight outdoors. It is used inside, with appropriate shame.
  20. Bill Nye grooving again.
  21. 2:03 Watch her try to kick. It's like watching someone on their first day of training.
  22. 2:10 - Ironically tells normal people who are going about their business to get off THEIR soapbox while lecturing Americans from a position of ignorance.
  23. Bagels with lox are disgusting...and so maybe her box is better than that.
  24. 2:20 The face of Satan appears.
  25. Ignorant non-scientist calls this "exactly the right message."

"Butt stuff" is not highly related to evolution. Any mammal that does "butt stuff" routinely will actually be selected out. It's evolution in the same sense that extinction is evolution.


2:10 - Ironically tells normal people who are going about their business to get off THEIR soapbox while lecturing Americans from a position of ignorance.

the irony was so palpable here, that I actually looked up the definition of soapbox. I figured that SURELY, they couldn't make such an obvious mistake, I doubted my own knowledge of what soapbox meant. Nope, they're that fucking stupid.

  1. Sexuality is not a spectrum. See evolution of mammalian sex. The book Red Queen gives a good description (by Matt or Mark Ridley...I forgot).

Friendly reminder that Mark Ridley is a libertardian who believes fracking and global warming is GOOD for the environment.

Dude, it's much worse that someone actually wrote an answer for every of 25 points. I'm not quoting it because fuck this shit.

Next episode: "How science proves that TRUMP = VOLDEMORT"

Stuff like this makes me think i might be gay.

what the fuck is this

no really

what the fuq

Armageddon my friend

Guess it is true, live long enough and everyone will eventually get cancer.

Rip bill nye

This needs to be shown in schools.

You know I get why Hitler set up camps now

I made it 20 seconds before I seriously contemplated suicide.

California earthquake fucking when????

I hope soon. I want California to sink into the ocean.

Haha Bill you've triggered so many people you crazy cracker.

This is why we march for science.

At this point I'm more interested in a march against science.

You know who else loved to march?

wow NOT ok

>before Reddit >after Reddit

I wish Netflix would bring back the star rating system so I could give him one for each gender.

Why do people even respect Bill so much? He's a fucking engineer, not a scientist.

It's legitimate to respect someone for being a good scientific communicator. Someone can, in principle, do that without having any particular scientific credentials. We need people to be interested in science for the sake of having a prosperous society, and to inspire that interest we don't (necessarily) need to teach them specific facts or disciplines, but to demonstrate that interest in science can be fun, fulfilling, and morally virtuous.

Unfortunately Bill Nye isn't doing that either at this point. Pushing a single result of social science via song is itself very questionable, but he's not even doing that, either. He's just telling his audience to go to orgies.

Bill Nye just recognizes the 'Why' chromosome. As in "Why the fuck did I agree to be a shill?"

I wonder if these liberals have any self awareness, that their attempts to avoid addressing economic concerns of poor white/ minority working class people and instead spending so much fucking money and time on "gender and race are social constructs, there are hundreds of genders" nonsense, will either lead to growing socialist movements or right wing populism.

Are they trying to look like what the fascists call "degenerate"?

Western liberals haven't cared about the working class for a while. If you aren't an urban professional or an ethnic minority client, you're a deplorable whose vote is unnecessary.

that their attempts to avoid addressing economic concerns of poor white/ minority working class people and

Dude. They have not cared about those concerns since Bill Clinton realized rich folks will bribe you ~1994.

Great, now I've got to got for chemotherapy, wish me luck.

Between this stupid song and dance and the retard lecturing white people on cultural appropriation, I can't imagine Bill Nye being able to save his reputation, let alone the world.

So I unironically give up trying to be super left and communist, this video has quite literally made me a Trump supporter.

Gender politics was always a liberal distraction from class issues, comrade.

Idpol's claimed another victim.

>super left and communist

>liberal identity politics

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You can have one without the other.

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Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury - Rachel Bloom +9 - Is this the same girl who did Fuck Me Ray Bradbury? If so she's REALLY let herself go.
(1) SENSUAL PANTSUIT ANTHEM (Official Rapped Music Video) (2) Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Where's The Bathroom? The CW (3) Remember That We Suffered - feat. Patti LuPone & Tovah Feldshuh - "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" (4) Crazy Ex-Girlfriend After Everything I Have Done For You The CW (5) Crazy Ex-Girlfriend His Status is Preferred The CW +1 - As bad as this song is, it's nowhere near as bad as this. It's like bloom watched that video and tried to emulate it, but thought it would be improved with badly engineered live sound and even less self awareness. EDIT: For the record some of the m...

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I finally watched this and I honestly don't care. Just like with the Pepsi ad. Why are people flipping out over such banal shit?

You don't care than on "science" show where people talk about global warming they sing about gender fluidity?

Ok, but don't come to me when someone denies climate change because "this idea comes from crazy ass liberals".

No I don't. What's wrong with funny genders?

but don't come to me when someone denies climate change because "this idea comes from crazy ass liberals".

I won't, I don't even know who the fuck you are.

Also anyone who would disbelieve science because of that reason is an idiot anyways and wouldn't believe in the first place.

Do you want idiots to believe science because scientists have reputation and do not push unscientific agenda or you'd rather have such videos that can make people feel that global warming is the same level of bullshit as gender fluidity?

That assumes any gender related stuff is made up

Your emphasis on my assumption makes it look that you think otherwise.

I'm not educated enough on the topic, and even if I was more educated on it, I would probably not be on a level to confidently defend it. But I am very interested in human behavior, and this is one part of it, and human behavior is a so called "soft science" so lots of people seem to hate taking any study of it seriously, including anything about sexual behavior.

Therefor I conclude that gender stuff is not taken seriously by default by most people, regardless if they actually studied it or not.

However on the new drama thread which links to /r/videos you can read lots of assholes saying that Bill Nye is a hack regardless of his support of "liberal science" because he says climate change is real (im saying it is full of climate change deniers who just love to lick this story up to attack the science of climate change on the basis of a cringey tv show about sexuality)

Regardless of your experience with who says what and why in /r/videos, that song on that show is not a good idea.

probably, I wasn't offended by it, and I've seen cringeier things before but I totally get why people wouldn't like it.

(walks timidly approaching Santa), Timmy our cute 10 year old, still harbors images of elves and Christmas morning delights.

Hello Timmy, what is you would like for Christmas?

Bill Nye told me to ask for a fleshlight. And a butt plug.

b-but what about muh spooks of binary gender and

Glad bill is despooking the american population.

Gender studies is a spook. He is actually re-spooking the population with retarded identity politics.

he's despooking the population out of the belief that gender and sexuality is anything more than a social construct.

i really liked it

Nye is an actor with a B.A. in Mechanical Engineering. What do people tell their doctor when asked what sex they are? Depending on your problem sex may determine the tests and treatment for that problem. What do people tell the judge when asked about their sex in court? Depending on the offense sex may determine the punishment. Gender specific Grants, awards, contracts, etc... are people now eligible because they identify with that gender.

That Dark Knight quote...

I feel nothing.

Yet I regret everything.

What is this pain?