Canada instates a government run registry of Trans identifying individuals and is lauded for being progressive.

47  2017-05-05 by CedV


We could have gone to Mars but instead we chose to spend our time and money dealing with the emotional reactions to document content and layout.

At some point you just need to kick back and drink a beer while the world burns.

Of course, we're already in /r/drama, so I assume we're long past that point.

It doesn't matter who started the fire. Only that we all enjoy the heat radiating from the Tibetan.

But we are big guys

Every sex change surgery gets done by destroying a space shuttle. That's widely known fact.

And every new spreadsheet oppresses a POC family.

Apollo 1 exploded in '67 because of gay sex inside the rocket.

But is it really gay sex or just necessity sex?

Well, in my opinion, lack of quality bussy is a state of emergency...

Most people don't realize just how hard it is to present bussy while wearing a spacesuit.

And NASA won't entertain the idea of a buttflap in the spacesuit.

They failed to clarify "no homo" at the end

Damn son you were about to diss my excel and get an ass whupping.

I had second thoughts, realized that while oppressive the spreadsheet is useful.

Powerpoint on the other hand...

The humble spreadsheet has been our frontline solution to stopping commies

more like white powerpoint amirite guys? #mayocide

didn't happen

the guy who was supposed to destroy those shuttles has been seen wearing a shirt with bikiniclad blondes printed on it, so we had to let him go

It's because identifying as an attack helicoptor is passe now, and people are now identifying as space shuttles instead.

Ya, that won't backfire on them at all

I hope the people marking this off never have to travel to a country that doesn't like transsexuals. Good luck getting into so, so many countries.

Literally any country other than Canada, or San Francisco.

Dude i dont think random people in those countries will ever know or see whats in your passport.

It's not random people they should be worried about, it's the government.

What government? They don't give a shit about trannies from abroad.

Like, if you had a coworker named Ravinder but you insisted on calling them Robert, that would be weird and a kind of harassment and if I were your boss I'd write you up? Right?

Fucking no, what the hell? I'd assume they couldn't remember or pronounce the name right. This happens all the time at my work, half the time they just point and say "could you..?".

I don't know what kind of workplace you have but not being able to remember a coworkers name over multiple months is either a serious mental deficiency or someone being a dick on purpose. Either way I don't think I would have a job anymore if I did that. Clearly your place of work doesn't have the "not mildly retarded" expectation for their workers. Good on them for hiring people that need a little extra help I guess. I'm glad you're able to get out of the house. Does the state subsidize part of your wages or are they just paying you for charity?

Easy, most people at my job don't last 2 weeks, a lot of them are temporary agency hires.

Note the word "INSISTED"; the implication here is that it's intentional and deliberate.

If you deliberately call a coworker by another name, i.e. in order to piss them off, that's a childish, dick move dude!

How can you tell the difference between being intentional and deliberate, and someone who can't be arsed to learn a name because 80% of people leave after 2 weeks? Unless they're leering over them and saying the wrong name with dramatic emphasis - which is just weird - it's kinda hard to tell.

that kind of turnover is fast food, or a call centre or maybe retail. sorry dude, i've done that, those are tough jobs.

in my mental picture, because that's my reality, i pictured a boring office where you work next to the same people for years.

Warehouse actually, pharmaceutical packing. Even in an office job, I worked with a guy who did stuff like that but was never fired or anything. He's abrasive and a dick, but also amazing at his job.

I'm sorry to hear that, that's unfortunate.

You may not be in a position to rock the boat; but as someone who manages people, I would not tolerate abrasive and dickish behaviour: the most brilliant jerk isn't worth it if he or she drags the rest of the team down.

People will find all sorts of random reasons to be mad at each other, or have some sort of conflict. You then have to work things out, and see if people can compromise or be accommodated.

The trick is to talk things through, and understand each person's perspective or expectations.

To bring this back to the example above, suppose employee A calls employee B by the wrong name. Employee B is made uncomfortable by this. We then chat with employee A and bring up this concern: hey, you might not be aware but employee B prefers to be addressed by <insert actual name here> and from now on please do not refer to them by <fake nickname>.

By engaging in this interaction you can determine their intentions; they could legit have a disability or a chronic inability to remember names. But by and large most people understand wanting to be treated with respect and dignity.

I personally find that interacting with people always requires making an effort to communicate and negotiate a common understanding. This is why I find complaints re: people's personal identities to be underwhelming.

So long as it doesn't impinge on my own dignity, it's really not my business how people want to be addressed. There are some totally fucking unhinged people out there, but the vast majority of people are reasonable.

Oh, it's usually worth it where I work. As in, it's easier and cheaper and for upper management to keep the dick around because he's that good at his job. He's also in a high position, so replacing him would be incredibly arduous - plus, honestly, I think they weren't paying him as much as others in the same position demanded because he is a dick, and came off of a 10 year hiatus from the industry. It's much easier to find a new grunt worker for minimum wage pay from a temp agency than fire a dickish manager who actually works very well. For them it's just more convenient to find people who are lax enough not to give a shit. There's not much 'dragging the team down', since they're almost the entire team.

I mean, I get what you're saying, but honesltly my experience was pretty much the same in the movie industry - the head of the project could be as abrasive and childish as he wanted, because he's the crux of having a show to produce in the first place. Maybe in an office setting your model is way better. I'm assuming the burnout rate isn't in the 1-3 years range, with people moving from contract to contract every few months.

It's much easier to find a new grunt worker for minimum wage pay from a temp agency than fire a dickish manager who actually works very well.

Oof, that sucks, that's a pretty exploitative situation.

Ya, I've heard of similar stories from friends of mine in the film industry. The way the industry is set up encourages and rewards people to power trip and destroy the people under them - the project only lasts a few months to a year anyways, right?, so they're not around to deal with the fallout.

In my field, it's hard to get good workers, it takes a month or two to train them, and you want them to stick around for years so the argument is much more straightforward :\.

I understand why my analogy fell flat for you - just doesn't apply!

It's only a matter of time before our world has its very own trans-Sokovia accords

trannies and fags should be required to wear blue hats in public

this is a good first step

they should wear those multicoloured baseball hats with propellers so everyone knows they're going through a childish phase

This won't get abused by other countries. No sir.