Pig disgusting human females invade /r/insanepeoplefacebook to discuss how beautiful and wholesome their periods are, proving once again that only 2D anime characters are fit for companionship

42  2017-04-28 by Ylajali_2002


Jews did this


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I linked to the whole thread but most of the drama is here with some excess drama here.

Odd, I'm banned from there for some reason.

Bring back period tents.

Was that a (((thing))) or am I misrecalling?

Yes. In the Bible, the Jews made their women go live in a hut while they were bleeding. That was written about 3,000 years ago. Not sure when it was discontinued.

They aren't, a girl died in November in one

Well, them's not Jews.

Curious as to when Judaism stopped doing it; I don't think even the fundamentalists do it.

One of those threads with more periods than Hemingway’s novel.

Hemy got jack shit on Tom Wolfe. Finished BotV last week but holy shit was this passage literary free-bleeding:

The phase pops into his head at that very instant: social X-rays … They keep themselves so thin, they look like X-ray pictures … You can see lamplight through their bones … while they're chattering about pizza parties and Soros death orgies … and encasing their scrawny shanks in metallic Lycra tubular tights for their Sports Training classes.

as soon as traps become straight women are going straight to the camps

/u/jrowls can you please stop mansplaining what a woman should feel about free bleeding? It kinda yucky.


I'm just waiting for the free peeing movement where I can just piss myself wherever I am.

Don't you already do that?

It's not socially acceptable yet, so I wear a diaper. Thankfully I'm also an ABDL, so it kinda works out.

Wearing a diaper?! Come on man, be the change you want to see in the world! Pee free son!

Free cumming 4 life.

/u/jrowls i support your quest to normalise these things. i made something today that i think you'll enjoy


why is that edgy? don't you like it?

it's a natural product of womanhood.

you should celebrate it and take photos sitting in it for your facebook page.

OH my GOD! THAT is the most disgusting piece of shit i've EVER seen. I literally threw up in my mouth. Worst part about it is the face that it looks like the shit of a meat eater. I cannot fucking take these damn meat eaters ruining my Reddit experience. NO! it doesn't look tasty! He or she is a sentient being with human emotions. Fuck YOU.

Dude it's just molten chocolate lmao just take a scoop with this spoon right here 😋🥄

Unironically kys

Progressives were a mistake