Playboy model takes naked picture on top of a mountain, not knowing it holds religious significance; proceeds to trigger the entire "country" of New Zealand

89  2017-05-03 by YHofSuburbia


This is why we need mayocide.


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Snappy basically passes the Turing Test at this point

He has more originally than the vast majority of users here, that's for sure.

This but unironically

This one is new

Not new, pretty sure this bot has acheived sentience.

Normally I'd be pretty excited to hear of the first AI to become sentient, but unfortunately this one has learned from /r/drama users.

The analogy in the article was hilariously ridiculous.

/u/ComedicSans, any input on this egregious faux pas?

"Everyone is outraged!"

- one dude with no authority to speak for anyone.

Yeah but think of the SyFy Original movie potential.

Nudie model does a photo shoot over a native burial ground, which inadvertently triggers a once-dormant volcano into an apocalyptic disaster.

So a shittier Poltergeist

>implying B-movie rip-offs aren't the classiest of art forms.

Meh. Sharknado was okay

Just sacrifice her to the volcano and everything will be fine.

How did you know about the finale to my screenplay?

lol you can't even get properly outraged for your natives

No sheep were involved in this incident.

New Zealand is the Arkansas of the Southern Hemisphere.

As a Kiwi I resent that statement but god damn it you are right.

Brice Campbell told a story once about a kiwi grip he knew who had a gold plated fake eye. The kiwi told him he lost the real one from shooting cocaine into his eye socket.

"It's like someone went into St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and took a nude photo," Dennis Ngawhare, a spokesperson for the local Maori tribe, told the BBC.

That'd be hot as fuck imo

yeah playboy needs to get on that

The drama caused by some naked girl grinding on La Peta would be funny

Yeah for sure, I really want that picture, for drama purposes.

And the people who would get outraged at that would be made fun of by the people that are outraged at this.

I don't mean Maori, I mean the average white Americans on Twitter.

I would be outraged at both.

I would be fapping to both

It's all about consistency.

Naughty Nuns are a tradition of our peoples and must be respected.

Didn't something similar happen with Pussy Riot?

Didn't Opie and Anthony have a couple fuck in some cathedral in Boston

Well the Vatican has dudes with guns and halberds.

Maybe if the Maori had dudes with guns on their rocks people wouldn't shit about

It is a false equivalency though, because no one built the mountain. It is just there. St. Peter's isn't a natural feature.

Oh no, a nude woman, how will the gods ever recover?

By tossing her into the volcano idk

Why do people accomidate first nations as if their ideas arenct silly? Uluru is just a rock, the mountain is just a mountain. If this was something southern baptists or christians cared about being mocked, the public wouldn't give a damn.

Any schmuck can build an outhouse and call it a """church""" or temple or whatnot. If anything has a valid claim of some sacredness, it's mountains and stuff like that.

I'm not trting to stir the pot, but animism is very stupid. Sometimes a rock is just a rock. Acribing religion to it doesn't make it any more valid. There are already secular reasons we should take care of the earth.

I dunno, I'm not religious at all and that was just some hot take, just think that it's a bit silly that something man-made (as awesome as sacral architecture can be) takes somehow precedence in holiness over something magnificent/majestic such as some sweet mountain that's supposedly created by God. I've no idea how the big eastern asian religions handle temples/holy natural sites, but there are probably already millenia of abrahamitic dogma explaining why my opinion is stupid as fuck. Anyway, I'm gonna go hug a tree now.

There are already secular reasons we should take care of the earth.

That's something I 100% agree with.

Everything that's man made is also created by nature. It's a meaningless distinction.

I don't agree at all with animism, but the mountain's been sacred to the local Maori for hundreds of years. We can't and don't know the story behind its sacredness, so we should just leave the mountain to the Maori for the sake of pluralism.

Ok suppose there's this really mentally ill hobo. He loves his porta potty, that's the one thing he has in his life, his only ray of sunlight. Would you make fun of him?

That's how I view religious people.

" He worships created things rather than the creator"


Well, at least put up a sign or something to let people know this rock is special? Or are people supposed to just read your mind.

Where would be the fun in putting up a sign? I wanna read the dramatic "mea culpa"s if someone yet again comitted some invisible sacrilege.

Good point, well made.

There are good reasons to stop people from going up Uluru. It's a dangerous climb and it's damaging the paintings in it.

On the other hand, I hate this kind of 'you have to obey my superstitions or else you're a bigot' when it comes to natural things. In NZ we had a big controversy over whether or not people should be allowed to disperse ashes in rivers or on the foreshore because of Maori taboo over death, like our drowning stats aren't horrible and people never die in water here. I think the immediate needs of the family that has lost are more important than the much less personal impersonal Maori superstition (which can and should change to accommodate new practices anyway).

Fortunately, NZers aren't taking it half as seriously as foreigners are.

>On the other hand, I hate this kind of 'you have to obey my superstitions or else you're a bigot' when it comes to natural things. In NZ we had a big controversy over whether or not people should be allowed to disperse ashes in rivers or on the foreshore because of Maori taboo over death, like our drowning stats aren't horrible and people never die in water here. I think the immediate needs of the family that has lost are more important than the much less personal Maori superstition (which can and should change to accommodate new practices anyway

Agreed. Also, things like shinto or some indian cultural practices with cows/rivers, if they were applied to the maximum extent, would be incompatable with our lifestyle. Religious law canct supplant secular law in our countries. Just because you worship a hill doesn't make it okay to limit everyone else from it.

i don't think people are saying she should go to prison, they're just saying the shoot was typical stupid mayo dick move

As long as she isnt shoving indigenous artifacts into her puss, then everyone should shut the fuck up

Because they are brown

Why do people accomidate first nations as if their ideas arenct silly? Uluru is just a rock, the mountain is just a mountain.

Because some really shitty things done to them and attempting to show respect for their beliefs is an attempt to distance ourselves from those things.

Colonialism stopped too soon.

t. Jontron

In June 2015, a group of Western tourists climbing Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia caused massive outrage and a subsequent deadly earthquake was blamed on their disrespect towards the sacred mountain.

And Fyre Fest was their karmic retribution.

Fake titties is a sacrelige.

I don't think anyone here actually cares tbh

The top of the volcano is sacred for Maori.

All 5 of them. Who gives a shit.

All 5 of them. Who gives a shit.

There are 600,000 of them.

Who gives a shit.

I bet they do.

So nobody important. Move along.

600,000 Maori are more important than one stripper.

Ok, look here you, I got my finger mashing the f5 key waiting for my orangered hoping someone posts the uncensored pic of that "one stripper" and it's just you. So unless you are going to post the link to the photo, please refrain from commenting and take a flying fuck in a turbocharged rolling donut.

Here you go. Please think of me as you whack off to it.


600,000 people who pray to chicken bones and volcanoes

ill take the titties, thanks.

Arise chicken! Arise!


600,000 sacred volcanoes? that sounds dangerous

600 000 fucking volcanoes! No.wonder earthquakes are fucking shit up

the church of Scientology has about 8 million members worldwide, and we mock everything they hold dear

numbers don't impress me much

If you have a "sacred mountain", you are a primitive cunt.

"Naked Playboy model angers Maori" sounds like a hot porno plot tbh

I believe it was customary to charge into battle sporting an erection for Maori. Not joking.

I'd be intimidated.

Just here for the actual nudes!

New Zealand is a muslim country?

it's a fucking rock

get over it

Speaking as someone from Australia, who is basically New Zealand's dad at this point, desperate for them to move the fuck out and get their own university I mean get their own house, it is nothing like triggering 'the entire "country" of New Zealand'.

It's like triggering a group of hardcore don't appropriate me Native Americans, while the rest of America thinks they're fucking retards and need to go back to living in huts. Meanwhile, the politicians have drunk so much of the kool-aid they feel they have to pander to the minorities lest they be branded racist, and so say they think the dumb fuckers are right to be offended, hell we're ALL SO OFFENDED, while secretly thinking they're all as dumb as the rest of us think they are.

It's almost enough to make we wish China could take over the world and shoot anybody not wholly committed to the capitalist utopia. Fuck stupid superstitions, and fuck the uneducated descendants of uneducated stone age laggards who think they own mountains just because they shot out of the cunt of said uneducated stone age laggards. It's everybody's mountain.

Its a fucking mountain, get over it.

I didn't realize Kiwis had any religion besides being cunts

Ah, religion.