Mongoloid spergs out over Einstein

50  2017-04-25 by OldOrder


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I hope he enjoys his Jude star.

/u/dindu_muffins how does it feel to be BTFO so badly that you have to passive aggressively assign someone a flair to feel like you won?

/u/dindu_muffins how do you square your belief system with your continued dependence on Jews?

Second question, do your friends know how much you depend on Jews in your every day life? Have you been honest with them about your Jew love?

/u/dindu_muffins I would also like to see you autistically stumble your way through answering these questions.

/u/dindu_muffins why don't you respond to our pings? We can clearly see that you are online.

He's ignoring us until we go away. He picked that up from the way his momma treated him.

Maybe the Jews should have ignored Hitler until he went away, aye /u/dindu_muffins?

100% serious question. Why do you hate Jews?

I have always wondered this when it came to the alt-right and crazy white pride people. I know /pol/ memes are funny and all, but do these punks even know a single new in RL?

It doesn't matter if they do or not. I've even read of some alt righties having Jewish girlfriends irl (even know one personally) It's a lack of critical thinking that leads these retards to their conclusions asking why they don't question the narrative they buy into skips over their goldfish levels of intelligence l.

Poor people hate rich people and the Jewish people are very successful. Also gives the conspiracy theories are a way to help justify their failures as humans and bread winners, someone must be keeping them down.

Ultra orthodox anything always turns weird, regardless of religion

Reminds me of the fundamentalist Mormons and their massive welfare fraud. But it's okay because they're"starving the beast".

Leave it to white people to fuck up welfare.

Jews are to clueless right-wing shitheads what "the Russians" are to 2017's liberals.

White nationalists are almost always social rejects and huge failures in life, which results in bitterness, which then results in the search for reasons why their lives are so shitty (because their own shitty personas and character flaws couldn't possibly be the cause of it /s).

The same basic phenomenon has been displayed recently in the Democratic Party, except instead of "the Jews" it's "the Russians." Clearly, the 2016 election was affected by Russian hacking and other irregularities, because there's simply no way Hillary Clinton was just a shitty candidate or anything like that.

I mean, the Russians have also annexed Crimea, invaded Georgia, are waging a war against Ukraine. There's plenty of evidence Russia has had a significant effect on Brexit, the US presidential elections and the various European elections (by funding the far-right). They're pretty good at creating massive amounts of propaganda.

Tbh you'd have to be pretty retarded to not realise this.

You all can't resist can you?

that's you on the left

Post-Soviet Kremlin has been fucking with the politics of the Baltic nations, as well as other Eastern European nations such as Poland, for over 25 years.

Can you name for me even one Euro country where the election was provably "hacked" by Russia, resulting in a "Russian agent" winning?

Same reason lefties whine on and on about the 1%

They are jealous of their success and attribute it to greed and lack of morals

I only hate Jews online, in real life I find them fascinating.

Just someone to blame everything on. Policies they don't like aren't introduced because they're correct, its because da joos did it. They aren't unemployed because of the market economy or their lack of qualification, its because da joos are keepin' them down.

The only autistic moment there is trying to reason with a mod named /u/dindu_muffins

The Russians claim to have put the first man in space when in reality it was the Jews!

Daily reminder: If you like space travel, thank your local Nazi today!

Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down.

"That's not my department." says Wernher von Braun.

tfw you're so racist you deny relativity

relativity is bullshit and the world is flat. fight me

Untersturmfuehrer in the Schutzstaffel

Pfft... Allgemeine Schutzstaffel. Might have well just given him a Judenstern.