Once on the cutting edge of catty schoolyard gossip and cyberbullying, YikYak announces shutdown.

57  2017-04-29 by shitpost953


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Yik Yak was once valued at $400 million and raised $73.5 million in venture funding. Then, it was plagued by cyberbullying on its platform and a dropoff in interest among the college and high school students who used it.

Maybe if they didn't remove every piece of cyberbullying functionality from the app they'd still be in business.

If anonymous cyberbullying is your USP, and then you remove that feature, what do you expect will happen?

/u/takeittorcirclejerk, comments, thoughts?

bring back bullying


Nice ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Get๐Ÿ‘ out๐Ÿ‘ whitey๐Ÿ‘


"Square โ€” yup, the Jack Dorsey-led payments company โ€” acquired some of the Yik Yak engineering team for $1 million. Unsurprisingly, Square didn't want the app."

Who? What? Am I supposed to know who Jack Dorsey is and care about how it relates to this article?

"Then, it was plagued by cyberbullying on its platform and a dropoff in interest among the college and high school students who used it. "

For example? Expand? Is cyberbullying related to its popularity dropoff?

Emma Hinchliffe is an awful journalist. I took absolutely nothing away from her piece of work. She should be embarrassed.

Jack Dorsey is the Twitter guy, you'd know this if you weren't a cheeto stained neckbeard who violently jerks off to anime porn in your mom's basement every night then cry as you contemplate suicide but hold off on using the rope you bought last year because you still have that tiny hope that maybe tomorrow will be better even though you know, deep down inside you heart, that it won't.


this but ironically

Fucking hell

All of this applies to me but I already knew who Jack Dorsey was.

What does that say about me?

What does that say about me?

Find the rope?

Wait, do you think people who know more about Twitter are less likely to live in their mom's basement?

Holy projection, Batman

Is that not what this sub is for?

you could've been great. that was some of the most fun i've had in high school

Yik yak was the dumbest fucking thing ever and everyone who used it should be send to Fyre Festival (topical reference please upboat)

Yik Yak died when they removed the complete and total anonymity

What's the point if you can't tell people to kill themselves

So which African village is going to wind up with 11,000 pallets of socks?

...what the fuck is YikYak?

Shut up and drink your pepto bismol grandad.

how do you cyberbully people when everyone is (was) anonymous