/r/thebluepill kinkshames a proud robosexual

79  2017-04-28 by HueGenics


Cool story, bro


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I have heard somewhere that progress is impossible to stop, only slow down. If the world is turning towards a future where people use 10,000 dollar sex bots instead of wooing real women, it seems about as natural as the Big Crunch to me.


Bonus: OP of that thread is /u/RefuseAndResist, so keep an eye out for self-hating smug posts.

Who's that mofo?

It's an alt of AngryDM , notorious lolcow and denier of physics.

So, Brianna Wu?

AngryDM is far more unstable. Wu hasn't done anything like tell his SO they can't wear green and purple or walk around barefoot because of gabbergooters.

What about /u/nointerlockingparts and his "black gay Hitler with AIDS" shtick? He seems pretty crazy.

am not HIV + as far as I know

Check his post history it might be the craziest thing I've ever seen. Like if someone told you that a person thought that way you'd say that cannot be possible u/RefuseAndResist shows that anything is possible

Now I have seen everything in this world....It's time to start The Gathering. There can be only one dudes. But before that is he/she/it also a commie/ tankie, or just crazy?

Now I have seen everything in this world....It's time to start The Gathering. There can be only one dudes. But before that is he/she/it also a commie/ tankie, or just crazy?

But before that is he/she/it also a commie

Oh yes. Everything you'd imagine a reddit commie to be.

/u/RefuseAndResist Desist, refuse.

u/bolognesesauce "Believe me, it's great. In theory they'd just leave women alone. The problem is they'll get so used to their submissive sex slaves that if they come across a real woman they won't be able to handle rejection" why would you think we'd even keep women around once the sex robots and artificial wombs are in place. Let's face it women are about to be obsolete, who wants a to deal with a woman when you can have a harem of super hot sex bots that do your bidding. Sounds like the 72 virgin thing islams got but its real and with robots

If this weren't /r/drama i'd call Poe's law on that o.o

"Why would you think we'd even keep women around" Lol like you sad MGTOWs would even have any say in the matter, you can barely leave your basement let alone go out and make political change.

Cry moar roastie.

Were not the ones freaking out about sex robots. Don't worry even without robots nobody's finding you remotely bangable

i love the panic as these hacks realize once sex bots are a thing they will have to get a job to earn a living

Will you have sex with me pls I've never kissed a girl

Stop womansplaining


"Why would you think we'd even keep women around" Lol like you sad MGTOWs would even have any say in the matter, you can barely leave your basement let alone go out and make political change.

If your computer was honest it would say "sent from basement"


found the fattie

Pro tip: if your username is named after food then we all know you're fat

My username's named after food because it's a random account I use for political threads but nice try ;)

Pics please. Don't worry, I'm a feminist.

detecting humour and sarcasm is a sign of intelligence. i guess what i'm saying is, you're a thicko

oh wait THESE are the "MGTOWs who want to stick women in camps" you were talking about???

dude read the sidebar lmao

Let's face it women are about to be obsolete

You accidentally stumbled onto their real objection. Most of the women in that sub already have very little in the way of social capital because they aren't attractive to men. They're already losing the attractive, socially desirable, Grade-A males they want to more attractive women. Now they won't even get a shot at the less desirable men because robots will give all the Grade-B and lower men access to a simulation of the kind of women they really want. They know that they'll end up like all the losers that lived on /r/Incel before they shut it down and it scares the shit out of them.

Guys, you're calling me fat and unbangeable but you're the ones who want a sex robot. The irony.

Bruh it's been over 12 hours how are you still taking (or pretending to take) this subs retarded bait ?

Can you just off yourself already.

No one here wants to bang sex bots or uggo whiteys like you, tbh fam


Once they invent the robots that will listen to you talk no matter inane and fucking retarded the things you are saying are, then men will also be obsolete. And if that robot just happens to be able to the odd DIY and looks like a kitty cat...

Now people It looks to me that redpill and bluepill are sub full of virgins and neckbeards who are still trying to score. Redpill is for alpha males, bluepill is for ,,nice guys" and closet cases? Or after 2 months in reddit I'm wrong? Now on the topic : a) yeah, women don't talk about sex toys they have...gimme a break. b) dudes, who cry ,,simpler genitals" and ,, men don't need sex toys" - yes most don't, but dudebros from bluepill will shit on any who do, thus being more pathetic than the sub they hate. c) sex bots can replace prostitutes, feminists and their whiteknigts - rejoice.


It wasn't enough to pretend to know what women are thinking. You're pretending to know what I'm thinking and what I've said.

Isn't that entire thread pretty much just them assuming what men are thinking?

Is this idiot trying to pull of faces of Foley gimmick with multiple accounts, because if he does, it kinda works..

It only works when you have multiple personalities or hear voices, which probably makes ADM a prime candidate to pull it off.


because women actually view men as people

lmao as if. Remind me again which gender's feelings are the ones ignored, surpressed, and out right mocked for being expressed? Oh wait that's men. Is that what being treated as a person means?

The only reason you would be concerned about sex dolls is because you offer little else in a relationship other than a wet hole. What a shame that so many women are unwilling to contribute something to a relationship other than their bodies. With women's abject lack of compassion and reciprocity in relationships, it is little wonder that men would seek out an expensive sex bot that would listen while real women would vomit in their own mouths if they heard their spouse profess to being sad.

Is this a TRP pasta

It's weird because the opening is very reminiscent of Cher from Clueless and then it goes immediately into very sad TRP/probably more incel territory.

Men Hate Talking About Their Feelings

Why Don't Women Ask Me About My Feelings


Did I stutter mutherfucka?

sorry i'm just trying to wrap my head around

sad TRP/probably more incel territory.


women are lying about liking men who talk about feelings? all women are the same?

EXACTLY. You cracked the case, all women are the same and that's just the point I was making.

Hopefully not sporadically

Not female, just sayin'

Here, I summarized it for you:

"No, women view men as monsters."

"I respect men, this is why they always ignore me and go for the Stacys, ugh, I'm sure a nice girl"


Someone has mommy issues.

Ahem...three wet holes

The only reason you would be concerned about sex dolls is because you offer little else in a relationship other than a wet hole.


You uh... You alright, man? That was some kinda post.

Never knew feminists fantasized about their fake cocks saying no....

Market opportunity if tru

I'd buy

Are you looking for a full out raping the dildo experience, or more of a embarrassed and coyly saying "No" while actually meaning "Yes" dildo?

Why not both?

Do you think /u/refuseandresist's problem with this is that he won't be able to afford one? He could make it wear whatever color of socks he wanted!

They're designed to replace women, which is why they look like women. They're designed to be the submissive little sex slaves that misogynists have always wanted.

The creepy thing about the sex robots is that you know the MGTOWs are going to pretend they're real women and they'll revel in the fact that the robots can't say no.


Who cares what they do in their own homes with their property? I know you're going to sit and argue "well they'll go outside and treat women worse because of it." That's not a good enough reason to ban this. Men should be allowed to get off however they want without your nonsense ideology getting in the way.

without your nonsense ideology getting in the way

They have so much in common with the nuttier Christians they hate.

I don't see how it is "misogynist" to wish more women were up to standard.

Men should be allowed to get off however they want without your nonsense ideology getting in the way.

Sounds like something a pedo would say

99% of flesh-and-bone women want to be submissive sex slaves in bed.

If these robots also can be fabricated to look like goats or dolphins or something will people judge me even more?

I'll be happy to stand up for robot rights the moment a sentient AI asks to stop being raped by the rich creep slobbering over it.

/u/refuseandresist, even that robo slut will deny you a fuck, you perennial whiteknight.

Can't say no when their limbs are disassembled.

This whole thing is so stupid. You might as well call gamer murderers for all the ai they've killed.

I mean, they're going to leave their houses and forget they can't drive on the sidewalk! Ban GTA!


They're designed to be the submissive little sex slaves that misogynists have always wanted.

Maybe if you put out more this wouldn't be a problem...

Female sex toys don't always resemble male genitalia so it's not like they are objectifying men. They're just phallic objects.

Phallic objects you say, like kinda penis shaped, you know like a guys dick? Your lack of self awareness is amusing and expected.

lmfao this is such a weird thing to worry about

The only thing funnier that incels / r9k robots thinking that robots will replace women are the people actually worrying about it

They're designed to replace women, which is why they look like women. They're designed to be the submissive little sex slaves that misogynists have always wanted.

/u/bolognesesauce because you were first to figure out the scheme, you can sit at the front of the rocket to the sun you're all going into.

Calling it now, sex robots are the great filter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter

The reason there is no extraterrestrial civilizations in the observable universe is because any civilization advanced enough to invent robots just started fucking them and simply died out.

It makes too much sense

/u/bolognesesauce was a mistake -> feminists were a mistake -> women were a mistake


Thanks, that's what I was going for.

So why do you blame men for all your problems?

I never blamed men for all my problems so I don't know where you got that idea from? You can go through my comment history if you want to see. I'm not even a feminist. I just don't like MGTOWs ;)

I just don't like MGTOWs

Me neither

True AMOG right here

Can you stop making up acronyms, it's become too difficult to keep up with all the bullshit

> hasn't even read The Game



Everything was relatively reasonable until the flat out denial that men using sex toys isn't seen totally differently. The argument being that MGOTW/incels make fun of female sex toys too, but who gives a shit about that? Normal, non socially retarded people tend to see only the former as creepy. To think otherwise seems a little delusional.

/u/bolognesesauce fight me

The problem is they'll get so used to their submissive sex slaves that if they come across a real woman they won't be able to handle rejection.

Right, like the time I heard an old guy say 'thanks' to an ATM. The 'uncanny valley' can be tricky, I know.

I've seen a lot of people in the manosphere mocking women for using sex toys.

lol, what? I've never even once seen that.

Men don't need sex toys to get off. It merely adds variety.

Well this guy probably does, doesn't he?? Ableist dumbass.

I guarantee there is a correlation of levels of misogyny and a man's sexual predilicition towards porn and sex toys.


Women aren't really shamed about it because they also aren't obsessed with sex 24/7. They aren't thinking about sex all day, every day. Guys, on the other hand, do. And that is probably why they are shamed or mocked.




Title: Every Seven Seconds

Title-text: Every few months, I think about sex every seven seconds and how weird and implausible it would be.

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