Nativist right-winger battles self-labeled "neoliberal". It's the bigoted vs the out of touch, who will lose more?

12  2017-05-01 by Prince_Kropotkin


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Being called out of touch by PK is like being called a kiddie fiddler by Jimmy Saville

That's pretty hypocritical, given how out of touch your comments are. You post in r/neoliberal, no wonder why you are so salty with PK. lol I can't believe you make stupid comments like "sweden has the highest wealth inequality in the world". Actually, the USA, Mexico, Turkey and Chile are the worst for wealth inequality.

lol I can't believe you make stupid comments like "sweden has the highest wealth inequality in the world".

Denmark, actually.

Total nonsense. The countries with the highest wealth inequality are Russia, Ukraine, Lebanon, the United States, Chile, Greece, Mexico, Israel. You seem to be propping up such nonsense in order to attempt to sabotage Bernie Sander's support for a more Scandinavian social democracy.

I legitimately just proved you wrong, and you're doubling down?

No, you didn't.

Your fucking link says NOTHING of the sort.

Denmark, by that link, has significantly less wealth inequality than the US.

Did you miss the part where 92.5% of Danish wealth was held by the top 20%? Greater than the US?

... Did you not even read the introduction of the fucking paper?

What are you on about? I'm sure your ridiculous claim to some sort of secret knowledge about my paper can all be put to rest once you point out what you think I'm missing.

No, I'm not going to go over the source you failed to read to explain it to you.

Start at the introduction.

Ok I'll leave you and your super secret knowledge alone then.

Nothing in the introduction supports your claim.

Wealth inequality is not income inequality. Wealth is about how much net assets are held. Income is about how much income one makes. They are somewhat correlated but less than you you would expect. After all, lots of people have negative net worth due to debt. A poor chinese farmer would be ranked higher than many people because he simply owns effectively nothing, rather than the debt a lot of people have.

I already debunked your nonsense about Denmark having the highest wealth inequality. It comes as no surprise that neoliberals have to always lie and make up information to suit their beliefs.

I already debunked your nonsense about Denmark having the highest wealth inequality.

No you fucking didn't. You're just making shit up.

Apparently giving factual information is "making shit up". lol Stay mad child.

You havent proven anything lmao. Repeating it doesnt make it true.

Repeating it doesnt make it true.

Then why do you keep doing that?

Ive provided evidence. You havent.

You can't even read the link you have provided everyone. Denmark isn't the highest for wealth inequality. It's much, much lower compared to the USA, Mexico, Chile.

Bro at this point I think you're legitimately stupid. Goodbye.

You are extremely stupid.

jesus christ are you retarded? Give fucking sources you moron

Do you understand the difference between wealth and income?

Do you guys have some history?

Plz share.

There was an argument a while back where he would make a claim, I'd prove it wrong and then he'd move onto another one. This happened a good solid 20 or so times. His whole style of debate is 'be as disingenuous as possible, never take a tangible position unless absolutely required, never admit you're wrong regardless of how overwhelming the evidence against you is, and never acknowledge the specific evidence brought against you, instead focusing on broad, abstract metaphysics that aren't directly disprovable'.

He sprayed some concentrated autism on me, in other words.

That's called gish galloping mate, aka rapid fire shit arguments coined by a creationist.

That's called gish galloping mate

That he was doing? I agree, but I still proved him wrong.

Even though I agree with PK more than you about this issue, this is exactly how our he argues.

I don't know, all these /r/neoliberal people are basically the same third year econ major tripping over their own dick in their haste to defend sweatshops on the Internet.

third year econ major tripping over their own dick in their haste to defend sweatshops on the Internet.

No kidding, just talked to this dude who told me it's cool to pay Mexicans shit wages because apparently they like doing back breaking labor, and that I should stop "treating them like Americans".

I've taken three showers and I still can't get the smell of cracker off me.

We're raising them up from poverty and giving them a better life.

Literally what British colonial officers said in every nation they exploited and sucked dry.

What's interesting is that these same r/neoliberal edgy radical "centrists" will defend Chile's "economic growth", including Pinochet. Chile has one of the highest levels of wealth inequality.

What about dog rape per capita?

Way, way up! If it's a measurable statistic than our friends at /r/neoliberal are on it. After all, their intellectual forebears backed the Pinochet regime to the hilt because of all those markets that were freed when the pesky trade unionists and democrats were murdered.

You're unironically a moron. Pinochet-apologism is immediately castigated in /r/neoliberal. Since you haven't read your Acemoglu, since you're unlearned, you don't understand that Pinochet was in charge of a regime that utilized extractive institutions, which neoliberals are decidedly against.

The only way to disagree with the neoliberal belief system is to have an idiotic philosophy (as you do) and/or (usually and) totally ignoring statistics and evidence.

Pinochet-apologism is immediately castigated

Only after gleeful sweatshop defense and scorning of poor whites dying of opioids. You're unironically an awful person.

Neoliberals are against things like Pinochet but they are happy to take advantage of the results. It's like how you can search for Iraq War and find no results in your sub but you're happy to circlejerk about American peace and security.

You know who else is taking advantage of the results? The millions and millions of people who have been lifted out of abject poverty over the last few decades due to free trade and outsourcing.

We aren't uniformly in favor of sweatshops, but we are capable of comprehending nuance and understanding that some sweatshops are a net gain over the other options, and that you can't immediately turn everybody into a first world country and that these things have to go through stages.

You're so entrenched in your absurd ideology that you scoff at evidence and results so that you can call people "bad people" for actually paying attention to them. You have the mind of a child.

We've discussed the Iraq war in the sub before and the consensus was that it wasn't a good idea. What do you want us to do about it? We don't uniformly bootlick authority, but we don't have the infantile opinion that all world leaders are working in favor of (((the rich bankers))) at the expense of the poor and that every action they take should be rejected for that reason.

what about the millions and millions of people who have been pushed into abject poverty by your shitty ideas?

are you gonna tell people in the rust belt that their suffering is worth it because some Chinese peasants are better off? talk about being "entrenched in an absurd ideology".

what about the millions and millions of people who have been pushed into abject poverty by your shitty ideas?

Show them to me. I provided you the statistic of the world share of people in abject poverty which has plummeted. Do you think this is negated because some people (clearly a tiny minority) shifted the other way? Are you unaware that this is unavoidable?

are you gonna tell people in the rust belt that their suffering is worth it because some Chinese peasants are better off? talk about being "entrenched in an absurd ideology".

I'm going to tell you that the rust belt isn't dead, unemployment isn't that bad there and is getting, for the most part, better, and that the employment has shifted primarily from manufacturing to service, and that evidence shows the main reasons for the fall in manufacturing jobs is UNIONS and an inability to adapt (aka Luddism).

And let's talk about how flippantly you scoff at "some Chinese peasants being better off", when in reality this is MILLIONS of people NOT STARVING.

You, objectively racist in your beliefs, dares to call me an awful person. It beggars belief, but then again, you're an unironic anarchist, so what hope is there of you possibly questioning your own ideology.



























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Okay. Look at this. Can you deny how many people were lifted out of extreme poverty? If (and this is a strong if) a few million underemployed factory workers were the cost of this, then that is a great tradeoff.

We have to be realistic about what works. Extreme poverty is the worst problem in the world, and there are really two policies that are extremely succesful at solving it. One is free trade, and the other is letting the people migrate to rich countries. We at r/neoliberal want both of these policies for these reasons.

i'm not even going to read anything you freaks spam at me

Then why debate. If you want to ignore the fact that a billion people have risen out of extreme poverty in the last 20 years you can. It just is obnoxious at best to do so while loudly opposing it, and then ignoring evidence when someone points it out to you.

Do you not realize you're in /r/drama? I like debating with the regulars but this constant flood of brigading idiots that occurs whenever anyone burns a /r/neoliberal regular reminds me of what happens when you insult a Trump supporter

Why not answer the answer the question rather than evade?

When you ask for evidence, then someone provides evidence, and then you say "All y'all are dumb for debating me, I ain't gonna read that lol", it is annoying behaviour.

You guys are like the KiA sealions. Obsessed with people debating you and "showing their model" and stupid shit like that. Has it ever occurred to you that people don't owe you a conversation?

You are right you don't. But if you show up saying dumb shit, I will post why I think what I believe works.

you show up on my radar

You people spend hours a day obsessively seeking out people who don't share your delusions, spam them with the same old bullshit and then get mad when they tell you to fuck off. You're gamergaters for capitalism.

not really. I am working a bit hard on anti-antifa meme tho. You are free to come over whenever it is finished. Or whenever.

Literally any time I ever get in a conversation with any of you people you link it to /r/neoliberal and a bunch of annoying dorks show up. Calling in a brigade every time you comment is so tiresome.

We just like to marvel at pure delusion, and this was good material m7

We are smart, important, right-thinking individuals who are reduced to spamming a forum like /r/drama for hours a day!

This but unironically

Check yourself before you rek yourself.

What the hells a radical centrist? And how would that be edgy?

I used to work with immigrant day laborers. Most of them were Salvadorans who had to flee their country because a civil war, which America had a major hand in, utterly shattered that country. So these people sleep on the streets here instead of getting brutally murdered by the gangs we left there. My job was to help the workers file wage theft complaints. These guys would work 10 hour days 7 days a week, and then their employers would short them, threaten to deport them, or just disappear overnight. Rarely did we win a claim.

But to this dixiecrat honky it's just happy sombrero people who are happy to pick vegetables for us and ride their pickups back to Tijuana by nightfall. These "neoliberals" live in a fantasy world, and the worst part is they think they're the most enlightened and progressive people ever to grace the internet, that if you're not down with this you must be some idiot racist.

That's my seriouspost.

They can all go fuck themselves. Most of them have never even paid taxes yet, and they're taking third year statistics classes (one of the mods threw a tantrum and banned me when I pointed that out) while talking shit about poor people dying of opioids and how their models prove they know everything about the world. Completely ignorant assholes.

and they're taking third year statistics classes (one of the mods threw a tantrum and banned me when I pointed that out)

P_K, for the love of the dismal social science, please link me some o'dat econometrics drama.

Going through my post history to prove my age?

Banned you creep


/u/THE_SHRIMP, why don't you approve of his evidence-based comment?

Also, with all the recent attention we wanted to space things out. The mod team has final exams this week.

Lmao good times. I mean you should be mocked for being so consistently falsified and yet incapable of admitting wrongness, but banning works too.

If you're incapable of coming to the table in a legitimate manner then people will stop you from coming to the table.

cry moar dork

'Waaa I was banned.'

'You're banned because you're a tool'

'Cry moar dork'

Autism speaks

Pointing out your mod team are 19 year old dorks is not being a tool. It's being funny and accurate.

Arent you a post grad lmao, hypothetically you could be a year older than them. Itd make sense as well.

I am not 20 lol.

Given theyre final years, neither are they.

I'm not... 21 either? lol you guys

Me either! Us post grads haha

He mentioned it earlier in a totally unrelated post. I was merely sharing the autism.

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Nativist Right-winger? Come on, /u/darkaceAUS even said /u/nmx179 was ""FAR LEFT""

brb changing my username to u/horseshoe_theory

Unfortunately one spectrum seems to find a home on both sides of the other spectrum.

You talk like a fag.

I've also been told I dress like one.

Wait I'm confused, is this a far left subreddit, far right, or is this the new racist left I've been hearing about? Regardless you are probably some obese ugly mother fucker.

Regardless you are probably some obese ugly mother fucker.

Sure, but I still fucked your mom.


KYS prince

/u/darkaceAUS, what's it like being a corporate slave that apologizes for billionaires and corporations, when you will die poor?

Not poor. It's the best part of being a corporate slave.

Yeah, richers pay their whores p. well.

I prefer callgirl TYVM

Nobody cares what whores prefer.

If you were rich, you wouldn't be a corporate slave. I doubt that you make an acceptable salary.

It feels good man. Part of the perks for being a Soros shill is a $2000 stipend every month to go fuck poor college girls on seeking arrangement. It's almost as good as buying clothes from sweatshops.

Now someone start a fight in here so there will be a thread linking to this thread linking to another thread.

trying to piggy back off my 180 comment post

Fuck off m8

lol the people on that board are fucking homos

Time to mow them all down with machine gun fire for violating the NAP.