TheBluPill disagrees on whether the word female is sexist

34  2017-04-30 by [deleted]


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Are you OP's alt?

no, am not, but if you dont believe me I dont care.

definitely OP's alt. "dating market" is a hilariously pathetic term.

no I do believe in the red pill but am not an incel

Shut up cuck

hello fellow red pillers

no I do believe in the red pill but am not an incel

oh no it's retarded :-(

"Getting butthurt over descriptive language" is a hilariously pathetic lifestyle choice.

"Descriptive language" is a nice way of saying "something that doesn't exist".

I'm only here because this is OP's alt and he was an idiot in the thread he linked here.

dude you cant accuse someone of something without proof.

/u/thedeath is an isil terrorist

I would suggest googling the term before acting like an autistic howler monkey.

You're a goddamned idiot.

It, or 'relationship market' are very common to anyone who hangs out at dating advice sites from any area of the spectrum, from mainstream 'dear abby' columns to TRP forums.

Again, the lack of broader life experience makes the people in this sub look like idiots more often than not.

Hahaha, dude, how many alts do you have? This is fucking hilarious.

Females, females, females, triggered enough bluepill twats? Also stop lying, if you get laid as much as you say then da fuck you are on bluepill trying to be ,,ally" enough to get laid? Honestly, those idiots there are as pathetic as balding alphas on redpill or suicidal wankers from incels.

What the fuck planet do you come from where people only call misogynist cunts cunts to get laid? I have as much sex as I can handle, and commenting on Reddit isn't exactly going to get anyone laid anytime soon. Are you actually 12?

/u/takeittorcirclejerk can you please correct them?

Correct what?

and commenting on Reddit isn't exactly going to get anyone laid anytime soon.

Oh great, an anonymous internet account is going to tell me how often he gets laid on Reddit. I can't wait for how much thathappened material is going to come my way.

wow dude, you are something

Yep, unlike you, you 4 hour old sockpuppet.

Oh great, an anonymous internet account is going to tell me how often he gets laid on Reddit.

but wait.. you literally just did exactly that

>I have as much sex as I can handle

I have as much sex as I can handle

IE, none.

HOLY FUCK, don't cut yourself with that sharp edge you have there. Jesus, son, did you study comedy at college to develop that rapier wit? Whoa, do your friends call you the flamethrower because you burn so hard? That shocked me so hard, I'm going to go and re-evaluate my entire life.

Only kidding, spheres have more edge than you and I've had worse burns from cold milk. Jesus dude, if you're going to do this at least develop some style. You're as bad as those retards busting a bit over a cartoon frog and twitching "CUCK! FAGGOT! CUCK!"

Hahahaha jesus, nice pasta cuck.

Nah dude, this is spontaneous and it's called 'wit'. Thanks for outing yourself as a professional retard with the use of the word 'cuck' though. Now I know you're only 14.


Hahaha thanks for that

You know if you ever actually got laid you'd be a lot less tightly wound

And you'd know this how?

From fucking your mom.

That's funny, she said she never felt a thing.

Not after she went numb from railing my huge cock.

Hahahahahaha! Oh man, yes, please tall me more about the size of your penis on Reddit. Hahahahahaha!

Oh Jesus, I can't believe you went there. I know you're a sad little goat douche but fuck, this is priceless.

Yeah, you've definitely never had sex.

Only virgin kids on Reddit find it hard to believe that someone else has had sex, kid. I have two children that say I've had it at least two more times than you have.

I have two children that say I've had it at least two more times than you have.

If you had children they'd be saying how ashamed they are that their dad is this much of a spaz, lol

Nah, they both find this shit as funny as I do. You however they'd find very disappointing. You sound like the kind of guy who pms depressed teenage girks telling them to kill themselves.

My imaginary kids are fans of my reddit shitposting.

This is so sad I think it just gave me the bends.

And yet it never gets any use. Maybe that's because you have all the personality of beige wallpaper with a crushed cockroach under it.

And yet it never gets any use.

It's been getting less use since I prolapsed your mom, true.

We're past the 'I fucked your mom lol lmao' gags now, they were never actually good to start with. Now you're just embarrassing yourself almost as badly as if you shat yourself on a 6 hour flight.

Anyway, looks like automod is kicking me down to 10 minutes now, so I'll sign off by saying this; don't ever try to be funny again. You're really, really bad at it. Terminally bad. I've seen comedians who've died the worst death on stage who were funnier than you. I've seen cancer that was funnier. You have the sense of humour of a primary school bully and such a lack of self awareness that you actually think you're impressing anyone but yourself. Whenever you post in this thread, it's actually a cringe post. It's formulaic, stale, old hat, wasn't that funny to start with, and in your hands actually manages to be the opposite of funny. You have discovered anti-comedy, if there is such a thing, posts that people stop and stare at in open mouthed horror that someone could be so terribly embarrassing.

I know you'll be sat there thinking you've done God's work here, and I'm gonna guess you'll probably shoot a sad tiny harpoon of jizz over yourself about it later, but no. Outside of the sad waking nightmare coma that you inhabit, you just come across as another faceless, unfunny little douche, whose only real life is hanging round a drama subreddit to see how real people do it.

Don't worry kid, one day you might get laid. I wouldn't hold my breath or anything though.

Is this OC?

I dunno, what does that even mean? Sorry, I'm new to this racist shithole.

Original Content, as in, did you come up with all this yourself?

Yep. Copypastas are for weeping ass sores like the guy I was replying to. Unimaginative, repetitive little fuck. I can't believe he even recycles his own regurgitated shit-vomit lines.


Wow, you're trying really hard.

You literally have no other shtick whatsoever, do you?

Came here to say this.


That OP didn't get their point over very well with that sub, but kudos to the commenters for all having their periods synced up at the same time. Explains the REEEEEEE in the comments.

That OP didn't get their point over very well with that sub, but kudos to the commenters for all having their periods synced up at the same time. Explains the REEEEEEE in the comments.

bitches ain't shit but females and tricks.

Fuck females git money

It is used as a way of distancing women from the rest of the population

That's right. By using "female," you're pushing 51% of people away from the larger population.

More like 'incel invades TBP to whine about feeeeeeeemales and gets his shit kicked back into his ass so hard he's still chewing on it when he makes an alt to try to garner support by posting the link in here'.

I don't know who you are, but you seem a bit shit.

I don't know who you are either but you hang out in this shitshow of a sub so I can only assume you're step above being one of Ted Cruz's accidental sharts.

Wow, you're trying really hard.

Says the guy who hangs out here waiting to quietly whisper about other people's drama and titter like a12 year old girl. At least I'm actually trying.

Wow, better not let your friends at TBP hear you shitting on 12 year old girls, you misogynist you.

I'm fairly sure they'd mostly find it funny. We're a sub devoted to taking the piss although you bunch in here no doubt have us all pegged as eeevil SJWs or something because you're all 14 year old gamers who learned social skills from Idubbz.

taking the piss

Orally or anally?

Knowing you guys, I'll guess both.

I'm sorry, if like to read your post but all I can see is a14 year old boy rubbing one out over a cartoon frog and shouting 'CUCK! CUCK!' every time you make a post.

You should get help for your uncontrolled delusions.

I'm pretty sure they have pills and things.

Christ kid, you're so shit at this. Seriously, it's like reading the 'standard book of l33t gamer insults'. I fucked your mom, you need meds, CUCK, etc etc. Are you actually reading this and thinking you're looking good? Sounds like I'm not the one with delusions, mr trembly-rage.

But no seriously, you should get help.

Aw, are you running out of steam? I mean granted, when you were running at full steam you'd still have been jealous of a kettle, but now you've just given up. Poor sad little boy.

Do you ever consider that these uncontrolled outbursts of yours aren't you speaking, but your many and untreated mental illnesses running away with you?

I'm sorry, am I going too fast for you? I was figuring fetal alcohol syndrome, what with the terrible comments you make, I guess that would explain you not keeping up.

But no seriously, you should get help.

m8 ur getting shit on just stop replying and try to pretend this didnt happen

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, no.

haha guys look at me im going to type out haha as if i am laughing to pretend i dont care haha but i still take time to type out haha for some reason if i really didn't care i just wouldn't reply at all haha

That it? Fuck me, I guess daddy is using the family brain cell right now.

whoa good one sport

Capital letters might even help you pass for a high school student instead of a special one.

is me using capital letters going to make you any less of a bitch nigga

Awwww, triggered much snowflake?

when you are actually the triggered snowflake but you accuse someone else of it to feel better about yourself

kek every time

Do you always speak in the third person when you're trying desperately hard not to sound profoundly retarded? Or is that just a recent development?

u seem vry upset mi frnd

Not so mad that I'm just mashing keys in a stupid foreheadless fury, you thick fuck.

thats an ableist insult

Don't cry about it, dumb shit. Type properly or deal with it, you little bitch.

Don't cry about it


dumb shit

ableist insult

whiny little bitch.


sorry lady that's going to be a -500 SJW bux deducted from your account

I'm a guy you dense cunt. Jesus, light just bends around you, doesn't it?

oh man thats even worse lmao

The best thing about insulting a grinning moron like you is the way you still keep grinning and popping out comments you think sound clever bit are actually hilariously bad retorts. Like, really, really bad. You genuinely think you're doing well here, don't you, just because you're surrounded by your wanking buddies? Bless you, you simple shit. I'd best leave you to find some muslamic ray guns, and maybe see if you can remember your way to your own toilet before you just shit yourself again.


Is that an actual nazi or just an edgy kid wearing a logo? Either case don't bother arguing with nazis. They are not known for their smarts

I've noticed. I've walked on brighter concrete than this dumb cunt.

Call me daddy again

Why, you wanna suck my dick too you attention whore? Too bad.

Omg I thought ur a girl get away from me gaydo

You seemed to want it a minute ago, you little bitch.

Actually I'm a father who recently lost his little girl in a car accident. My heart just experiences a bittersweet flutter wherever I hear someone say daddy.

You missing the sex?

Nah they let me keep the body.

This is boring now, let's stop.

That's okay, I understand why you're backing out. It's no fun when the lolcows fight back.

It's fun when they fight back. It's not fun when they think it's some duel of wits. Then I'm lame by association. But I'm not lame, I'm cool.


How to know someone is butthurt over a word because of the way one character said it in a late-90s science fiction teevee show.

You know that's been a neckbeard meme for years, right? Or do you not get on the internet much these days, what with the early onset Alzheimer's and all?

You know it's incredibly sad to get butthurt over words because someone once said them in a funny way, right? Or are you still busy shitting your diapers and crying for mommy to feed you?

Nope, that's still playground tier. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to grade that an F for 'fucking terrible'.

Sick burn

Are we now mocking people for not being on the internet a lot?

"heheh look at this fuckin nerd he doesn't spend 5 hours a day posting on metareddit"

Oh god mocking someone for not being on the internet enough, this is amazing.

You're that guy who spends minutes thinking of some new, sick put down that will totally make you seem witty and scathing and win your precious internet argument.

What is this reference?

It's from Spacewars.

Ferenghis or whatever from Star Trek the next generation

DS9, fag.

Let me see if I have this correct? You're a father of two spending your Sunday afternoon arguing with teenagers on Reddit using what you seem to think are sharp-witted zingers like this?

He probably set aside a good couple of hours on Word for this work of genius. 30 minutes for writing and 90 for half a dozen angerwanks over his mellifluous prose.

Awww, jealous?

I'm definitely jealous of your mellifluous prose.

Good for you.

I think your wife is growing concerned.

Aww bless, at least you're a little more inventive than that other bag of broken dicks, but slightly less shit than absolute anti-funny is still like dying of ebola instead of dying of rabies. Kinda getting a bit bored of you guys now. I should always remember that bigot subs rarely have a particularly imaginative or smart population, and your hilariously playground jabs are so dire even my teenage son would be embarrassed about having come out with them.

Keep watching the skies, assholes, watch out for those flying saucers full of (((globalists)))

Fare thee well, god amongst teenagers.


Be honest, how often do you get told that you're not funny?

Go back to circlebroke, bitch.

Looks like someone forgot his estrogen pills. Move along little feller.

TheBluePill poster gets mad enough to post in this thread

Kettle being black.

Ugh, it's so emblematic of male privilege to use the word "female."

some women are not females. reeeeee.

I think that the word "female" is actually more racist than it's misogynistic.

Agendaposts like these usually suck, but it's worth it cause every once in a while they attract a grade A lolcow like we have here.

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If you use 'female', but go on to use 'men' in the same comment and not 'male' then you're being a sexist fuck.


If only this amount of sperging burned calories. There'd be a lot fewer hamplanet feminists around.

Maybe u/holding_cauliflora should find something better to sperg about next time?

I wouldn't say sexist - but I've never heard someone use "female" or "male" outside of a scientific context and not sound like a complete fucking retard.

Yeah, but you're like 20. So...

I mean, when you've grown up a bit and actually been exposed to a lot of different people and ways, this'll be a valid statement. When you're a 20 year old reddit college kid, it's just not. Of course you've 'never'; you've 'never' a lot of things just yet.

Ok 'grandpa. I take it you're salty because you're a complete fucking retard? How old are you anyway?