I have a lot of non selfish reasons to not have kids. 2 of my favorites.
I would never bring a child into a world where they will probably have to watch their parents die.
I would never bring a child into a world where people have to work (like slaves) for a living.
This post by /u/basin9001 actually passes for an intelligent up voteable comment. (+9)
If I didn't have a real degree, and was in psychology, you could get your PhD thesis just trying to unravel the motivation of /r/childfree in a at least semi provable way.
You don't want to have kids? Sure great whatever. But no, thats not what it is, they are trying to convince themselves they have made the right choices by being genetic dead ends. I'm guessing they really love their fur babies in that sub too.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-04-30
Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-04-30
David grew up angry and jealous of his more successful sister.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-04-30
Even if the official history is different, this is the way I choose to remember it.
n/a Wordshark 2017-04-30
Dude, you missed such an opportunity with that link
n/a YHofSuburbia 2017-04-30
Pat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David
n/a ChipChippersonAMA 2017-04-30
/u/conjecturesofageek more like conjecturesofadumbsillygoose amirite?
n/a HuckleberryFN2187 2017-04-30
I love that we allow /u/ summons here :)
n/a ConjecturesOfAGeek 2017-04-30
Why am I being summoned?
n/a bleepis 2017-04-30
did you know you can eliminate human problems if you just kill literally everyone? makes u think
n/a take_a_dumpling 2017-04-30
How did /r/childfree not get named /r/pedophobe? What a wasted fucking opportunity.
n/a Chicup 2017-04-30
This post by /u/basin9001 actually passes for an intelligent up voteable comment. (+9)
If I didn't have a real degree, and was in psychology, you could get your PhD thesis just trying to unravel the motivation of /r/childfree in a at least semi provable way.
You don't want to have kids? Sure great whatever. But no, thats not what it is, they are trying to convince themselves they have made the right choices by being genetic dead ends. I'm guessing they really love their fur babies in that sub too.