Loud asshole flooded with downvotes and deathwishes

191  2017-04-26 by [deleted]




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There's very little in this world as satisfying as watching an OP posting something on reddit thinking that the hivemind will back him up, only to be told that he is in fact a moron and he starts crying.

It's a sweet taste when they're turned on but this sort of OP is a weapons grade retard who will shrug off any actual criticism and still walk away feeling in the right. The silver lining is this sort of idiot will likely have a lifetime of fuck ups they can't correct due to their lack of self awareness.

It's how I feel when I play Dota 2 sometimes. You'll have a teammate who is terrible, makes terrible decisions and is just a toxic player all the time, but you'll win the game and you know it just reaffirms his behavior.

This is why I mute all my teams in Dota until the last couple minutes of the game unless it's a stomp in my favor. If you start losing even a little bit and try to ask someone to help they blow the fuck and blame you for their play.

It's how I feel when I play Dota 2 sometimes.


Meh I been a competitive gamer for like 20 years now, I've seen and heard it all.

competitive gamer

Not making it any better.

"Hey guys, this guy likes doing something I don't and I don't know anything else about him, what an autist!"

Lmao do you even know what sub you're in m8?

Oh I know it everyone's autistic, we're the best, etc

yes, which part of this aren't you following

Now, I wouldn't be so brash as to suggest that all competitive gamers are autists, but I do think there would be a marked difference in appearance/personality between a competitive gamer and something more socially acceptable, like a competitive athlete.

video games is serious business guys not for casuals

That's not really a silver lining when the rest of us have to deal with their fuck ups too

The downside is he will drag innocent people into his fuckups. Like when they get 3 DUIs and then finally kill someone.

Look I don't care about the haters and their opinions but I'm posting all this shit on reddit to inflate my self ego and you guys are being dicks so stop being hypocrites and praise me.

according to res i've upvoted you 60 times, you are almost as good a poster as snapshillbot

Yeah too bad I delete my comments every day to piss off the normies.

But it's probably because I'm a power bottom mod of /r/anarchism and you're a secret antfa bastard.

It doesn't matter if OP was right or wrong, he was mean and therefore he was wrong. That is a consistent theme in any reddit thread.

I mean, he's being a dick but he's right. If someone is bothering you, don't just bottle it up until you explode. Be an adult and tell the person before it becomes a problem.

Now if only it could happen in women's subs.

dude, he got 30,000 upvotes, and the people love him. the hive mind is a dumb idiot.

u/mcsassy3, honestly now. Are you this big a crybaby in real life, or do you just play one on the interwebz?

He plays video games, so he's definitely a child in real life.

Too far, video games are an artform

ME:A is Picasso.

...it's definitely cubism alright

citation needed

not all gamers, reeeeeeeeee, where my country gone, etc etc etc

he made the whole thing up.

His nan said he was when I asked about his crying after our noon shag m8

/u/mcsassy3 wow you sure are McSassy XDDDDDD

u/mcsassy3 stop gaming on a school night, or you'll lose all your Good Boy Points.

Taking away tendies is evil m8

As someone with loud neighbors I hope he gets hosed down again.

Probably the closest he's come to a wash in a while.

Nuke california now


I'm sure we are missing some facts from the story, but her first response should never be to instigate the problem.. After first/second contact if the noise persists then you can hose shit. She did realize her mistake though and was a nice enough human being to apologize for her rash decisions.

Lol we also don't even know how loud he was being. It's possible that his neighbor is just a crazy old bat, but everyone is just building a narrative and jerking off to it.

escalate, not instigate.

>starts shit for no reason

>doubles down when called out on it

>posts a constant sream of retarded nonsense

/u/mcsassy3, if you post bussy you'll officially be one of us

I like how I'm painted as the bad guy

That's because you are the bad guy, you selfish child. Grow the fuck up shithead.

Not gonna lie here, feeling a little crazy looking at the replies, but spraying water in my house where there are electronics and shit that could be irreversably fucked when sprayed by a hose is one of the few things that would break my Unrelenting Constant Neutrality and piss me off even if I was making the walls shake with noise.



Loud neighbors forfeit their right to property, child please.

Ahh yes, that's why the punishment for a noise complaint is capital punishment. Thank God you're not in charge of our justice system or we'd be chopping off hands for minor infractions like its 1700BC.

If only!!!

Maybe we should do that, thieves are way too cocky these days

Being too loud violates the NAP

I don't know what goofy US law this is but I can tell from your arrogance in assuming everyone else in the world follows the same laws that you're American. Nigga i don't even know what NAP stands for, tell the FBI to take a plane and extradite me.

You're a giant retard

Don't get salty for you assuming I'm a Americunt, kid. Maybe when you venture out of your Alabama incest ranch, you'll develop a sense of humour.

No, you're just a giant retard

Keep drooling, autist

I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

Did you fish that from elementary like the rest of your insults?

Same comment still applies.

shut up

You you're sitting around screaming at a screen playing video games, then having your electronics ruined is one of the best things that could happen to you.

Do we know he was screaming at the screen? I feel like there is a lot of facts missing.

The poster claimed in one comment that they had been warned previously by neighbors with children that they were being too loud. Then claimed on the occasion at hand just "one person being loud". Threats had been made to call the police, which is what should have happened.

Either way, idiots screaming and yelling at each other whether it be over a microphone, in person at a screen in a video game or real sports at a bar, should have their head checked for problems. It's a very clear indication of impulse control problems, temper, addictive issues and other psychological problems.

Hey, ass clown. I never said we had been warned before by anyone. Stop making shit up.

look, they're both cunts, but only one of them is parading around exhibiting their cuntiness for all of us to see, so naturally they're gonna catch all the flack here

I love r/drama because, by comparison, I am a well-adjusted human bean

Same! It makes me feel so much better about my life

Still better than /r/pics which still upvotes shit like this for some reason.

no no, the people who upvote shit like that are plenty well-adjusted, they're just boring

Please don't normalize normal human beings.

u/mcsassy3 What game were you playing, and why was it so loud your neighbors can hear it.

Depression quest

29,5k votes

jfc people on defaults upvote the dumbest shit

until r/pics came along, I didn't realise handwritten notes and signs were so interesting to look at.

it wasn't until I found r/funny that I discovered how much I enjoy not laughing

I'll spike a volleyball into your face on the beach, out lift your ass at the gym any day of the week and climb a mountain faster than you can get your ass off the couch

Ayyy OP is a fagget

A fit one

What an idiot

He left out the part where he uses a D-pad to get up the mountain and lifts by pressing X

Further proof that Los Angeles should be walled off from the rest of the world.

Uh there's a tv show about this

how else is Taco Bell to win the Franchise Wars?

Millennials were a mistake.

Most of rhem are white too 😠

Millennials are like 30+ now, this guy has to be younger.

Right? ...right?

EDIT: What the actual fuck, "millennials" are kids born from like 1984 to 2004? How does that even make sense? I thought the point was that they were around for the turn of the millennium and the resulting technology boom. Kids born in the mid-90s barely fit that definition, let alone kids born in 2004.

Get the fuck off my goddamn lawn.

You may not of known this, but all living people are either millennials or boomers and you have to pick one group to hate.

only one?

Yes, I'm afraid those are the rules.

curses, my inclusive misanthropy is foiled again!

Definitely not 2004 wtf, it's 80s to about 97.

Californians were a mistake tbh

are you like really old or something?

that 1st paragraph is pure bullshit. you aren't supposed to "wait" and then when you finally lose it, you do shit like this.

This guy is right tho. If you have a complaint with a neighbor tell them immediately or inform the LL. You don't just repress your rage and wait to explode, though I can see how reddit thinks not interacting with their neighbor is the appropriate response.

Can you just imagine a reddit neighborhood?

I'd love/hate that. Going from feeling alive to wanting to suicide ironically on a daily basis.

I can imagine it if only it were on a multi camera feed and I was watching it from far far away!

Actually, he's trying to take credit for making people happy and coming together. He's like that fucking Pepsi ad in Reddit comment form.


My roommate is a loud asshole while playing video games. It wouldn't be so bad except that he insists on leaving his door open and screams "nigger" all the time. My other roommate and I have asked him to at least shut his door, but he "forgets."

What I'm saying is that I empathize with the neighbor lady. I've been thinking about busting out my 75 watt guitar amplifier and trying to brush back up on my guitar skills....

I think you need to move my dude.

I'll be moving out in the fall. I just can't beat a flat $500 a month utilities included.

Post a video of him screaming out the n word it'll go viral

"This is what gamers are actually like!"

It would be hilarious if he continually screamed slurs at Minecraft.

League is close enough I think.

Funny how much gold he gots on his downvoted comments. A real hero.

Ayy lmao

I'm with you on this. She was a bitch for spraying water at you.

who is this mystery gold man

Him. You know it was him.

I don't think it's possible to gild yourself, though I do think you can fuck yourself...brb.

Go back to your nintendo good gentlesir

NBA Jam is on PS3 my man...no wonder she hosed my place, we were ON FIRE!!!

So, not just a child playing video games, but playing video games of playing real sports.

You can't seem to stop going even lower and stupider, can you?

Lol ps3

ten out of ten. you are now another fake whiny crybaby on reddit, like so many before you writing a note about a thing.

Low hanging autism.

/u/mcsassy3 clearly got his sister to write that fake letter

Loud asshole checking in here...led from my inbox -- didn't know this place existed.

Anyways, I was banned from r/pics and it was my one friend that yelled a couple times during the game. The game itself wasn't even playing any audio except for the sound effects of the game (no music or anything) and I took responsibility on behalf of said friend because it's my home. Either way, resorting to physically damaging someone's property is no way of going about resolving any type of conflict...especially with no prior attempt of communication.

I did have a lot of fun being a sort of a "villain" out of nowhere though...the internet is a funny place. I'd consider myself a very well balanced and likable person in real life, but damn...you can be whatever kind of goober you like on the internet, so fuck it!

Cheers, peace and love.

A/s/l chk pls

13/f/long beach here

So where do you lie on the autism spectrum?

Somewhere between my mom and uranus.

Please explain your comments about gang-banging her. When you went there, I lost all respect and sympathy for you. You called her slurs, too, which is not cool. You need to dial your attitude back.

I believe some people were telling me to invite her over for sex (which I believe they were kidding about) and I mentioned that I had friends over...I went along with the joke and took it up another notch.

As for the slur, I called her a bitch...well, because I believe she is one for blasting water INTO my home. She damaged my property...I did no such thing to her.

Um, no, not "invite her over for sex", gang-bang. here, I'm going to paste here your own words from last night:

permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]mcsassy3[S] -58 points 7 hours ago She ain't worthy of this monster 🅱ong permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]blackout_couch -34 points 6 hours ago Ah- you didn't say she's in the "wouldn't" category. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]mcsassy3[S] -47 points 6 hours ago You know, now that you mention it...could've been a pretty dope gang bang since there were already 4 of us playing jam

I can barely make out that jumbled pile of text.

Anyways, it was a joke...get over it. Or don't, I really don't care either way.

Have a great rest of your day.

Skip over the techy parts and you will be able to read your words. Grow up, and do not make rape jokes. Especially about a real life person who is your neighbor.

You desperately need to consider offing yourself

You go Internet police!!! NO JOKES ALLOWED.

Well rape is hilarious after all. It's usually my go to subject when I'm trying to be funny.

A gangbang does not imply rape you manhating piece of shit. Stop trying to make everything rape, you are fucking up innocent people's lives.

Usually, it does. Don't call me a man hater you woman hating piece of shit. OP might have been joking but he was certainly taking rape.

wait then what does it imply



Yes it does. Maybe not in the make believe world of internet porn but the term most definitely began as a term for rape involving multiple offenders.

yeah and bananas used to be tiny and green but you don't see me running around saying this big yellow thing is literally rape

Why the fuck do you have windows open anyway?

Was a hot day and a cool night...was just getting some fresh air into the apartment. What are you, the window police?

Then turn on the AC?

I actually agree with you. What she did was way out line. Normal people would knock on your door and ask you to keep it down. My neighbor could have burnt down our house one night because the porch light was shining into his bedroom. Rather than close the blinds, or politely ask for us to turn it off (forgot it was even on tbh) he came over and put a box over the light. The box melted and started a small fire in the carport. It was pretty fucked up. Like who comes over and causes damage, you're already there so just be a human being and ask nicely. I think you probably would have been polite to her and stayed quiet had she been reasonable about the situation.

Sure you were a bit of an asshole in the comments but it's the internet, who isn't? Wouldn't take anything anyone says too personally.

Did he not realize lights can get hot af? Dumb fucker should have either rolled over in his bed, closed the blind or ask instead of trespassing and almost arson.

I know! He is definitely a dumb fucker. That wasn't even the only time he caused a fire in our carport. I honestly fucking hate him and I rarely hate anyone.

You strike me as a person who's really just kind of dead on the inside. I mean you've got a fantastic facade but behind the walls, nothing except a gnawing paranoia

Thanks for your random arm chair diagnosis, Internet stranger? 😐

Hey don't let me rustle your jimmies, just a public observation about someone who's acting out in public.

I'm not bothered at all...I just found it strange that you decided to go out of your way to make that assumption towards me about who I am as a person.

With that being said, I feel like everyone could use some therapy now and then...go and take a look at yourself in the mirror -- it seems like you're projecting your inner feelings onto me based off this short little interaction, but what do I know? Have a good night.

Damn that really rustled your jimmies. I mean you had a whole paragraph and everything. Either way, stop being a douche. Have a good night.


Look how buttmad you are. It's funny. When are you getting hosed down again?

You need to spray some water in her vagina. She obviously​ has sand in her vagina.

I just want to know who was gilding all of his comments, and why

Probably himself.

good point, that's now my prevailing theory

It's always great to see people freak out and then hold themselves because they think it makes their post valid.

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The neighbor has hot handwriting.

the bandwagon is too strong. i must post something... something really effective, succinct, and to the point. but what...? "ur an immature idiot lol" later that day: masturbates furiously to thought of thine ownage wraught upon thee

The shit that got me was all the people saying that if your neighbor has a kid you need to change what you do you in your home...Got downvoted just for simply saying I can play music at a reasonable hour until a reasonable time.

Lol @ the conversation in there where people are talking about how they genuinely hope he's learned some lessons from the way the votes went in that thread.

  1. OP is a retard he'll clearly never be self aware
  2. Downvotes lol
  3. Anyone trying to teach morality and police that shit on Reddit is a way bigger fucktard than OP is

Yeah he's an entitled prick and it's nice to see him get shit on. But it is the internet, and it's funny to watch how easily he antagonizes the hivemind, the one he maybe wanted on his side, to do exactly what he wanted them to do for him.

I like how /u/mcsassy3 gilds himself.

How much noise can you possibly make playing video games? It's not an activity that should be able to disturb your neighbors.

You can't spray a hose into someone's apartment. Once again, you are all fucking stupid.