Are addics people? r/canada loses its tendies finding out. Sorted by controversial

42  2017-04-30 by 0yveytheyno


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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I thought canadian people are soft as fuck, now they want deny junkies healthcare, it doesn't make sense. If you care as fuck about some gender helicopter being offended by having to use men's bathroom then surely you have to care about people dying. Wtf canada.

>addicts >people That's your problem right there. There's no overlap. Also, before anything thinks they're safe, I also consider excessive gum chewing to be a murder-worthy offense.

Oh shit the ghost of Lee Yew is shitposting on /r/drama!

And no ass is safe from the cane!

Living in a state that is overrun with opioid addiction I tend to agree. If you're dumb enough to stick a needle in your arm to get high then I really feel no compassion for you at all.

Simply put, when you have your money taken away and have it used on... People that are consuming substances, not contributing to society and being outright burdens, how would you feel? Why should the loafers get benefits for our work?

Oh wait, you don't earn anything. Guess you wouldn't understand.

Canadians are truly soft, but its obviously not always a net benefit. Add to that the rising prices of "Rent" and houses and it starts to create a more selfish culture.

I get that it can be seen as "cruel" but most with an influx of other cultures to Canada, most of which will see these druggies as being solely responsible for their addiction, its understandable.

Many of these immigrants came to Canada in search of a better life and working hard for it and for their children. They come from nations with difficult environments and sometimes shitty human rights and few opportunities to "rise" from their current "class". China, Iran, India, Philippines, Russia... What do you think they feel when they see these people wasting their precious opportunity and getting into drugs?

Immigrants should shut the fuck up or gather their shit and go back to whatever Shittystan they came from. Thinking about sick, disabled or addicted people as of freeloaders that shouldn't exist is 100% nazi grade good stuff, if canadian cucks have this sorts of migrants they should really kill themselves and whoever made up their immigration politics.

They dont see drug addiction as a someone disabled. Drug addiction is the addicts choice. Immigrants have no issues with money used on sickness. Your ability to jump truly is amazing.

Sometimes child's disability was parents choice to have kids. Key here is thinking about people as "freeloaders", and leaving them dying because "they have no value".

Fat people with diabetes chose to be fat. Smokers chose to smoke and afterwards they need a healthcare. You chose to sit the whole day in internets without excising and might have health issues because of that. Immigrants chose better life but now they are whining about someone else having a better life that he should! What a freeloader!

Drug addiction is the addicts choice.

Right because as we all know, "addiction" means "you can totally stop doing it whenever you feel like it"

Because they totally didn't know the risk when they took the drug right? Drugs are supposed to be harmless right?

What's next, no std treatment because "u knew what u r gettin into lozers?"

Are std treatments free?

Everything but pills is covered.

Simply put, when you have your money taken away and have it used on... People that are consuming substances, not contributing to society and being outright burdens, how would you feel?

Like a taxpayer in any country.

Many of these immigrants came to Canada in search of a better life and working hard for it and for their children. They come from nations with difficult environments and sometimes shitty human rights and few opportunities to "rise" from their current "class". China, Iran, India, Philippines, Russia... What do you think they feel when they see these people wasting their precious opportunity and getting into drugs?

This is your brain on leftism.

thinking this guy is a leftist

this is the soup where your brain should be on far-rightism

How is that far-rightism? Not like I said sick or disabled or old shouldn't get money. I just stated why addicts shouldn't... And why others think that way, or atleast one reason for others to think that way in Canada

Though I agree, I have no idea how that dude thought I was left... My heart doesn't bleed like ya'll, now if thats good or bad, its up to you.

I didn't say you were far-right, numbnutts. I said he was for thinking you were leftist. You're probably just a garden-variety right-ish sociopath. Or complete retard. Or a little of both.

He's a leftist retard, they're the Zubats of humanity.

This chucklefuck

I'd rather my money go to prolong their life than yours tbh

Feel free to do so, there are NGOs for that. Why people complain is that everyones money is used on them.

Ok but in all seriousness kys

Many of these immigrants came to Canada in search of a better life and working hard for it and for their children.

The average immigrant consumes more and produces less than the average native. Yes, they should be given a chance to make a new life, but if you're going with the utilitarian argument then first generation immigrants are definitely not in favor.

According to, substance abuse costs society anywhere from $200 to $600 billion dollars annually, depending on who you ask. So that's one number.

There are about 38 million immigrants living in the US, and the average immigrant costs $6,234 in welfare. This means that the taxpayer burden of said immigrants is $236 billion.

So most likely, immigrants don't cost as much taxpayer money as drug addicts, but at the very most the gap is only 1:3.

Not that any of that really matters, since you have to offset both costs by how much each set of people pays in taxes. As far as I can tell that information is nearly impossible to find, especially for drug addicts. I don't know how you'd even quantify that.

This is exactly why welfare leads to shit like eugenics and straight up gas chambers.

The welfare system becomes burdened until the country is in danger of financial ruin. So what do you do? Do you remove all that welfare policy your party has spent a hundred years implementing? No because of sunk cost fallacy. You instead keep the welfare system but make crazy as fuck rules when welfare recipients have to be sterilized and euthanized etc...

It also sounds very nice. "We have welfare systems to protect everyone!" and when a country suddenly doesn't cover some people anymore or decides to stop covering people, you get outbursts such as "inhumane!". I like the idea of welfare, some people fall into hard times and it can truly make a difference for them. The problem is, most people end up leeching off the system instead and those who are well off and decent end up paying for the problems problematic people cause. Welfare gives people a reason NOT to fix their lives and their problems.

And then we have cases like Nazi Germany that were completely merit based that kill off old and useless people. This horrible example has people scared to take out welfare as they will be equated to Nazism..., as seen in this thread... They don't understand that the problems of some people are pretty much their own choices (Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking and even Obesity) while others are just due to bad luck (Disability). Others too have paid their time and have contributed to society (Old people, People who get injured from work).

Socialized Healthcare was literally invented in Germany. Ironically, Bismark introduced socialized healthcare in the 1880's as a way to prevent a further socialization of Germany. It was all fine until 1929 lol duh. The worldwide Great Depression forced the government to choose who to treat and who to ignore. So Germany was euthanize its citizens long before Hitler came into power.

Alas, no outbursts came because people can only afford to be charitable when times are good. But when your family has a loaf of bread to ration for the next 5 days genocidal thoughts tend to creep in.

I do think that there needs to be some cooperation among citizens because if you stumble, it's really easy for me to keep you from falling down to the ground. The cost to me is practically 0 to keep you from having to pay a much higher cost to get back up. And the sooner I stop you from falling the less energy I have to extend. It's why cooperation is so ingrained in our DNA. Cooperative humans had better survival rates than uncooperative ones.

So we can't go all the way to the Left (Pre-WW2 Germany) and we can't go all the way to the Right (Most of modern Africa). What do we do? We implement both systems at the same time. Communism at the small scale and Libertarianism at the large scale. Small groups of people are much more efficient than large groups.

United Communes of America

I thought canadian people are soft as fuck, now they want deny junkies healthcare, it doesn't make sense.

Because, in their mind's eye, the addicts are ((white males)).

You missed a ( out, now we know you're soft on the jews and just pretending. Fucking race traitor.

now they want deny junkies healthcare, it doesn't make sense

Yeah it does. Junkies will have their friends bring them hardcore drugs to shoot into their IV lines while they're in hospital, they'll sell their prescriptions, nurses and doctors will get pricked by the needles they hide in their rooms, and they'll be back soon because they refuse all help while keeping beds occupied while honest hardworking people have to wait because of them.

Anyone with an IV drug problem needs to be sent to some massive rehab facility TBH.

If you care as fuck about some gender helicopter being offended by having to use men's bathroom then surely you have to care about people dying.

Canadians don't care about this, especially out West. In Alberta they'd probably just beat you.

Alberta is the Texas of Canada, it's those french speaking frog eaters in the east that protect the rights of attack helicopters to go into women't bathrooms.

The French hate Arabs more than anyone else I think so I wouldn't say they're pretty liberal. You want the folks in downtown Toronto. They're the ones who have been sheltered enough to be super liberal.

Good call, it's just the urban frogs that need to be boiled.

They only care if the junky is an islam


It costs a lot less to treat addicts than it does the slow burn of shit nutrition coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and gradual obesity. But that's supposedly beauty so what the fuck do I know. I'm just an addict who got clean by donating a couple bucks to the NA basket.

They should just have just general Addict's Anonymous because my addictions are not orthodox.

Dumb leafposters

sometimes I buy charcoal but pussy out and donate it.

Sure they are, but I'll only care once they stop throwing fucking disease riddled syringes all over public spaces.

Should we also let longtime smokers die of cancer without helping them?

Then leave the alcoholics to die of cirrhosis?

What about obese people and heart disease? They knowingly ate junk food.

Where do we draw the line? Do we deny healthcare to anyone who's injuries are self inflicted?


You have inadvertently pointed out why socialized medical care is a bad thing. The answer to all these questions is yes when it involves taking money from people who didn't do these things to pay for it without them really having a choice. When times get lean, aka when socialism takes over completely, yes is exactly what happens.

Are addics people?

are you, you mongoloid?

sorted by controversial

What are you fucking gay?
