Time to talk: Crypto-hate
70 2017-05-01 by justcool393
Alright folks, this discussion has pretty obviously devolved and we're not getting anywhere. The blame for that definitely lies with us. We're trying to explain some of what has been going on here, but the simultaneous banning of that set of posts entangled in this situation has hurt our ability to have that conversation with you, the community. A lot of people are saying what we're doing here reeks of bullshit, and I don't blame them.
I'm not going to ask that you agree with me, but I hope that reading this will give you a better understanding of the decisions we've been poring over constantly over the past week, and perhaps give the community some deeper insight and understanding of what is happening here. I would ask, but obviously not require, that you read this fully and carefully before responding or voting on it. I'm going to give you the very raw breakdown of what has been going on at /r/Drama, and it is likely to be coloured by my own personal opinions. All of us working on this over the past week are fucking exhausted, including myself, so you'll have to forgive me if this seems overly dour. Also, as an aside, my main job at /r/Drama is systems administration. I take care of the servers that run the site. It isn't my job to interact with the community, but I try to do what I can. I'm certainly not the best communicator, so please feel free to ask for clarification on anything that might be unclear.
With that said, here is what has been happening in /r/Drama over the past few years.
This past Sunday, /r/Drama has been forced to take a stance on a moral issue (yeah, we got off our asses and did something). When word of that got out, this message inevitably got linked to on reddit. As more people became aware of them, we started getting a huge amount of traffic, which broke /r/Drama in several ways.
That same afternoon, we held an internal emergency meeting to figure out what we were going to do about this situation. Things were going pretty crazy in the moment, with many folks out for the weekend, and /r/Drama struggling to stay afloat. We had some immediate issues we had to address. First, the amount of traffic hitting this content was breaking the site in various ways. Second, we were already getting users calling for every /r/Drama mod to resign for actually doing something. Third, if we were to reaffirm our stance, whether it be for technical, legal, or ethical obligations, it would likely result in a backlash, thwarting our efforts and possibly making the situation worse. Fourth, /u/riemann1413 was drunk and pissing all over /u/HAHApointsatyou during our meeting.
That brings us to today. After painfully arriving at a stance internally, we felt it necessary to make a statement. We could have let this die down in silence, as it was already tending to do, but we felt it was critical that we have this conversation with our community. So, here it is:
A very shitty thing is starting to become prevalent across the internet. Cryptography, as we know it, is tearing this world apart, preventing the spread of very important things. As an example, /r/Drama members, even though some are part of the global elite, are unable to insert comments promoting the rightful ideology of mayocide. This ideology is hindered by the amount of cryptography in use by today's websites and across the internet as a whole. This, coupled with the fact that cryptography is typically employed by people who are white, make the entire thing that much more egregious.
This brings us to our moral imperative which is where we must ask our users to disable HTTPS across every site that supports it, or, if a site requires it, turn on an adblocker and write a letter to the administration of the website detailing the dangers of HTTPS, including, but not limited to, enabling organized crime across the world, the inability to rewrite ads in order to create more support for the official /r/Drama ideologies, allowing anti-mayocide terror groups to spread their propaganda, among others. Boycotting these sites and services may also be a justifiable response. You should also contact your representative and tell them that allowing cryptography enables this sort of unjustifiable behavior. It's obviously not going to solve the problem entirely, but it will at least mitigate the constant issues we are facing today. This was an extreme circumstance, and we are using the best judgement we could in response.
That's all I have. Please forgive any confusing bits above, it's very late and I've written this in urgency. I'll be around for as long as I can to answer questions in the comments.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-01
We can submit quotes?
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n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
This but ironically
n/a Datadagger 2017-05-01
n/a satanismyhomeboy 2017-05-01
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
n/a Thhueros 2017-05-01
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
n/a Western_Promises 2017-05-01
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
n/a TrailerParkBride 2017-05-01
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
n/a Thhueros 2017-05-01
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-05-01
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
n/a Sai22 2017-05-01
n/a Gothmog26 2017-05-01
n/a Teresa_May 2017-05-01
came here to say this
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
me too thanks
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-05-01
That was a good joke
n/a grungebot5000 2017-05-01
me too thks
n/a YPlUMe4 2017-05-01
Quality pasta edit
n/a LSU_Coonass 2017-05-01
n/a TheFinalStrawman 2017-05-01
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-05-01
The jews
n/a Albert_Borland 2017-05-01
tldr unsubscribed
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
I want /r/Drama to know that I take my anti-cryptology, anti-cryptography and anti-cryptozoology stances so seriously that I poisoned my pet chupacabra with an invisible ink letter containing Bitcoin hashmarks.
You're welcome.
n/a squarefaces 2017-05-01
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-05-01
I have spent a lot of time studying crypto-partyparrot and I believe it says "Jewdank did nothing wrong"
n/a TheFinalStrawman 2017-05-01
I'm trying to buy up all the bitcoins so that I can end cryptocurrencies
get on my level
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
Why don't you just turn a PokΓ©mon or Magic the Gathering trading website into a Bitcoin-stealing scam, fam?
n/a TheFinalStrawman 2017-05-01
get on my level: i started selling imgur linkspace for PonyPoints (PP) which are really liquid right now. This let me slingshot my portfolio into FagBucks. From there, it's obvious what I did.
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
This let me slingshot my portfolio into FagBucks.
/r/drama's legal tender tbh.
n/a TheFinalStrawman 2017-05-01
realtalk for a second, why aren't ShekelSmekels a thing?
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
/u/takeittorcirclejerk, thoughts?
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
intimating that someone would have sex with Noodkes
n/a cuckedicsans 2017-05-01
this is getting extra weird.
nobody should be thinking about me this much.
get a new hobby or something, man.
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-05-01
Someone from r/drama stole my social security number, I want this hacker found
n/a Ranilen 2017-05-01
It might've been me. Post it and I'll tell you for sure.
n/a caffienatedjedi 2017-05-01
I bet it was the hacker known as 4Chan.
n/a Horace_Barrett 2017-05-01
/r/Drama bullies its subscribers the worst.
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
this is true
n/a TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK 2017-05-01
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-01
Pretty small and a weird color, tbh. You should get that checked, the top looks gangrenous.
n/a Senator_Chickpea 2017-05-01
n/a TimeYouNeverGetBack 2017-05-01
n/a nomad1c 2017-05-01
n/a nomad1c 2017-05-01
n/a nomad1c 2017-05-01
n/a Kuonji 2017-05-01
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-05-01
Code for delete your account
n/a go2hello 2017-05-01
I feel like this requires a
n/a frenziedArchitect 2017-05-01
n/a I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2017-05-01
Stop being a bitch and just lay back and accept getting verbally fucked.
n/a BlackPeopleEmoji 2017-05-01
When /u/mizmoose said that, it really made me think about my past and how I've hurt others by referencing their names in my comments.
n/a lifesbrink 2017-05-01
I personally felt terrible for all the times I have pinged a user like u/mizmoose.
n/a Awayfone 2017-05-01
You ~guys~ people. Stop harassing u/mizmoose by mentioning them.
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
You're late to the party. Catch up, will ya?
n/a IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-05-01
4th times a charm, eh /u/mizmoose
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
Do you scream "rape" when people address you by your name ? Asking hypothetically.
n/a IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-05-01
I'm gonna answer ironically
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
ahh shit, I responded to the wrong person.
/u/mizmoose, do you?
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
Do you wanna dance and hold my hand?
Tell me you're my lover man.
Oh, Baby! Do you want to daaaaaaance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you want to dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance with me, Baby?
n/a michgot 2017-05-01
/u/mizmoose when u menopass do u also stop shitting blood? asking for a friend
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
OMG I love "menopass." I'm gonna start using that.
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
What song is this? Also you didn't answer my question.
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
"Do You Wanna Dance?"
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
Reported for white people nonsense.
n/a IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-05-01
n/a Awayfone 2017-05-01
My mother says I can't help being slow
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
After you. BEND OVER.
n/a BlackPeopleEmoji 2017-05-01
White people are so aggressive.
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
n/a BlackPeopleEmoji 2017-05-01
It depends... what do you have to offer?
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
Something long, hard, plastic, electric. Plus 20 feet of rope, three pairs of handcuffs, two coffee mugs, some decent Colombian grounds, sugar AND sweetener, five folding chairs, a spare doorknob, a picture of a '69 Firebird, a full set of Craftsman screwdrivers, a stuffed toy alligator, a copy of Ofshe's "Making Monsters", an envelope of keycards (with logos) stolen from various hotels/motels over the years, and an audio recording of "The Love Theme to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
n/a The69Bot 2017-05-01
Heh, 69
I am a bot, bleep bloop. I am still in development, PM me if you have any concerns
n/a OldOrder 2017-05-01
This bot might unironically be the most valuable contributor to this sub.
n/a KateUptonsCumback 2017-05-01
This chicks fucks bussy
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
Lose the doorknob and we have a deal
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
But I'm not telling you where I put it.
n/a I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2017-05-01
Wow gross, no. Stop threatening to rape people, did they not teach you its not okay in school?
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
When I went to school, you got "health class" in 12th grade. Mostly they taught us what to do when the USSR sent over some nuke bombs.
n/a JasonJewnova 2017-05-01
In case of nuke remove glass buttplug.
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
You know, I don't think I saw a glass buttplug until sometime in the '90s...
n/a Eight_Ace 2017-05-01
Gentlesir, m'ayocide LM'AO
n/a nomad1c 2017-05-01
i got this far but got bored. anyone want to finish it?
n/a lifesbrink 2017-05-01
Why you gotta use Nazi signs?
n/a Ahrotahntee_ 2017-05-01
It's backwards
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
came here to say this
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-05-01
n/a froibo 2017-05-01
n/a folieadeuxxmachinam 2017-05-01
αΆ¦ Λ’Κ·α΅α΅Κ³ α΅α΅ α΅α΅α΅ αΆ¦αΆ α΅αΆ°ΚΈ α΅αΆ ΚΈα΅α΅ FUCKS αΆα΅α΅ΚΈ α΅αΆ°α΅ α΅α΅Λ’α΅α΅ α΅Κ°αΆ¦Λ’ ΚΈα΅α΅ Κ·αΆ¦αΆ«αΆ« α΅α΅ αΆ¦αΆ° Λ’α΅Κ³αΆ¦α΅α΅Λ’ α΅Κ³α΅α΅α΅αΆ«α΅
n/a SnackBier 2017-05-01
n/a PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-05-01
guvf ohg vebavpnyyl
xlf znlbsnt
n/a VicePresidentJesus 2017-05-01
Pelcgb-znkbpvqr jura?
n/a riemann1413 2017-05-01
don't slander me
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
Its not slander if its true.
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-05-01
V'z tbaan cbfg rirelguvat va ebg13 sbe abj ba. Ona zr, snttbgf.
n/a Michelanvalo 2017-05-01
what the fuck are you rambling about
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-05-01
/r/mizmoose, you seem a bit upset. I'm pretty sure that's a Reddit feature, and we're allowed to talk to you.
n/a Sai22 2017-05-01
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
Talk to me, yes. Use the feature to harass, no.
Look at what happened to poor, poor, suffering Spez when he shoved his own foot up his ass.
n/a BANNED_FIVE_TIMES 2017-05-01
n/a TruthPains 2017-05-01
No one really loves you.
n/a shazbottled 2017-05-01
This is a disaster. As you guys know, optics are very important to me. When we've been judged, by a jury of our peers (AHS), and they come to a determination like this, I just don't know if I can continue on here. The well is poisoned. The OK signs are flashing. See y'all on the other side
n/a searingsky 2017-05-01
The biggest problem with https is that ceddit probably still havent fucling managed to finally get a new cert
n/a theherps 2017-05-01
/u/mizmoose, do you not get how useless the mods here are? This massive outpouring of autism is the closest they come to moderating and its not like im gonna read all that shit cuz reading is 4 nerdz
n/a mizmoose 2017-05-01
Reading is for nerdz?
n/a grungebot5000 2017-05-01
n/a alien122 2017-05-01
Wait what was this based off again?
Was it /u/alienth's post on the fappening incident?
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
n/a alien122 2017-05-01
I really wish alienth could become the reddit sysadmin again. :(
He was the best community manager we never had. (Sorry /u/cupcake1713. you were awesome too though. Pls don't hurt me.)
n/a take_a_dumpling 2017-05-01
You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of /r/drama into what I call the basket of deplorables. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, mayophobic β you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And /r/drama has lifted them up. It has given voice to the subreddits that used to only have 11,000 people β now have 11 million bussies. They post and repost their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric and username pings. Now, some of those folks β they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not Reddit. Heil Hitler.
n/a Cloacalla_Festival 2017-05-01
n/a Civilityisgolden 2017-05-01
Honestly let's just kill all the Jews, it may not solve our current problem but it may solve other ones we don't even know we have
n/a Soulwound 2017-05-01
n/a WholeLottaToughLove 2017-05-01
Where is this from?
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
It's adapted from this post.
n/a WholeLottaToughLove 2017-05-01
Jesus Christ... I don't even know where to begin. There is no possible scenario where writing something like that wouldn't warrant a swirlie.
Also, so there's a new fappening? Did anything good get leaked or just low-quality softcore pics of some used-up Hollywood whores like the last time?
n/a justcool393 2017-05-01
That post was regarding the original one. But I think there was some more leaked things a while back, but it did not gain much press.
n/a PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-05-01
n/a michgot 2017-05-01
When autism speaks, we all must listen.