wtf i hate obama now!

42  2017-04-26 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Cool story, bro


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After getting backed into a corner, he sputters:

He was better than bush.

he was better than both of them and he was better than Trump

that's 3 white mayos beaten. Republicans need to kill themselves if they can't beat a man they just spent a decade complaining about

It's really not difficult to be a better anything than Trump right now. A summer cucumber in sunglasses would be a better president.

The hype train for that mentally disabled orange has crashed into the harsh wall of reality. It's too bad that's the only wall the Trump train will interact with during his presidency.

Trump's do nothing presidency

Obama had 8 years... Trump has had 100 days...

Also, do nothing presidency suits just fine, compared to what people were predicting he was going to do!

Trump and his party have dominance in all forms of government and he still hasn't done a fucking thing in almost 4 months. What will the excuse be in 2-3 years if this continues? Democrats are sellout push overs but the the current administration is proving republicans are too retarded to function. They can't agree on anything. I agree it's a good thing he's not doing anything but it's still a massive failure of the republican party and Trump's administration if they can't do any major legislation or live up to his promises.

Only retards think this is "do nothing" it's actually worse than anyone expected.

The guy is destroying our relationships with our allies for literally no gain, Trump is much worse than I expected he'd be and I expected him to be awful.

The most alarming part is his base believes he's doing a good job, which is just shocking.

it's actually worse than anyone expected


yeah, i expected that it would be this bad

I thought it'd be way worse

I know things can change and everything, but you know the first 100 days is pretty symbolic for what will happen the rest of the term.

Still waiting on him to Make America Great Again. Just waiting for that perfect healthcare plan and that VA fix along with everything else that he promised that would Make America Great Again.

Sure sounds like something I have heard before.

Don't worry this next 4 years are sure going to be fun. I'm sure he will totally make America the greatest country ever. Just you wait he will do everything that past presidents have promised and totally come through on. Just you wait these next 4 years he is going to Make America Great Again.

Don't worry he will repeal Obamacare and replace it with Trumpcare and he will bring back coal! That will surely make America great again. Oh and he will start trade wars that will surely boost America economy and make us great again. Don't worry he will also defeat ISIS within 30 days too! Oh and Hillary I heard he is going to have her imprison for all the bad stuff she has done. Oh boy oh boy! I'm jumping for joy when Trump Makes America Great Again.

But don't you worry he will not be like past presidents he will Make America Great Again. Don't forget it, he will make it Great Again just you wait.

'Do nothing' is an incorrect description. This administration has been prolific in benefitting the Trump family and its benefactors. Coal is 'clean coal' again. Ex-CEO of Exxon is secretary of state, lulz. EPA budget cut and Pentagon budget increased. Because the biggest problem was too much clean environment and not enough G.I.Joing of freedom haters. Tax cuts and loopholes for favorable industries because that will supplant the 10 yr old Bangladeshi kid getting 50c/week, as you know. We obviously dont perceive it that way because Rachel Maddow wants to remind you everyday that Russia has a computer apparently and MOAB was so fucking cool. Also, Milo is a nazi and its okay to punch him as long as you use the proper pronoun to address him during. Now kys for successfully baiting me into serious posting on r/drama.

The context of "do nothing presidency" is failing to live up to any campaign promises/failure to pass any actual legislation. Trump is just signing executive orders that are getting ass blasted in the courts.

Well if that's the case you're still wrong. He's already kept made a few of his promises happen as well as start the process for a lot of others.Also if you think getting something block by activist judges in the 9th circuit is actually significant then you, good zir, are so uninformed that it's embarrassing that you typed so much.

he hasnt done anything except get cucked by the courts and sign executive orders that will be over turned when he loses in 2020/the dem win 2024 and that's even if he wins against the courts. slit your own throat you sub human.

Wall bids in place

Swamp drained

Gets China to help with taking down NK

Is mad at leakerers from slackerbama administration

Backed of china for greater world stability (You hate war then you love it? Hypocrite.)

Immigration ban likely to be upheld by SC

Clinton is now a nobody

Tons of ACA replacements, Rand's plan probably pass if pushed. (Except you wouldn't know that because you don't actually keep up with politics)

Meanwhile for dems

Less gun control

Georgia election lost even though millions spent and runs against multiple (R)s

SC seat lost

Shown to be very out of touch

Unconstitutional gun control getting sued

none of those are wins and most are deflections/walking back his actual promises

if you head over to T_D even they are complaining about republican kick back on Trump's promises as they blame the party for his failures

you're almost as retarded as your daddy.

Nope, sorry liberal. World peace is a win despite you thinking it's not. Do you suddenly believe kept promises don't count? Guess not. I mean libs and dems just lost so much under Trump and Obama that they think losing harder is now winning.

im a registered independent and I didn't vote for Obama either time. I'm not a liberal. calling someone a liberal is not an argument it's proof you're prime material for extermination.

by the way bombing Syrian airports and trolling North Korea is not a recipe for world peace you idiot

Now sending a message to stop using chem weapons and stopping a nuclear war hungry country is now bad. Oh boy, I see why you became independent, keeping up with politics is too hard.

bombing/threatening other countries

world peace

pick one and shut the fuck up

No, how about I pick both. Sorry you can't comprehend peace through strength. I guess you are truly BTFO!

peace through strength is just another excuse for global interventionist policies that always back fire in the years that follow. congratulations on being no different than a war hawk/ neocon. you might as well have just voted Clinton you dunce.

Hahaha world peace. What kind of mental gymnastics got us there?

Wall bids in place

Gotta find that funding now

Swamp drained

lol wut?

Gets China to help with taking down NK

China doesn't want NK taken down. It's a buffer between them and a US ally with important US military bases.

Is mad at leakerers from slackerbama administration

Your daddy loved leakers during the election but hates them now.

Backed of china for greater world stability (You hate war then you love it? Hypocrite.)

The US already had a strong economic connection to China. Your daddy has actually eroded it with his Taiwan phonecall, climate change accusation, and currency accusation.

Immigration ban likely to be upheld by SC

lol nope!

Oh boy, the "independent". Also 80% of rulings from 9th circuit are thrown out when they go to SC.

80% of rulings from 9th circuit are thrown out when they go to SC.

Alternative facts

No it's undeniably true. When cases from 9th circuit go to the supreme court, 80% are thrown out. Whether you like it or not.

They only take 0.1% of cases brought to them. Out of those cases, 80% are overturned.

Class is over. You just got schooled.

Yes that's what I said, 80% of the cases that go to the SC get thrown out. Doesn't make what I said less true at all. If the case does go to the SC it is and will likely be thrown out.

Swamp drained


My body has been ready for the imminent mayocide for a while tbh.

8 years prep, they planned for 8 fucking years and still lost to a piece of paper despite controlling the senate.

They ran appeal attempts like 63 times under Obama too. They voted for it everytime. All that time wasted and the GOP still couldn't back their biggest promise. I think it's clear they never thought they'd be able to repeal the ACA and never actually worked on the issue outside wasting tax payer money on political showmanship. They also can't cut it entirely at this point so their normal ideological plan of "just wait to die if you're poor/have a preexisting condition" just won't work.

I think the funniest recent development is apparently republicans want to exempt their own insurance policies from the changes that'll come in their next attempt to gut the ACA they're currently planning. They're not even hiding the fact whatever they're going to produce is shit if even they don't want to forced to use those changes.

I don't really care about whether or not it's true. It's just funny that when people start making criticisms against President Obama this guy, incapable of arguing, just falls back to the easiest position he can muster.

"Well, actually, there are legitimate criticisms of Obama's presidency."

"Well, well, uh, at least he's not, uh, Bush!"

"Deflection to Obama is okay but deflection to Bush is bbbad okay"

I can only imagine what it's like have a self awareness problem of this level

What? Lol calm down, dude. I am not here deflecting blame from Trump to Obama. I'm laughing at someone whose entire argument is "well at least he's not the other guy!" when he has run out of arguments.

At least Bush didn't put minorities into concentration camps like FDR did! Or genocide Native Americans like Andrew Jackson! Haha guys look at my intelligent political commentary no criticisms can be levied against GWB because there are presidents who did worse things lol!

Calm down? Your post is triple the length of mine. Take a toke from a shotgun barrel and make sure to pull the trigger while you're at it. Both are instances of deflection and you're explicitly excusing one because it's more recent despite it being another boogeyman story when the current administration is letting the rich face fuck America.

no u

oh were back to Obama? I guess people critical of him need to change the subject since the Orange retard currently in office has done literally nothing besides golf and forget people's names

wtf I love wallstreet now

It did not take long to cash those cheques - lol

Why is getting paid a bad thing?

Because it shows who he works for. (And worked for when in office, for that matter.)

No it shows that hes gonna get paid for a speech. That's it.

Good logic

So if Michael Jordan gives a speech it means he works for a bank?


Yes and it means even when he played for the Bulls the whole team he was secretly working for them

wtf I hate osama now

Obama has been called the Seinfeld President, his Presidency was all about nothing. He was another pro corporate President, completely useless.

conservative humor, ladies in gentlemen

"it's like seinfeld!"

"you guys remember seinfeld, right?"

Peak conservative humor is calling him Obummer

liberal humor


watches 3 seasons of Girls unironically

conservative humor, ladies and gentlemen

He's actually a commie edgelord.