PSA: Serious posting has been clinically proven as a symptom of having a subpar bussy.

51  2017-04-30 by RogueDinosaur

Stop acting like retards and link me to retards.



/u/riemann1413 I'm being cyber bullied.

solve your own problems

What if my problem is that I'm a retard?

start by deleting your account

Lead by example.


m8 I like the cut of your jib.

solve your own problems

We're not Hitler, lebensraum doesn't just make itself ffs.


If you were smart you would have used [this link](

My app gives me a no user found page.

Am I exist?


lol this loser is posting anime pictures

My username but with Bussy.


yeah that

Gotchu bby.

I have sub-par bussy. Seriously, it probably looks like the Somme back there. I don't know what you homos are thinking.

My bussy is like Iraq circa 2011

We don't bother linking people to retards here since most of the time they tend to just post here of their own free will.

See: this post.


link me to retards.

This subreddit isn't a retard dating service. If you want to get your REEE on then find them yourself like the rest of us.

On an unrelated note, I think would be a million-dollar idea.


¸¸.•¨•♫♪¸¸.•¨you don't have to be looooonely¨•♫♪¸¸.•¨•♫♪

¸¸.•¨•♫♪¸¸.•¨•♫♪¸¸ at¸¸.•¨•♫♪¸¸.•¨*•♫♪


For anyone concerned that their bussy is subpar, /u/riemann1413 offers a bussy rating service.

Just send him a selfie of your bussy and he'll be happy to critique and provide advice on proper bussy care.


I bet your bussy is trash

Finally, a message I can really get behind

Post bussy

Don't you fucking tell me what to do you little bitch. Do you know who the fuck I am? I am the goddamn mayor of cloud city. Now bend over and present your bussy or I shall turn you over to the empire.


do i fit in yet??