dramma in r/mma as fans fight over which manlet is dumber

8  2017-04-26 by KingBlunts


Some context.

Cody "Neck Tat" Garbrandt is the current 135lb champion and has no dad. He trains at Team Alpha Male. Challenger TJ Dillashaw used to train there but doesn't and fans fight constantly about it. Neck Tat is scheduled to fight Dillashaw in near future, but keeps bragging about a video he has of him knocking out the guy in a sparring match like an asshole.

I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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MMA drama is the best kind of drama because most of the time it culminates in an actual fight.
Also Cody Garbrandt is a goon, but as an insecure, angry manlet myself, I can't help but feel some sympathy for him.

50% related, but in the same vein of complete fuck-up mentally, I un-ironically love Mike "Platinum" Perry so much since he makes 70% of /r/mma melt so hard.

platinum haters i will never understand

Platinum haters are the same cunts who hate McGoober fighting Mayweather. "MUH PURITY!" and No fun allowed.

in a completely, non-homosexual manner, fuck those assholes, amirite /u/oxus007 ?

Absolutely. MMA was built on style vs style shit shows like this. it's as pure as MMA gets.

All it does is make MMA bigger.



my hero

"more like 'mixed martial FARTS!' lol! But srsly though Dota is a takes more athleticism than any combat sport."


literally this tho

literally you

riemann could probably beat 3/4s of the women's strawweight division i have faith and would actually pay to watch

lol no. /u/riemann1413 has the gas tank of a fischer-price power-wheel.

he'd be tired just meeting half-way in the cage with a 5-year old girl who was in a wheel chair and and has scoliosis

i would also pay to watch that