Guy spends his time on Reddit hating Jews and talking about doing drugs. Finally snaps when Reddit moderators become too much for him and necks himself. Brother finds him and not 1 day later posts an eu4 screenshot.

86  2017-04-30 by BasicallyADoctor


Cool story, bro


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His bro is dead man

/r/KarthagoOnTuhottava can you tell us more about your brother?

come on man, have some fucking respect. what's wrong with you you vulture!

believing someone killed themselves over reddit mods.

You screwed up the username tag you tard.

Now I don't like anybody killing their self to be sure, but it seems a bit weird to come on and post a game screenshot on Reddit less than 24 hours after your brother dies in what seems like some sort of morbid karma grab😐

I dislike everything you do on reddit, but yeah, you're right. It's bullshit. Just like others have mentioned in that thread: noone's dead. The guy just needed some attention and faked his own death for "shortlived" internet fame.

I dislike everything you do on reddit

Imagine being this much of a pleb and not appreciating the docta memes.

the confusing thing is that you think that his brother actually killed himself.

You think there's a brother?

There's a lot of hours in a day if you're home all day mourning looking for memories. Doesn't sound too far fetched.

>not liking anyone killing themselves

get out

Why do you retards care about fake internet points on a throwaway account so much. Who gives a fuck?

My brother died, his last wish was for you guys to see this

He deleted his brothers account

He's gassing jews in heaven now.

People on /r/eu4 are fucking retards, even worse than here.

I sincerely doubt that.

I really mean what I say.

So can you tell us wtf that picture is supposed to mean

The Holy Roman Empire was mostly just the German-speaking parts of Europe. Charlemagne was the first Holy Roman Emperor but his dyansty ended up ruling France. In this, the King of France is the Emperor too. Two of the most powerful factions were united.

Also, All the electors would vote for France if the Emperor died at the time of the picture.

it can happen

I don't think you can play eu4 and be retarded.

EU4 is the most retard-friendly grand strategy game though.

/r/eu4 proves you wrong.

Probably because of the /r/polandball overlap.

No, that only explains Asperger's. /r/eu4 has some special kind of brain damage.

Also don't doxx me pls

Lol, zero doxx there. I just notice Euros love imperialism jokes and genocide simulators. Lots of overlap with certain subs.

reddit is a site for retards, who'd've guessed

I've been on the internet to see several "My brother/sister/etc committed suicide" posts and exactly zero have actually been suicides.

One was a guy trying to hide from soliciting underage boys to send nudes.

Lol what

People lie on the internet.

Nah I got that, I was referring to the pedo incident

Oh, was on a game board. Guy pretended to be a 20 year old coder, had a really attractive avatar picture etc. Turns out he was in his 40's and trying to get nudes.

if you were as cool as snally you'd write this up

if you were as cool as snally you'd write this up

Like thats possible.

Being as cool as Snally or you being literate enough to write? 🤔


a man can dream


who are you kidding? who would actually go onto the internet and lie?

why not just stop using it i used to have a fake persona a therapy site i just left saying i didnt need it anymore and i also had a fake persona on other forums but left when i lost intrest WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS

I hope when I kill myself (soon), the EMT who finds my body knows enough about Reddit to shitpost about me here.

How can you be this good at effortposting? Doesn't everything else you post rot your brain?

it's not his brother, it's a jewish assassin covering his tracks

What is a EU4 account with 52 princes go for on e-bay these days? Maybe he could offset the funeral expenses.

Too soon? (not for r/drama, surely) (in b4 stop calling me Shirley)

Plus I think the (allegedly dead) last wish would have been to have his internet history erased (as would most guys I assume)

FIRST of all, you can't sell an "eu4 account" you idiot. There's no such thing. EU4 is activated through Steam, but there is also a third party Paradox account used to link your steam account to your Paradox forums account to be able to access certain DLCs. Neither of these are transferable.

SECOND of all even if you COULD have an "EU4 account" (Which DOESNT EVEN EXIST) then nobody would buy it, because it's ILLEGAL to do that.

THIRDLY even if you """""bought""""" an "eu4 account" then it wouldnt have the same LOCAL SAVE DATA as the person you bought it from. YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE JUST BOUGHT THE GAME YOURSELF AT THAT POINT!

so if, what you really meant was, how much would it cost to buy an eu4 SAVEGAME from somebody where you were france as the emperor, then probably, hmmmm.... i dont know, about ZERO DOLLARS and 0 cents!

It's not like becoming emperor as france is some sort of IMPOSSIBLE thing, some INSURMOUNTABLE OBSTACLE, some SISYPHEAN TASK that every Eu4 player ASPIRES to accomplish. No, its actually really doable for even the most mediocre of players. it isnt THAT hard that its worth actually PAYING your GODDAMN MONEY for.

Oh, and I bet you think that the fact that there are "52 Princes" (Your words) adds to the value? THINK AGAIN IMBECILE! I have seen an empire before someone posted with, guess how many princes. FAR more then 52, to say the least. Did you guess 60? 80? 100? 150? NOPE, KEEP GOING. 189! ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE PRINCES. now THAT's a lot of princes. You can take your candy-ass 52 princes and stick it where the sun don't shine for all I care. There are already 44 princes by DEFAULT in 1444, so he BARELY actually did any work that wouldn't happen NATURALLY as a result of the emperor demanding UNLAWFUL TERRITORY. You MORON. YOU UTTER FOOL.

lol i cant even read

I think it would be respectful to this poor dweeb's memory if you didn't impugn his prince-count. Sure, a person starts with 58 princes. But maybe he slaved hard in the basement on hot pockets fer dayz to get t0 52nd princes. That could have been his shining achievement in life up to this point Crap, maybe he donned his wizard hat and cloak when he did foray out into the outside to LARP with his other neckbeard virgins and bragged about it. And perhaps they cruelly laughed at him for his lack of princely vassalage. Thus he returned to the basement, distraught and forlorn, and ended it all. And his brother, Captain of the football team, always picked first, who looked out for him, who fondly recalled with a tear in his eye the enthused look on his departed brother's face the night before as he described his soon to be crowning as Holy Emperor. Little did he know that the brother was deluded, as his prince count had already fallen below the default, ne'er to rise again. For underneath the outer shell of confident empire building, the aspergerian social retard knew he was a pathetic failure, not worthy, in truth, of even a dukedom in cyberspace. So while I had the faint hope that his hours spent on-line might have some residual value, some faint glimmer of hope to his family that his life was not one of misspent idle computer introversion, as you have pointed out, this is not the case. In death, he will go down in ignominy, leaving his mortal coil, a prince without his throne, with 6 princes less than default, a sad testament to his memory. I would thank you not to shit upon his memory, such as it is.

Lol thanks for the reply it made me laugh. I was just playing around btw trying to follow the sub being dramatic and so on and so forth, didn't mean any offense

Good, I hoped it would. I am new to reddit and I think r/drama is the best part. Offense, hell no, I shart in the general direction of everything and try to shitpost purposely, for the lulz.

As if.