I'm in need of safe, pardon, stealthy space

8  2017-05-03 by newcomer_ts


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Rarely do I get this much downvotes so I have to wonder what's wrong with me.

I figured no other place would offer more reasonable take.

So, what is it that I don't understand?

Canadians are pussy faggots. H2H

You are blaming the victim, dude.

Fucking heteros smh

If you agree to have sex under certain pretenses, and the other person decides to ignore those pretenses, that sure sounds like rape to me.

So, just like that CYE episode, if she has big vagina but she said it was tight, you get to sue her?

No because tight is subjective. Whether or not someone is wearing a condom is a bit more objective and also pretty important information.

well first things first id love to see your objective measurement of whether or not that pussy tight

It's not his fault science has failed to establish proper standards and measures in this vital field.

Not having a tight pussy is a bit different from unwillingly exposing someone to the possibility of pregnancy / STDs

Nah that is a dumb equivalency to draw. It would be more like if the person had an STD but knowingly lied and said they were clean/tested. There is actual risk involved.


No one actually does this.. R-Right?

looks like at least one dude did, according the story.