The story of how a Wikipedia admin lost her mind after some banter from a university professor, leading to a rebuke by Jimmy Wales himself.

175  2017-05-02 by YHofSuburbia

While reading some Wikipedia userpage arguments the other day (yes, I have nothing better to do with my time) I came across this drama from 2007.

Zoe was a Wiki admin, a really prolific and controversial one, as evidenced by her userpage talk history. In 2007, a professor at Northern Illinois University decided to show his students how unreliable the website was to use as a source by telling them to deface a couple pages. After a couple sneaky edits (edit history from Jan 2007), the page was protected. A snitch told everyone what was going on:

Tim Pearce of Northern Illinois University asked his Communications 100 class – a required course in the curriculum and NIU – to vandalize Wikipedia articles. He asked students to vandalize first the NIU article at Wikipedia, later after the page was locked from edits because of the vandalism he told his students to pick an article and vandalize it

This set off a huge controversy. Zoe took it upon herself, as an admin, to contact (threaten) the professor. A full transcript of the emails can be found here, but here are some choice quotes:

I think I will forward this information to the president of the university. He or she should know that the faculty of your university advocate public vandalism.


This is the third time I have attempted to communicate with you or someone in your office. If you do not reply by close of business Friday, January 25, I will be forced to go to the press.


I don't think we need to discuss the illegalities of defacing a website. Such actions are a federal offense


Here is what the university said, after she emailed them (of her own accord, without consulting anyone else, and acting as a representative of the website):

Your veiled threat of 'going to the media' does not alter how this matter should be addressed on its merits. A one-time teaching demonstration certainly has evoked a strong response from you, and I am interested in knowing why -- given all the circumstances that would likely come out in a public discussion of it. Maybe it would be best to just let it drop.

Now, Zoe took her job of being an admin very seriously. This is what Jimmy Wales has to say about the "position":

I just wanted to say that becoming a sysop is not a big deal. I think perhaps I'll go through semi-willy-nilly and make a bunch of people who have been around for awhile sysops. I want to dispel the aura of "authority" around the position. It's merely a technical matter that the powers given to sysops are not given out to everyone.

I don't like that there's the apparent feeling here that being granted sysop status is a really special thing.

Keep in mind Zoe uses her being a janitor to pull rank frequently (see above link, and also click on any random archive, there's tons of drama there).

Jimmy, already pissed off at people pulling rank even though they have no reason to, and even more incensed at legal threats made by a janitor on behalf of Wikipedia, despite not being asked, or even allowed to, issues a public rebuke of Zoe:

Wow, this is just wildly inappropriate. I spoke to Mr. Pierce by telephone several days ago and the issue was completely resolved back then. I think Zoe's pursuit of this in this way is wildly inappropriate and should cease immediately, and that she should apologize to him for it. I very much do not approve of this kind of random hostility from Wikipedia editors

This sets off a shitstorm. People are attacked, snide comments are thrown at each other, general hostilities are aired, and Tim Pierce's credentials are called into question.

Zoe has a breakdown

Step 1: She replaces her old userpage (which consisted of her whining about admins being mean to each other) with a note saying: "Jimbo has made it clear the he approves of vandalism. Therefore my vandalism fighting days are over"

Step 2: Someone tells her that Jimmy Wales has done nothing of the sort

Step 3: Zoe totally loses it, and replaces her entire page with a statement: "Jimbo accused me of having a vendetta against Mr. Pierce. Such an attack is too much for me to endure. I have loved my time at Wikipedia, but I do not feel that I can continue here. Goodbye."

Step 4: A year later, she states her account has been "hacked", and leaves Wikipedia forever.

Thus ends the saga of Zoe, who acted as a spokesperson for the website by threatening the university at least 5 times despite having no authority to do so, managed to drag the founder of Wikipedia into petty drama and forced him to contact the university himself, who then had no choice but to publicly tell Zoe to fuck off.

Moderators were a mistake.


Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!


  1. This Post -,*,,*

  2. Zoe -,*,*

  3. userpage talk history -,*,*

  4. edit history from Jan 2007 -,*,*

  5. told everyone what was going on -,*,*

  6. huge controversy -,*,*

  7. here -,*,*

  8. say -,*,*

  9. I just wanted to say that becoming ... -,*,*

  10. I don't like that there's the appar... -,*,*

  11. public rebuke of Zoe -,*,*

  12. shitstorm -,*,*

  13. Zoe has a breakdown -,*,*

  14. tells her -,*,*

  15. a statement -,*,*

  16. "hacked" -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I don't think we need to discuss the illegalities of defacing a website. Such actions are a federal offense

Shit just got serious

The best part is how the university saw through her bullshit posturing and insulted her in their reply

These days they would have a panel of blue haired fat women discuss it and reprimand the professor.

Body shamer

zoe was in the wrong but its still a dick move to say "this sites bad and ill prove it!" then after your vandalism fails keep going at it despite it not working

He'll be reported to the cyber-police and the state police.

Consequences will never be the same.

Jimmy dun goofed now.

Without a backtrace of the ip, they won't catch him


Bring this up the next time there's a feminist binge editing event.

Moderators were a mistake.

yeah no shit

They do it for free

drama mods should watch those videos

Can you imagine, people who moderate bullshit websites for no money and no bussy are petty little power mad dictators with more time than sense?

It's a good thing /r/drama mods get plenty of bussy(or /r/4chan mods, amirite /u/basicallyadoctor).

/r/europe mod:

I basically drown in bussy.

Eastern or Western European bussy?

It's Europe. Muslim bussy.

Sunni or Shiite?

bussy is bussy.

I've gotten bussy through drama sooo

since your a wikipedia user is it true that wikipidea is controlled by a cabal of SJW power mods/users

I thought it was crazy but who else would call your job, dox you, think something is a crime when it isn't and threaten to contact the media

Philip Roth found this out when he tried to correct an error about one of his own books, only to be told by a Wikipedia administrator, “I understand your point that the author is the greatest authority on their own work, but we require secondary sources.”

imagine being this autistic

I don't have an account there nor do I edit pages that often aside from correcting spelling sometimes or whatever. Wiki talk pages are a great source of drama though, so I go through them sometimes.

Wikipedia power-editors and mods, much like power-users and mods on any other website have a tendency to go overboard because even having a modicum of power, however inconsequential, tends to drive people crazy. That said, there really isn't a SJW cabal there or anything. Most people who think that are conspiracy retards who got mad when someone deleted their unsourced edits.

yea was thinking of the slate article about wikipedia drama

“Gamaliel” on Wikipedia, was the primary culprit, accusing Auerbach of being “pro-Brexit, pro-GamerGate” and “anti-SJW,” as well as a “libel machine.”

the guy had another wikipedia article too

that must be why, fun reads


Wikipedia power-editors and mods, much like power-users and mods on any other website have a tendency to go overboard because even having a modicum of power, however inconsequential, tends to drive people crazy. That said, there really isn't a "SJW" cabal there or anything. Most people who think that are conspiracy retards who got mad when someone deleted their unsourced edits.

I wouldn't say theres a coordinated group of sjws or anything but a lot of controversial topics that aren't too obviously drawing public attention (ie wouldn't work on pages like the Holocaust) get absolutely retarded. People on the far left and far right can sometimes pull off pages that are ludicrously portraying the topic at hand and prevent edits that are closer to the truth under the guise of preventing vandalism

For sure. Niche topics can also get hijacked by believers in a certain theory, making it very important that you use sources outside of those cited on Wikipedia to form a more complete picture of current discussion in a given field.

Dude there's a multiple year long talk page debate and edit war as to whether or not air conditioning is sexist. Air conditioning.

What is their reasoning

Someone wrote a "legitimate academic paper" on the topic.

Women everywhere are literally frozen out of business because their evil misogynist bosses set the thermostat too low, and layers are a tool of the patriarchy. It's especially ironic as men are forced to wear suits or at least a dress shirt to work.

FYI site wide rules require secondary sources.

Wikipedo gonna sperg. Back when ED was relevant, a long ass time ago, Wikipedia was easily 30% of the drama generated.

Wikipedia is a really good way for collaborating on topics but also has a lot of double-edges. Users full of themselves being one of them.

You want good drama? Look up when Jimbo Wales went to town on all the suggestive underage images on WP without having an Arbcom or really any communications with other editors. They literally revoked his deletion access. Over half-way childporn anime images. It was fucking glorious.

They literally revoked his deletion access.

I thought Jimbo was the cofounder, how could his subordinates revoke his admin privileges?


Mailing list discussion of people pissed at Whales' grandstanding:

Jimbo is a fucking drama magnet and an asshole, (but he's my kind of asshole): (tldr Wales dumped his GF on wikipedia like an autie.)

Hahahaha holy fuck I can't believe he bragged about a one night stand on a fucking encyclopedia and then told everyone when it was over on the same website hahahahaha


They literally revoked his deletion access.

He revoked his own voluntarily, from what your sources say.

To save face. His revoking of his own privileges was very much an attempt to give a final appearance of complete control, he'd just as easily have had them taken away if he didn't voluntarily revoke them.

It's a very bad public spectacle if a project committee (like wikipedia or wikicommons) censured it's founder. This was a gentleman's agreement between Jimmy and other Wikicommons admins, the general user populace was very upset (literal sperging) over the unusual way that the media was deleted; no discussion or vote for deletion. It was a unilateral and damaging move by Jimbo and if he didn't 'bow out' it would come to pass that others would. It was a very big deal amongst wikipedia autists that some moronic, blathering multiday process wasn't used for hundreds of images that were pretty sketchy at best.

Jimbo was understandably trying to shield WP from a FoxNews instigated media shitstorm. Jimbo is basically some Autist Moses having to shepard other mouth-breathing autists to the promised land. Only instead of being led to Israel they managed to find some place even more jewish and retarded.

Only instead of being led to Israel they managed to find some place even more jewish and retarded.

basically in the wilderness forever

Is this the same crazy Wikipedia lady that started creating her own rules for the English language.

Zoe is very strong-willed, but she's also a very good admin. Always has been.

"Yeah, her only contribution to this website is to be civil and courteous, and we all know she's a shithead. But other than that, she's good for . . . something?"

Poor Pedro. When they thought he didn't contact her:

Before jumping to ANI, try to work with users you disagree with.

When he said he did contact her:

Moreover, continuing posts on talk page when it would seem to me like the matter is dead and buried smells to me like harassment in minor form.

Why do so many children think they own online communications or especially encyclopedias?

Instead of actual adults who know how to handle things?

Why do teenagers think they know everything?

I'm just asking?

You seem upset, gramps.

This is brilliant. This is the type of drama I come here for.

Also as a side note, every Wikipedia related drama that I've seen has Ryulong attached to it in some way or another. I wonder what he's up to now.

I cannot imagine what this person looks like. Something tells me short purple hair

So you actually can imagine it. Lying on /r/Drama is a federal offense.

How dare you call her a janitor. I'll have you know janitors aren't retarded enough to work for nothing and actually contribute something useful to society.

Moderators were a mistake



Lol funnie bcuz you are lawyer XD

Only stupid lawyers represent themselves.


Engaging yourself then? Is that like lawyer speak for masturbation?

God no. "A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client", etc.

It's okay, masturbation is natural and common activity. You don't have to be ashamed and lie about it.

You can engage your council all you want.

I hope she's dead by now.

Hey Zoe

Fucking brilliant find OP. Please continue to trawl through these user page arguments to see if there are any other historical dramas!

I don't know, I can understand her point of view. It must be really fucking annoying if some fuckface decides to attack something you worked on and defaces it to make a point.

If you read /r/WikiInAction, you'll see this kind of shitdickery is a pretty common thing on Wikipedia. There are a lot of extremely politically-motivated decisions that go on in the background that I had no clue about. I used to think Wiki's peak faggotry was the annual beg-a-thon from Jimmy.

On a scale of 9 to 10, how autistic is that sub?

I'd say somewhere in the middle of those two ranges - as in "I wish I had an abortion" but not "I'm going to Casey Anthony them."

In all fairness, the 'let's allow feminists to do whatever they want' thing would drive any admin insane.

No special rules for special people; that's what the left stands for these days. Special rules for special people.

Talks on her userpage:

Thank you for your kind comments. I do not feel she explained herself. Her first post directed me to WP:NPA and her second was the "I've been here a lot longer than you". Her third, after I had stated I agreed with her was the curt "This conversation is at an end". There is no witch hunt, but I re-iterate that these actions are blunt and will deter editors. -Pedro Again, I think she explained herself and tried to end the conversaation since there was nothing more to discuss on the matter. When you start out a thread as here with quotes that indicate a possible objective you may be leaning towards, this looks more like a witch hunt than anything else. I have no doubt your contributions are generally all excellent, so I encourage you to resume those efforts.--MONGO + Zoe is very strong-willed, but she's also a very good admin. Always has been. Before jumping to ANI, try to work with users you disagree with. This page is not designed to be a first resort. --WoohookittyWoohoo! 10:02, 25 January 2007 (UTC) + Oh WOWOW! Zoe is a she? I, obviously didn't know that, or I would have tried to be polite with her XD. In any case, this is not Wikipedia's complaint department. You might want to use dispute resolution as a means. Cheers! — Nearly Headless Nick (Note "If you want to make an open informal complaint over the behaviour of an admin, you can do so here" being stickied at the top of the thread)

Why do administrators insist on sticking their neck so far out for others who are so aggressively incompetent?

Moderators were a mistake.

Logically, yes. As long as you can program a bot to be aggressive enough about spam removal and user banning such that the bots configuration can be at least inferred then most users, in order to continue to participate, would have to yield to the definition of moderation set forth by that bot whether or not they like it.

I've never understood the mindset that makes people want to donate their time to moderate websites for free. You guys need to sent Notch a bill.

Great old school drama. Is u/snallygaster creating disciples?