Yet another round of angry nerd introspection.

8  2017-05-02 by zahlman


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I'm not sure I can sit through a 12 minute video. This guy already strikes me as a retard. 1 minute in and hat guy says "if you're into mtg overwatch, etc" and then Mr. Cantcomb says "well first problem is you assume I'm interested in mtg"

Like, ok bud, really.

I'm amazed anyone thinks Twitch isn't infested with Incel idiots browsing for chick streams and posting "lul gameplay" even if the facecam is a microscopic dot and the lady is dressed like a fucking nun.

Update: Fucking lol, they banned me after I modmailed about a comment they removed and then noticed this submission or something.

Yeah, the mods there are powertripping cunts for the most part. They have a habit of nuking any threads that don't make it seem like the sub is overwhelmingly in favor of social progressiveness.

(When the fuck did you start playing btw?)

(When the fuck did you start playing btw?)

Probably somewhere around Nov-Dec last year, but I didn't really get obsessed until the AKH spoiler season.