44  2017-04-25 by DeadTrumps


Cool story, bro


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I think at this point it would be easier just to name everyone who isn't a nazi

Me and people I agree with!

It must be weird to know there's something wrong with being a Nazi but now why it's wrong to act like.

I just look at it like if someone calls you a nazi, you're probably right.

Yo, if you want to say "the Nazi's were right," at least grow a pair and let fly my dude.

STFU faggot

See, now you are showing a little spine to go with that teenage angst.

They kinda were.

Bill Nye proved it.


will dew

I particularly like the argument that because her father was ostensibly a Nazi, she is as well. The idea that someone's political status is inherited seems familiar somehow.

No dude it makes perfect sense.

Hitler wasn't really a Nazi. Because neither of his parents were nazis!

Well then which came first? The Nazi or the Nazi egg?

the jewish menace

anti-racism is going so far today than if you have some family with questionable views people will find a way to blacklist you because racism must be genetic and ihneritable.

Perhaps the government can invent a system of yellow stars and other such symbols sewn to people's sleeves, to let us know which of our neighbours have racist relatives/ancestors, and, alternatively, which people are government-approved "True Citizens"

Maybe we could hire North Korea to give us some pointers on procedure.

it's the one drop rule of nazism

We really must find a final solution to this Nazi problem.

I'm glad we're enlightened enough to realize Nazism inflicts corruption of blood.

It's doubly hilarious because her father got booted out of the Front Nationale for his Nazi crap by Marine LePen herself.

/>courts ruled that Melenchon was allowed to call Le Pen a fascist

/>"The court said that Le Pen is a fascist."

Skimming moderately true articles about politics and repeating them as fact, then burying people under irrelevant links that reiterate the same false point in a different way is not going to convince anybody but the most easily-swayed people imaginable. Left-wingers falsifying rhetoric, or more likely just parroting it because you sort of heard it somewhere, is the reason Tr- well, you know.



I wish the actual Nazis would make a comeback by this point. Not because I support them but. So these pearlclutching hyperventilating babies could see what real Nazis are.

Also real Nazis be stylish' af

Would not be surprised if people become fascist because of the style. I'm as anti authoritarian as they come but fuck that pic is stylin'

haha yeah how dare they call far-right nationalists who've recently denied France's role in the Holocaust "Nazis"

haha hehe teeeeheee XDD


Every time:

"This person wants to kill some minority group and is therefore a Nazi"

"When did they say that?"

"They said something else but they really mean kill all minority group"

tbh I'm quite thankful for this. Until telepathic liberals started to read people's minds, we had no way of knowing who is a Nazi and who isn't.

If your brick hits them, they're a Nazi.

it's fun asking them what race the alleged nazi wants to commit genocide against

Anyone got the odds on La Pen winning the runoff?

Pretty low from what I've seen.

Macron had a pretty big lead in the polls.

After the US election I'm not very confident in polls.

The US election never had Hillary that far of trump. Macron is like literally 29 points ahead

Guess that depends on which polls you looked at. There were times when it was basically Hillary 100%/Trump 0% (though that seems to have been retcon'd in the past few months).

The betting odds are far closer than that (though lines are not necessarily a good indicator of outcome).

Guess that depends on which polls you looked at. There were times when it was basically Hillary 100%/Trump 0% (though that seems to have been retcon'd in the past few months).

dude it's painfully obvious that you don't even know what "polls" you were looking at

You're wasting your time trying to convince me with your newfacts. I was alive when it happened. Trump wasn't favored, he wasn't even close.

With a lot of luck the French will elect La Pen and half (or more) of Europe will shit their pants for my entertainment.

forecasts and polls are not the same thing

The odds of winning the election aren't the same thing as polling. None of the polls said that Hillary was going to get 100% of the vote. It was always going to be close to 50/50.


Yeah, I'm starting to believe these polls may have some sort of margin of error.

It's probably illegal Mexicans skewing the results

  1. Macron has done it.

Literally zero

Like an illegal Muslim migrant could behead a 6 year old girl on the Eiffel Tower then rape her corpse and macron could reiterate his stupid we have to live with terrorism quip and he would still win. Le pen is that batshit crazy.

Jeez louise just get the race war over with, I'm already bored.

Nothing better than several clueless burgers arguing which one of them has the most misconceptions about XYZ country.

We are ALL Nazis on this blessed day. :)

"Aujourd'hui, Maman a fumĂ© les Juif. Ou peut-ĂȘtre hier, je ne sais pas."