Moral Relativist rape-apologists and emaciated Vegan (((imperialists))) duke it out in /r/videos when people learn that bulls still suffer from the Spanish Inquisition

6  2017-05-01 by Wraith_GraveSpell


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Also the video does a terrible job at making bullfighting look bad. Killing raptors is actually pretty badass and I'd pay for that shit.

Bulls aren't really gentle creatures. I went to a bullfight once and it was really impressive. Only one matador actually was able to kill the bull, three others were stomped or gored.

I dont particularly care one way or the other, but there's definitely a certain irony to Spanish complaints of international criticism of and meddling in primitive traditional practices. In 150 years they've gone from an imperial power to the closest thing Europe has to a third world backwater.