BikeLA mod denies that voat-posting political candidate is a racist in r/LA

18  2017-04-28 by SlavophilesAnonymous


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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A future president is currently on Reddit right now. Think about that for a moment. Now think about a grassy field. You are lying in that field. You feel every blade of grass touching you right now. You stand up and notice a cabin on the horizon. You walk up to the cabin and wonder how you are already at the cabin door when a moment ago you were able to see it on the horizon. You realize that the man sized electronic contraption right outside the camera frame is a teleporter called a Deus Ex Machina. You open the cabin door and see a pistol on a small table. Now kill yourself.


I'd rather be on a grassy knoll

What roll do I need to resist? Wisdom or charisma saving throws?

Some impressive mental gymnastics in there. /u/fixedelineation how did you perfect your form so well?

Did you read the archive or are you falling for a hack job article. I'm capable of reading and examining evidence but clearly you aren't.

It sounds like bike lanes are the single most important issue to you. Talk about some serious first world problems, does it frustrate you that nobody takes you seriously?

nah not really, bike lanes are great and help reduce fatalities encourage cycling, but I'm interested in solving the political decay that plagues my city and the country as a whole.

so you want to make america great again?

no I just want better representation as a whole. Im confident in my politics bucko and would toe to toe out progressive your regressive ass any day of the week. The city of LA has a 240 million dollar shortfall and inadequate safety for its people. I blame the elected for that. Who do you blame?

white people obvi

u/fixedlineation has to work for Bray-Ali's campaign. Just look at how many comments he has made on this topic in the past two days.

I don't. I'm just not an idiot and can see a smear job like this without much trouble. I read his entire archived history and I can tell exactly what type of person he is and it matches who I know from the bike scene.

Can you explain how a candidate voluntarily using the word 'nigger' is a smear campaign? Do you not realize that no politician can ever get away with saying that word? This is a controversy completely of Bray-Ali's own making.

And I would love to see some snippets from this history that can somehow prove that a person is not racist. Care to share a few?

Sure. So Joe is of mixed heritage and was commenting in a sub dedicated to hatred of nonwhites. His comment is sarcastic, although it is admittedly difficult to see it that way out of a broader context. Comments like these often fall flat. He seems to be on one hand telling these racists that we are all related, and on the other hand having a taxonomical conversation about racial slurs. That is an odd conversation, but when you consider he studied anthropology it makes a bit more sense. here are some posts from the archive where he is talking to racists, notice the anthropological theme.

Post topic: I don't mean to sound racist, but why are so many (most?) convenience stores owned by Asians? I have some theories, but I feel like I'm missing a massively obvious factor. I'm genuinely curious!

Joe's response. ubrayj021 point 4 days ago[-] Prior to the early-1970's classic American minority groups that had not been assigned "white" status were barred from access to credit and loans from banks.

This means that if you were Chinese, "Mexican", or Black, you could not get loans with the same amount down as a "white" person. In the 1940's, Japanese people had all of their land in Southern California taken.

These sorts of things keep hard working decent people from building wealth and social capital.

Post topic: We are no longer citizens of the United States of America" - Native American state of 72,000 people declares independence from the US - 'claim legal under treaties with Government'

Joe's response ubrayj02 1 point 1 day ago [-] The people who we commonly refer to as "Native Americans" are NOT the first group of people (as evidenced by skeletal differences) to inhabit the North American continent.

The first inhabitants of North America, circa approx. 14,000 years ago, have more in common (skeletally) with a non-Asiatic group of humans. Their remains more closely resemble those of the Ainu of the northern islands of Japan. The Ainu themselves have several physical charactersitics which make them look more "European" - curly hair, hairy bodies, etc.

The "Native Americans" that we see in photographs, etc., migrated across the continent a bit later, and share many traits with an asiatic group of humans.

So you've given two reasons to support the argument that Joe's comments weren't racist because they were "sarcastic." You say (1) he is of mixed race and (2) he's actually just interested in anthropology.

First, the fact the he is mixed race means nothing. There are plenty of self-hating black people who use words like the ones Joe used and do it unsarcastically.

Next, his interest in anthropology does not negate racist comments. The fact that you were able to post a non-racist comment by Joe does nothing to prove that his other comments are not racist.

I thought you would be able to post conversations by Joe that directly address his comments in which he uses the word "nigger." Instead you just posted non-racist comments by Joe that prove nothing.

Do you have any proof that his use of racist comments were "sarcastic?" I've read them in context and they seem pretty indefensible to me.

Well he is telling racists that we are all related, I don't know if you know many racists, but they generally aren't a fan of that bit of knowledge.He then says "nggers" but you guys are the experts... that is sarcasm. I admit it's not super clear, that sometimes happens when you are shitposting. He has a post about what was considered a white person. And he breaks down the history of the term "white" How that definition changed over the years etc. That taxonomic thread is important because it informs what he may have been going after in this thread. Is Joe a "ngger" in the eyes of that sub? Does that sub have a definition? What if you are mostly white are you still classified as such? He doesn't continue the conversation and doesn't spend much time on voat, which is understandable because that place sucks. The point is, the paper pulled from the only comment about race he makes where it is ambiguous for people not familiar with Joe that he might be a closet racist. Although a closet racist might want a different user name.

not to spam you , but here are three posts from his voat archive i v/niggers. All making clear condemnations, or making fun of the racists. Also, the archive shows Jbray posted to links to that sub. Both are derided as being Jew/kike bullshit, or being critical in relations to POC. I can't pull up the links he posteddbecause the archive would not save them, but clearly what he posted was sympathizing with the BLM movement and targeted at the un fair debt collection system in the US that targets communities of color unfairly.

Goys, GADDAFI WAS RIGHT: submitted by eagleshigh to Niggers ubrayj02 -10 points (+0|-10) 1.4 years ago

Why would the people on this sub care what Gaddafi, a person from Africa, has to say?

permalink Yet another Walmart parking lot fight. "Here come the crackers." submitted by kona_mocha to Niggers ubrayj02 -8 points (+0|-8) 1.5 years ago

Where I grew up this type of stupidity cut across ethnic and color lines.

permalink Yet another Walmart parking lot fight. "Here come the crackers." submitted by kona_mocha to Niggers ubrayj02 -8 points (+0|-8) 1.5 years ago

Wait, these people aren't part of the same species you and I belong to? How can that be if we can reproduce if we have sex and create fertile off-spring?

Untaped drop bars are for such fags.
