A real Asian-American woman rationalizes miscegenation in /r/hapas

25  2017-05-01 by cruelandusual


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I guess it must be awful looking in the mirror and seeing your facial structure every day.

I wonder this too, /u/innypunktwidzenia , but there are a shitload of white liberals that have somehow managed to live with it.

I mean how stupid must OP of that thread be to make /r/hapas look better than her?

Nah, she just fines the men uggos, the women are waifu quality.

Try being Ginger. People think I'm bulemic because every time I see myself in a bathroom mirror I go throw up.

Fuck that thread, the more recent argument in /u/kuuskuus history about using charge to keep up slice and dice is way more interesting.

Greased Lightning, not Slice&Dice - Does that even still exist in WoW anymore ?_? But yes, more or less.

That exchange was dumb. A lot of XIV players don't have a clue how other MMOs work because all they've played is FFXI and FFXIV 'w'


jesus what self-respecting white man would want this weeb-tier shit

/u/KuusKuus have you ever been with an asian man, and if so how was it

Yes, it was Ok 'w'

hmm i was hoping for a shuttle crash. that's a shame

How big was his penis?

there's no way you're not a white dude

There's one way 'w'

Why do you keep making that obnoxious w?

Also, how big are your tits?

Hey /u/Pakefromdahislands I have some helpful hints for you.

I'm 6'2" :) Check my history...I can even pm you my driver's license as proof. But I'm glad you're reinforcing stereotypes. And I'm not trying to be an ass, but let me tell you a story. I, like you, believed that Asians are pretty short. I always thought I was an anomaly, but you know what changed my mind? Going to Japan. I assumed I would be the tallest Asian in the city. But you know what? I was shocked at the amount of tall Japanese dudes. On the subway, I often times felt average.

Have you been there? Go there and see for yourself.

I've been to China, Japan and South Korea, you are full of shit that you felt average if you are 6' 2". Average height of Japanese males is 5' 7.5", South Korea 5' 5", China 5' 5"-5' 8" (depending on region) so you are almost five inches taller than the average Japanese male. In America 5' 9.5" is the average. So you are tall for an American (congratulations, thank your non-Asian parent).

Sigh, here you go again, bagging Asian guys. I swear, you can't drop it huh? You have Asian women saying Asian men are controlling, patriarchal, now weak and servile. Can't win huh?

You seem to be missing my point. I have no problem with you or your mixed relationship. I actually think interacial relationships are a good thing. The sharing of cultures, seeing that, at the end of the day, we just want to be happy no matter the race.

But what you're doing here is not that. You're just expressing negative stereotypes, when it's really not necessary. Why not just date your man and say Asian guys are just as awesome as any other race...Or you know, just not say anything at all.

This is what you should have said right from the beginning. Or the abbreviated version, which is "Whatever floats your boat sweet cheeks."

Can confirm, live in Shanghai, am 6'3", most of the time tallest person in the subway cart I am in and in a crowd. I'm from Italy, where the average male is 5'8", and it happens here way more often.

Btw I think average height in the US is 5'10".

Shanghai's the south tho, brah: Southern people are little short arses.

You should come to the north where all the mongoloid supermen of the golden race live. Every last one of them is constantly banging their heads on the tops of door frames: that's why they're all squinty-eyed.

One of my workout partners is from Inner Mongolia!

Short and squat guy, strong as a bull.

You have your numbers slightly wrong. The average height in Korea is 5'8". In fact, the "tall" region of China is next to Korea and people believe that they actually have the same ancestors. So much so that Koreans claim Confucius since he came from that region. It would be odd if people with the same ancestral history would vary that widely in height if not for some external reason like starvation.

The Koreans claim fucking everything mate and that's why the Koreans can fuck off.

Uh, that's kind of tangential to my point, bit I agree. It's bizarre that they claim everything. Don't personally care enough to have an opinion on it though.

protip: Find a Chinese person and tell them you heard Koreans invented printing.

Stand well back and prepare for a 50 megaton triggering.

I'm fully aware it's a contentious issue, I just don't personally care. I have many Chinese and Korean friends, I think the whole argument is silly because the guy is 6 feet under and it was never an issue during his life. So to me it's a non-issue.

But yes, I do hear the arguments come up as if some how it's important and that I should give a shit when I don't.

But drama, but triggering, but getting other people upset for your own amusement.

Why do you even come here?

Oh, I like drama that isn't thousands of years old. I just don't care about history.

This is so true. The only time I ever yelled at my Chinese (ex)girlfriend was when she went on a 20 minute rant about how Korea sucks, were completely inferior, and stole all their technology from China. "They steal everything from China!"

Also I'm a white guy; suck my dick /r/hapas.

most of it's diet. since koreans adopted a more western diet (lots of dairy for some reason), they are getting tall

You been to Korea?

It's all that fucking vile neon-orange fermented fucking cabbage.

i've been to korea and they love dairy, quite odd compared to other asian countries

also, kimchi is good for your digestive system, lots of probiotics.

I didn't say empirically that Japan's average height was 6'2''. No country has an average of that height. I was just trying to explain how I thought the general population would be a lot shorter than it was. I didn't feel like the giant I thought I would be. This was in Tokyo if it helps.

Also, I'm mixed Asian (Chinese and Japanese), so there's no non-Asian parent to thank.

Also, I said that from the beginning, she brought up height. Thanks for the feedback though.

/u/innypunktwidzenia m8, she is saying she does not like how the asian men look, the women be hawt

Note:I have dated Asian men before, personality is #1.

Why does it seem like EVERY woman says this? They're the same as men but at least men are honest about it. Women will say they don't care about appearance but their past 10 boyfriends were athletic 6'0+ whites. Men will say they love big tits, and date women with big tits.

Because some women don't actually care about appearance. I had a guy in a class who was short, fat, and only ever seemed to talk about the Walking Dead but managed to always have a girlfriend. If you're personable and pleasant to be around there are women who look past looks. Too bad /r/Hapas hasn't figured that one out.

I had a guy in a class who was short, fat, and only ever seemed to talk about the Walking Dead but managed to always have a girlfriend

And then you woke up.

Oh no, he exists. Is posting someone Facebook picture considered doxxing?

I'm taking the piss, mate. I knew someone like that too, his girlfriend/s weren't exactly attractive though.

Yeah. One sort of was but not really.

Everyone in that thread deserves the pit