Epic, near-EVE-worthy troll sabotages Elite: Dangerous community event

28  2017-04-30 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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As an aside, there is a shockingly limited amount of Eve drama that gets into here.

Because understanding eve drama usually requires understanding eve

Having played eve drama, its all the same drama.

Someone steals a lot of shit.

Someone disbands a big corp, and steals a lot of shit.

Or somebody starts a war over... anime.

Not kidding: http://pcgamer.com/eve-onlines-latest-war-is-being-fought-over-anime/

That and battles with 6000+ dudes that happen once a year.

Are they still the laggy shitfests of my day? I gave up in EvE during the BoB war because the game was geared to these big POS fights for control, everyone would show up and lag the fuck out. That and they nerfed the shit out of solo pvp right when I got a got the skills for it.

So f-em.

Yeah, super big fights are still lagfests, and are pretty much only done to compare dicks fleet sizes. However, smaller battles in the 500-1000 people range are a lot better now as they upgraded the hardware, I think you can get to ~900 people on one grid without TiDi.

it's another eve war, animey is just shitposting topic ffs

what kind of moron can believe this shit

But how are we going to justify the war if there's no shitposting involved ?

Look, there's no real EvE drama. I mean, our latest "war" is being called World War Weeb because anime or some shit.

WWB was some solid drama imo, it actually got me to resub. Watching a bunch of Goons hiding in an NPC station while we razed...everything, was a thing of beauty. But, those kinds of stories have too much backstory for most people to understand. There was that stuff with that one goon dirtbag who ousted a CSM member as gay or whatever and did all this dirty shit, who then got doxxed himself and started to cry about it. That was interesting at least.

I was in TNT at the time, and was kicked about two months before Mittens admitted he'd lost and they were moving to Delve, hecause I posted a thread in which I laid out why we had lost. No more narrative, so I had to ge scrubbed.

You were in TNT so I would consider getting kicked out a big improvement in your life. Also I'm pretty sure we coathangered some of your titans.

I was not upset to be kicked.

Fixed title: Elite Dangerous staff act retarded and let KNOWN TROLLS act as security.

Not what happened. The writer for the elite books set this up and the people who organized the defense were players. The Elite devs had very little to do with it.

So the group of people acting as his "official" security and refusing to allow anyone near him were basically the fucking fun police?

Yep. What a lovely playerbase that game has.

Back off, fun pig! You wanna fun fucking arrest me? You better get a fun fucking warrant!

Correct. It's pretty sad. These people got a little power and it went straight to theor head.

Was an interesting read but honestly sounds way too convenient to be happenstance. Sci fi author is going to base the next storyline arc on the events that happen, just happens that the target of said storyline somehow friends-lists a known troll group in a way that makes it convenient as hell to do what they do, known troll group infiltrates the 'good guys' and pulls off the execution, thereby spawning a convenient storyline of treachery and espionage, a trope that sci fi thrives on.

I dunno it just sounds like this played out in the best way possible to make a usable storyline for a sci fi book.

I don't know this game, but I just read this article and now I want to read the novel when that guy writes it

I can't believe I read that whole article..


So they decided the smartest move was to kill everyone near the VIP that wasn't in their faction, to protect her from being predictably stabbed in the back by someone who got close under the guise of being friendly. And then she was predictably stabbed in the back by someone who got close under the guise of being friendly. And that person was allowed in to the security faction despite having a history of wanton mayhem that could rival a Batman villain. Bet whoever made that decision feels pretty silly now.