/r/quityourbullshit discusses whether or not homeless people should be allowed to sleep on private property.

9  2017-04-26 by Quizlop


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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kill the poor

You've gotten soft. UK. You used to use way more outlandish torture devices on the downtrodden.

Aqualung looking motherfucker

unrelated, this had me laffin

this had me laffin

You weren't the one hosing down the turds

Wow retarded commies that don't own any property think people that do should freely give it up to tweakers that will destroy it. I'm shocked.

What I learned from that thread is that burgers also needt to poo in loo

there's like a 60k square foot, unfinished abandoned house somewhere in the US. just stuff the homeless people in there. problem solved

Those spikes would never be allowed on public businesses in the US. They couldn't afford the liability insurance.

Do you ever leave your basement? Those "spikes" are used in a lot of places on the city.

In the US? Never see them in Los Angeles (no dox bby).