A Warning to Ann Sterzinger's Next Boyfriend

22  2017-05-01 by GreenyBlues


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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My mom took my dog to have an abortion when I was 13 and i cried about it last night

Tell me more.

I unironically want to kill myself and I use this account to try to convince myself it's ironically.

Just remember your dog loved you.

she still alive

she real old

Remember she loves you.

lol, this is good stuff. Does the fat bald guy have a reddit account so I can ping him?

yeah it's /u/mrsamsa

lol, this is good stuff. Does the fat bald guy have a reddit account so I can ping him?

She's no peach but Matt here seems to be publicly admitting to sleeping with someone who couldn't even walk straight. Sounds the a piece of shit himself.

We ended up having sex again, and I made her stay the night at my place because the train back to Oak Park had shut down for the night, she had no money (she had lost her wallet the day before), and she was so drunk she kept stumbling and tripping.

It sounds like everyone that slept with her did so while she was drunk, so it sounds like par for the course. Also, if she didn't consider it rape, then it isn't rape... or at least I thought that was how it went these days.

It sounds like everyone that slept with her did so while she was drunk, so it sounds like par for the course.

Doesn't make his actions any better in my eyes, pretty clear from his detailed discription of events he wasn't anywhere close to her levels of intoxication. Just because some drunk girl throws herself at you doesn't mean you should sleep with her when she obviously to drunk to understand what's going on. Sure if she doesn't want to call it rape that's her choice, I can't make that call for her, so if he was actual investigated without her pushing the charges it wouldn't go anywhere. Doesn't mean I can't have a personal opinion he's a piece of shit for taking advantage of someone with obvious severe mental health and substance abuse problems so bad that may very well earn them someone with an adult guardianship over them eventually.

Not saying he's a saint, you don't get involved with a trainwreck like this unless you have some serious issues yourself.

I'd be surprise looking like a fat 🥔 who doesn't spend any time on his appearance along with writing for wonderful sites like Return of the Kings which are way more extreme than stuff like /r/mensrights on Reddit probably limit his choices some when people find out who he is. Him some of his own issues compared to someone who's so bad off their getting admitted into mental health holds in psych wards is a far stretch comparison though.

I make no value judgements on this. It's just a giant clusterfuck and I'm here to enjoy the drama.

Lol. Well maybe someone will come through and create some thread drama or find mr patato's Reddit user name.

Did you read the same thing I did? Assuming the post is more true than not, he says she invited him out for more drinks, she bought him drinks, came on to him at the bar, and then threw herself at him when they returned. Not sure how that makes him an asshole taking advantage of someone drunk. If anything, it sounds like he was pretty intoxicated himself and was taken advantage of. Never mind, it's a white male. My bad.

Its not just that which makea him sound like a piece of shit.

Both of them are clearly mentally ill and all round terrible people.

Sleeping with too-drunk chicks is just the surface of the pool of awful that is Matt Forney. I'd say look up his writing, but... Nah.

I did a quick search on the guy and he has his own reddit vigilante posse out to hang him in a shitload of threads for his serial retardedness.

The whole thing is fucked up, but the worst part was where he admits to having sex with her when she was so wasted, she kept gong to the bathroom and forgetting she was having sex with him. Like dude, seriously, if she's so far out of conspicuousness that she can't even remember that she was having sex, she is way, way too trashed to consent to anything. Like, how in the actual hell can someone not only think that that's an ok thing to do, but think it's so okay, the write it in an article (where they are trying to make themself look good and not like a rapist), then post it on the internet?

He says in the article "my friend and colleague Roosh V" which should give you an idea of his character considering Roosh became (in)famous for saying you should be able to rape women on private property.

When I saw the title "A Warning to Ann Sterzinger's Next Boyfriend", I thought I would read about herpes. Instead, I got herpes.

At least it's not your first time.

No, i've had it a lot of times. Your mother and I pass it back and forth.

That whore.

wow a misanthropic antinatalist alt right woman turns out to be an unstable weirdo. didn't see that coming.

She sounds like a crazy bitch. A hard up fat guy wants to tear off a piece occasionally against common sense given the warning signs and drama. What a literal clusterfuck.

She is probably crazy as fuck but this dude was in waaaay deeper than tearing off a piece occasionally. If anything she was hitting it whenever she bottomed out while he was trying to date this girl nonstop. He found her unwashed and wallowing in filth mid psychiatric breakdown and so he immediately fucked her and moved in for a week.

Why am I not surprised at all that somebody who reads "Return of Kings" unironically and is friends with Roosh G is so hard up?

Ann Sterzinger Cheats on Her Boyfriend with Me

Deal kinda sealed there.

"She forced me to do dumb things! She effectively kidnapped me because she wouldn't give me her apartment keys when I wanted to run out late night and get us food (I live a block away)."

Ann sounds super sad and fucked up but MY GOD isn't Matt the whiniest of stupid twats?

Side note: I live within a block of where this went down...makes me wonder.

Matt Forney looks and sounds like someone who would wear a trenchcoat everywhere.

If ever there was a head in NEED of a fedora, it's his.

which i don't understand because its really awkward to wear i wore one for a cosplay and i don't get the appeal

Jesus tapdancing Christ, this guy is top autismo in the special olympics. How many times did he say she was nuts but he kept sleeping with her? AND the dude is one of the top redpillers if memory serves? This shit writes itself.

"She was a psychotic mess who wouldn't stick up for me when her jealous bf accused me of rape... So I didn't even argue when she asked me to show up with beer and condoms".

I guess when you look like Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Phil's kid, you take what you can get.

I just want to know if he actually jerked off in the sink. My guess is yes.

I can tell this bitch is craycray because she is pretty good looking for her age but why did she want to hook up with a blob of lard lmao

I'd say these people clearly deserve each other, but she seems a total trainwreck while he's a cold blooded cretin. I can at least have a little empathy for the former.