
47  2017-04-26 by ChipChippersonAMA


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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"lol cute cat video hahaha mister whiskers was my favorite when he fell of that chair, <3's from a nazi."

Man, trolling is just getting easier and easier.

farting in a synagogue is the closest things reddit "nazis" will ever come to fulfilling their hopes and dreams.

in a synagogue

how'd they get past the guards?


farting in a synagogue

Reform Judaism accepts this. They're also cool with trannies.

What are their thoughts on mayocide

oy vey it's like anudda shoah

Why do nazis even try to deny the holocaust?

Why don't they just embrace it? It's weird, they'll openly call for the extermination of certain ethnic groups, and then turn around and try to pretend the holocaust didn't happen, even though it's well documented and Hitler is on record literally calling for the extermination of Jews.

Is it because deep down they know exactly how fucked their worldview is, and trying to pretend the holocaust didn't happen makes them feel better?

Yes, but did 6 million Jews die in the Holocaust or just 5.9 million?

Really makes you think what else we've been lied to about Nazi Germany!

Really makes you think

certainly does

There was this one nazi who saved a bunch of Chinese people from being raped and killed by the IJA.

He was alright

Was that at Nanjing? He certainly saved countless people but a ton of people were still raped and killed, unfortunately.

never enough for you people >:/

Actual distinct thoughts are a sign of intelligence and good mental health. Neo-nazis, lacking these things, are able to simultaneously believe that the Holocaust didn't happen, but that it was a good thing. This provides moral confusion that helps them maintain their beliefs.

Essentially, if you think the genocide didn't happen, then it really wasn't all that bad. Of course a normal person would conclude that even if it didn't happen the desire to make it happen means that it is as bad as any genocide, but again that's just not what's going on inside their heads.

The same as how the Jews are untermensch who rule the world. Cognitive dissonance is the engine of retard anger.

Why do nazis even try to deny the holocaust?

Cognitive dissonance - murdering however many millions were killed in the holocaust is a really hard thing for one's mind to reconcile with their belief system. Far easier to just deny. Same reason you see That Wasn't True Communism arguments frequently.

Also plays into the (((global conspiracy))) narrative - look at these wily people who convinced the world of this lie to gain power etc etc

if i was an unrelenting horrible jackass and also a member of some group that has insofar permanently altered the gene pool vis a vis near annihilation of an ethnic minority or two and some gays and retards id be proud of it. why cant these pussies just own up to murdering a bunch of people.

Far as I can tell, they think the sympathy Jews get about the holocaust is the reason that the secret Jewish deep state made it all up, so by denying that it ever happened (or more commonly, say "it wasn't that bad") is fighting against the Jewish agenda. Or something retarded like that

If you're not a "bad" Nazi, why even call yourself a Nazi? Make up a different name or stop being surprised when you get called out for identifying with the party that caused the most well known genocide in history.

Agreed. We need to be worse than the Nazis.

most well-known genocide in history

the fact that it's the most known and not the holodomor is proof that the nazis were the god guys

"The Holocaust never happened, but I wish it did" -An absolute dirt bag" - ieatpussy69

But why is that bad, though? - /u/forgeburner


If you change "murder" to "expel" (to Madagascar, look it up, and Hitler was far from the first to want them out), and "take over the world" to "make Germany great again" (France was occupied in the same way that the mugger who's gun you're wrestling away is "being assaulted")

Dose yourself

If you change "make Germany great again" to "conquer Poland and the Soviet Union, sterilize half of the slavs and then enslave the rest, leaving the land open for German colonization" then yea I guess Hitler did want to make Germany great again.

Also, this is literally what you think about the holocaust

Hitler: Grr, these Jews make me so mad, I want them out of my country reeeeeee. Himmler, can you please deport them to madagascar

Himmler: Sorry mein fuhrer, but we're actually at war with france right now, i don't think they'll take em

Hitler: oh darn, what could we possibly do about this?

Himmler: I mean we could just kill them

Hitler: Oh I don't know about that, do we have to

Himmler: I mean we have no choice, I mean since we clearly aren't genocidal maniacs who just hate people based on their race to make up for our own personal insecurities, it's the only potential solution to the problem, which is a problem for some reason.

Hitler: sigh, make it so I guess

You're probably a troll, and this is probably an excercise in futility, but whatever, I accept your challenge

  1. Because dummy why throw away perfectly good labor when you're in the middle of a war of annhialation? You don't need special skills to be able do dig ditches or work on an assembly line. The work would often kill the prisoners anyways, and even if they didn't, if their job performance became unsatisfactory, then they were thrown in the gas chambers too. The Nazis also tried to use them as hostages when it became clear that they were losing in order to eek out concessions from the allies.

  2. Wait a minute, I thought that you thought that Churchill, De Gaulle, and Eisenhower made up the holocaust and pinned it on the Germans? You'd think that if it was a false narrative that they just made up they'd be pushing it everywhere, especially since all three men enforced extensive denazification programs. But anyways, the real reason is because these memoirs are just that, memoirs, they focus mostly on the personal experiences of the three men. I mean for God's sake you're bringing Eisenhower into your corner? The guy who foresaw snakes like you and ordered that the camps be thoroughly documented?

3.The camp's infirmary and physician had two roles: to ensure that a plague didn't roll through the camp, and to conduct medical experiments on the prisoners. The brothels served three roles: to increase the productivity of the prisoners (this was a failure), as a form of punishment detail for female prisoners, and to teach the camp's homosexuals, in the words of Himmler, "the joys of the opposite sex." Jews were also forbidden to use them because that would have been a violation of Nazi racial laws. In practice they were pretty much just extra privileges for the prisoner work company commanders, or Kapos, who already had such priveleges as beating other prisoners as they liked, participating in experiments on prisoners, and extra food.

  1. Congratulations, you're already smarter than the Nazis. You have to understand that the Holocaust was integral to the Nazis' war aims. Hitler believed, as he wrote in Mein Kampf, that non-aryan races like the Jews were responsible for literally all of Germany's problems, so Germany could not become a great power in his mind until they had been eliminated. Additionally, Hitler's war aims were to completely take over Poland and the Soviet Union, kill off half of the slavs, castrate and enslave the other half, and then colonize the previously slavic land with German people. By this, thought Hitler, he could build an empire that could truly challenge the UK, France, and the United States. They didn't just get drunk one day and decide "fuck it, let's kill the untermensch," it was essential to their plans. As to your, just shoot em in the head, it's easier that way, they tried that, einsatzgruppen mobile killing squads were active before the camps and remained active for the entire war. Ironically they built the camps because actually the Einsatzgruppen squads weren't efficient at all, they were time consuming, they took a lot of man power to round people up and keep them rounded up, they were slow, and they were a waste of perfectly good ammunition, the camps were created to solve the inefficiencies of the Einsatzgruppen

  2. Auschwitz wasn't the only place jews died, idiot. There were literally thousands of other concentration camps were prisoners would be shot, starved, beaten, or gassed to death. This includes some of the other major death camps, like Chelmno, Treblinka, Belzec, Majdenek, Sobibor and others. And that's just the camps, that's not even mentioning the Einsatzgruppen mobile killing squads that operated for the entire war, the gas exhaust trucks, the death marches, and about a million other fucking things that they did. Auschwitz is only talked about because most camps were either concentration or death camps, while auschwitz was both, it was also enormous and had the largest gas chambers, and subsequently the largest death toll.

  3. They weren't just hiding it from the allies, they were hiding it from everybody. Like everybody knew that the camps existed, but the actual goings on of the camps were top secret, only for the eyes of the highest level officials, not only because if the general public knew they would be outraged, but also to keep them in fear of the ambiguity of the camps.

  4. We have photographs of the bodies being burned so we know it happened. The SS drained the water table in order to be able to build such pits, and as this drainage has not been maintained over the past 70 some years, the water table has returned to its normal height.

  5. Nope, evidence was not every bit as compelling. Serious holocaust scholarship did not really exist until the 60s, I mean the word holocaust just did not exist for many years after the fact, prior to that they were seen just part of Hitler's conquests rather than the unique genocide that it is now understood to be. The idea of the camps being in the 'altreich' was mostly the misconceptions of a historically ignorant American public who had their husbands/fathers/brothers/sons come home and tell them they saw concentration camps in Germany, then hearing on the news that millions were killed in concentration camps, and then assuming that they were the same camps. Historians are literally always trying to fight misconceptions. The Nazis actually had two very good reasons for building the death camps in Poland, firstly it was easier to hide from the German public, secondly because most of the "untermensch" that they were looking to exterminate - jews, slavs, roma, etc - just existed in higher numbers in Poland and eastern/southern europe, so they just figured they'd save time and money in travel. And what do you know, it turns out that countries like Poland, Russia, Hungary, Romania, etc have higher rates of camp imprisonment than France and the low countries. If you're saying that they faked it and just said it was in poland to keep it away from western eyes, why Poland? Of all the Warsaw Pact nations, Poland was probably the freest and most open, why not say that they were in the GDR? Itd be more believable with the whole camps in Germany thing, and westerners cant get to it. Or why not in the Soviet Union? Or Hungary? Or Romania? Or literally anywhere in the communist world but Poland?

  6. The solution that the Nazis used, in the largest gas chambers, was to install ventilation systems that could completely recycle the air in under five minutes. There were also wire-mesh devices to remove the Zyklon-B from the chambers, improving the efficiency of the ventilation process. Other gas chambers did not have ventilation systems, and the first people to enter those gas chambers wore gas masks until the gas was diffused and made harmless. It was important to ventilate the gas chambers quickly and get on with evacuating the bodies and cremating them - this was what took a lot of time. The gassing itself only lasted a few minutes.

  7. The soap thing was always a popular rumor and misconception, just like the idea of the dark ages and that Christopher Columbus was the first person to visit America. No serious historian ever believed it in the first place

  8. Nobody at Nuremberg was sentenced for steam chambers or electrocution. No evidence of any such thing exists, and the only reason that the idea of such a thing does is because of a miscommunication at the trial.

  9. Your list skips number thirteen

  10. Night is a fictionalized memoir of a lot of his experiences cobbled together with experiences of his friends and other survivors. He doesn't mention the gas chambers because neither he nor his survivor friends were put in the gas chambers, and I know that they weren't because they, you know, survived.

  11. This isn't a question, but I guess you're saying that this is improbable? The thing about Joseph Mengele is that he was responsible for deciding whether or not inmates would be good to work as as soon as they arrived at the camp, so yes pretty much everybody would be brought before him.

  12. Except we know it's true because we have pictures of it. But even if we didn't, the so called, sonar probe that you speak of isn't exactly scientific. I don't want to waste the space explaining why the guy who conducted the probe, Australian holocaust denier Richard Krege, is just flat out wrong, so here is a whole article that rips into the allegation bit by bit.

  13. The question of evidence is literally the first question on Jewish Virtual Library's page on debunking holocaust denial, I'd summarize it but it is massive, so Im gonna let you read it for yourself. As it turns out, there's actually quite a lot of evidence that the holocaust happened, including but not limited to, the testimony of survivors, the testimony of perpetrators, Hitler's goals that he wrote about in Mein Kampf, the camps themselves, hot mics of Heinrich Himmler talking about it, the Wannsee Conference transcript and about a million other documents, testimony of allied soldiers, testimony of resistance fighters, testimony of escaped jews, the fact that 6 million jews and 6 million other "undesirables" who were alive in 1939 are missing, photographic evidence, artifacts, and much much more

  1. I agree that holocaust denial shouldn't be illegal, but just because it is in 11 countries does not mean that it did not happen. In fact the two countries who have the greatest vested interest, according to your narrative, in suppressing holocaust denial, the US and Britain, do not have any laws against it. In fact, since I always hear that that the holocaust was pinned on the soviets because evidence could not be investigated behind the iron curtain, why is Russia one of those countries where it's illegal?

  2. lol. There is not a single respected, accredited historian that does not believe in the holocaust. Because it is just so evident. Because of all that evidence I gave you two points ago.

  3. Because the last civil war veteran died in 1959, that horse has been let out of the barn, it's too late. These rememberance campaigns are more of a modern thing.

  4. First of all, yes crematoriums produce smoke, and second of all, it sounds like artistic licence, the idea that you could be able to tell the nationality by the smoke when you burn them is dumb, I have never heard this claim before but I would be willing to guess that it was meant metaphorically.

Thank you.

If we are going to talk about movements for genocide why not start with anyone who uses the word "friendo"


  • doggo
  • preggers
  • bussy

Ads the suffix "gate" to any scandal

Spells "adds" like "ads"

Haha woops

Haha Get against the wall

Time to whip out the old Mitchel & Webb "Watergategate" sketch.


Preggers, oh goodness yes

true story there was a cute dog outside my building today and when i went to pet it i was tackled out of the way by some clearly aspergers-laiden Queer chick as she loudly screamed "pet the doggo!" the owner was too scared to do anything for a second before politely asking the girl to stop shouting at her dog. the dog was whale-eyeing and backing away the whole time. it was dreadful

just because some Nazi scum uses the word doesn’t only Nazis use it friendo.

On the Venn diagram Nazis would indeed be a very small, and somewhat overlapping, bit of the friendo circle. I maintain that everyone inside the circle should still be genocided.

but i like the word friendo, friendo ;-;


On what grounds?

That I add the suffix -o to the end of nouns? Would you call a certain member of Jackass an asshole for going by the name Steve-O?

Is it because I believe in lightheartedness, silliness, playfulness, and the experimentation with the English language? Does that make me a dirtbag?

What an honor :')

This sub is a fucking SJW fuck palace.

This sounds a lot like you're asking us to try

People like you are the reason we can't

i like how he calls himself forgeburner, as if he would be trusted as a blacksmith.

First, they came for the Nazis...