Worldnews goes on a drug fueled rampage over the upcoming Beavis and Butthead reunion.

18  2017-04-30 by StopTalkingOK


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Drumpf has a hotel in the Philippines

Really makes you think..............

/u/kosmic_osmo if for some reason we don't immediately discard your "ally significance == amount of trade" nonsense, does that mean china is america's biggest ally?

Canada is America's biggest trade partner, followed by Mexico followed by china

was going by the link they posted

Well again that's why I asked 'by what metric' ? I showed you it's certainly not trade. I showed you its certainly not militarily. So in what way are they our 'biggest allies' ?

We trade more with the EU, China, and Canada. And the UK, AUS, and NZ all support us militarily more than anyone else.

So by what metric are we the best of friends. Seriously.. What should I be looking at if not trade or military?

and here i thought we were still on worldnews! instead of... well w/e this seizure inducing thing is.... anyway, im still waiting on a reply.

So by what metric are we the best of friends. Seriously.. What should I be looking at if not trade or military?

got nothing for me? not surprised.

i didn't agree with their point, i just said your logic was dumb

then correct my logic. how do we measure the significance of an ally if not through trade and military cooperation? both of which i linked and discussed in my OP. please enlighten me!

there is no "measure" of an alliance and its importance. it's entirely subjective

taiwan is tiny and not that militarily significant, but it holds a lot of strategic importance. I imagine the philippines is the same, especially given China's activities in the sea around there

there is no "measure" of an alliance and its importance.

ah ok youre a moron... got it. the flair should have been a dead giveaway. cheers, moron!

when all else fails, just insult people to make yourself look less stupid. poor lil babby :(

ive made a very concise and factual argument that sites two distinct sources, one of which was a .gov website. you referenced my argument yourself. now its your turn to make an argument. but you dont have one, do you?

you stalked me and pestered me to make an argument, so i did. then you couldn't refute it so you cried and called me dumb

you're a child, why even bother debating these things? stick to video games

quote your argument for me. i missed it. feel free to review my submissions to r/askhistorians if my interest in games offends you. you little genius you lol.

This shit makes me hard

Didn't Obama plan to meet with him too?

I like how voices of reason get -50 in /r/politics

real good sub there.