"I, yes literally, hope you either fix yourself or kill yourself, because your brand of trolling is - in total effect - hurting humanity that much." /u/nsfw-power

42  2017-05-05 by MakeAmericaSageAgain


This is why you need to power through even though your initial attempt might have been poor. ~2 days after the fact we are finally reaping some rewards. /u/nsfw-power, you've taught me the great lesson of perseverance and for that I thank you.

u/nsfw-power why are you telling this guy to kill himself? None of his comments were that mean and certainly not "hurting humanity". Are you a troll yourself?

One, I think you're not supposed to use /u/ summons in /r/drama. Just a heads up. I think it might even be bannable?

Two, I'm obv not a troll (check comment history). And then check his...he is a lifelong troll.

Three, I am taking the radical position that self harm is better than a lifr of trolling. And I genuinly mean it. It's not that suicide isn't terrible, it absolutely is. It hurts everyone around you. But I think the world would be that that much better off without the negativity caused by trolls. I believe the world would literally be better without them alive.

Four, I'm also attempting to talk to a troll in his native language. I knew "pretty please stop" would only elicit more trolling. "Logic or compassion says stop" would be the same. But maybe he knows the troll tongue and will respond to it.

Five: did the troll link a shitty obscure thread into /drama using an alt? Probably.

/u/nsfw-power this isn't SRD. Username pinging isn't bannable it's a site feature.

We username ping everyone; ain't that right /u/spez /u/CucksLoveTrump

Good to know.
Am I basically through the tunnel into troll world then?

Read the sidebar newfag.

Good to know

I stand by my original thesis.

the best thing every troll in this sub could do for the future of humanity is put a bullet through their heads or jump off a roof.

As long as your original thesis is near the edge of a cliff with structural problems.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Hey you wanna fuck my wife?

I didn't even say anything mean spirited. Deal with your ADHD and anger issues before using the internet next time, Or don't. It makes it a lot more interesting.

You care to lead by example?

I don't think anyone here would disagree with you there.

this but unironically xD

I feel the same way about people who take Reddit way too seriously.

Pinging the greatest responder to username pings of all time /r/Jewdank

May she RIP in piece

lmao stop taking trolls seriously if they affect you that much you literal manchild

Two, I'm obv not a trol


But I think the world would be that that much better off without the negativity caused by trolls. I believe the world would literally be better without them alive.

On the contrary, consider the long-term benefits of trolls forcing people to adopt at least a minimal amount of self-awareness and critical approach to reality.

There's a story I like a lot: long time ago, a very popular livejournal user posted a picture using a special link that showed everyone their own userpic (similar to how www.reddit.com/user/me works), with a comment that only a complete moron would choose that as a userpic. And of course got like 20 pages of angry comments, with nobody stopping to wonder why all those other people are posting angry comments as if it's their userpic is being insulted.

Then another livejournal user, less popular but with a more techie audience, posted a link to the above post and commented along the lines of, look at the 20 pages of morons, wtf. And of course immediately got several pages of users commenting on how rude it was of the first user to insult their userpic, and how yes, mind boggles at all those other people who are confusing it with their own.

The lesson here is that the characteristic property of a stupid person is not that their brains are slow or can't hold attention on too many things at once. The defining property of a stupid person is the bulletproof confidence in their interpretation of reality. It's not like if someone asked them to think about it, they couldn't figure that something fucky is going on, it's that they never ask themselves that. They don't have this tiny nagging voice in their heads constantly asking, are you sure you're not fundamentally wrong about everything? Warning, warning, look, this shit just doesn't make sense, how about we reexamine our assumptions?

And unlike IQ which seems to be mostly genetic and untrainable, this sort of intellectual cautiousness seems to be learnable, as a result of getting repeatedly humiliated by trolls. Yes, in each individual case the trolled person is upset. But in the long run every time that happens makes them more resistant to actual malicious bullshit.

Further reading: "The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg" short story by Mark Twain.

You clearly don't understand how IQ works. It's almost entirely a product of early childhood & prenatal development, not genetics

Are you a troll then?

[The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults.[5][6] In simpler terms, IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood.[7] Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores;[8] however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects.[9]10]

A picture is worth a thousand words.

And before you're like "wtf should I become a nazi now or reject scientific consensus", read this please: http://theunitofcaring.tumblr.com/post/157999539381/also-as-far-as-i-can-tell-lots-of-the-criticism

.45 is referencing ability to correlate ANY genetic component AT ALL.

Aka, the AMA study backs up my point rather than refutes it. If IQ were simply genetic, why has it rissen so dramatically over thr last 110 years? (> 20 points)

Wait, why am I arguing with a troll. Ever? I violated the most basic troll logic by ever engaging.

I hope you all kill yourselves as a public service. Sooner rather than later. You would go out knowing you had done at least one good thing in your life.

This is officially my last comment in /drama.

you're a dumb cunt

Wait, why am I arguing with a troll. Ever? I violated the most basic troll logic by ever engaging.

First of all, I've never been anything but considerate and polite to you. I'm not trolling you and I've never given you any reason to think that I am.

.45 is referencing ability to correlate ANY genetic component AT ALL.

Yes, and? What's that supposed to mean even?

Also that's for children, it ends up being 0.75 for adults.

Aka, the APA study backs up my point rather than refutes it. If IQ were simply genetic, why has it rissen so dramatically over thr last 110 years? (> 20 points)

The same reason BMI seems to be almost as genetic as height, as per the graph I linked: >0.8 correlation for monozygotic twins for height, BMI, IQ; but <0.2 for the same for adopted children. Despite the US having an obesity epidemic that started in the seventies or so and doubling or quintupling since then, depending on what you count.

Given the same non-shared environment (that is, society-wide and not "shared environment" that refers to effects of that particular family on the upbringing and consequences) the BMI, height, and IQ appear to be mostly genetic. But different environments apparently result in a 20 point difference in average IQ, or the obesity epidemic.

Like, you fix the environment and some people have higher IQ, or obesity, running in their blood, noticeably different from other people in the same environment. You change the environment to one that has smartphones and McDonaldses and you get the average IQ and BMI shoot up by 10 points each, but even in that new environment the genetic differences persist, the children of thinner people are thinner, the children of more intelligent people are more intelligent.

But again, you really should read http://theunitofcaring.tumblr.com/post/157999539381/also-as-far-as-i-can-tell-lots-of-the-criticism so that you understand that from facts like that eugenics don't follow, and that you're being bad when you assume and implicitly reinforce the assumption that they do.

Reported you for effort posting

Holy shot you are a fragile human being. Honestly how have you not killed yourself yet to escape all the cyber bullies?

Cite a study you troll

One, I think you're not supposed to use /u/ summons in /r/drama. Just a heads up. I think it might even be bannable?


negativity caused by trolls

asking for them to kill themselves

Heh. "I was only pretending to be retarded" is the lowest form of trolling, sure, but if it gets someone that bussy bothered, I guess it's worth it.

It wasn't even meant as a "pretending to be retarded"-thing at first. I was satirizing what that Trump supporter might have said, but everyone REEEEd out Don Quixote style, looking for windmills to fight.

And obviously we've got a certain type of weirdo who just can't contain their anger over pretend retards.

I appreciate the reference you made

'REEEE'? Yeah, it's a quote from this obscure Nazi cartoon about a frog, created around 2016 by some alt-right losers. Honestly, I'm surprised to see someone else who knows about it.

Lmao I was talking about Don Quixote but yeah fuck nazis

Oh, that? Yeah, it's a really obscure reference, only real intellectuals get it.

You should submit that book to /r/books.

Yeah I sparknoted the play once. I'm pretty much an expert

/me Tips fedora.

You sure know how to make a girl moist

post bussy pussy

It's "gussy", you pervert!

Unrelated, but you'd think American nationalism wouldn't go over very well with weebs considering we nuked their favourite place twice

Don Quixote style

if only we had a word that already meant this...

What is it then? :(

u/nsfw-power is just pissy because no one loved him enough as a child

When his parents told him they loved him, they were lying

When you're literally explaining your troll to them in detail and they still get mad, you've made something of a masterpiece.

readers of /r/beholdthemasterrace, humanity, pick one.

Comedy is the great equalizer.

I am impressed with your commitment.

/u/nsfw-power, do you realize just what a waste you are? Just what a miserable little person you've turned out to be. Think. Think back. To your childhood. Think about how full of promise and excitement you were. Now think about how you've suffocated and murdered that child under the weight of your own inadequacy. You've disappointed everyone, you know. Your mother can barely stand the sight of you, you are now as much the child she took to her breast as the cancerous lump growing in her uterus is. At least that lump of cells holds no false promise but peace from your wretched existence. Think back to all the people you ever encountered in your squandered life and say a quiet apology to them for being a complete waste of their time and faith. That girl who actually liked you, who you so foolishly indulged in fantasies of being married to and having children with and dying peaceful, gray haired on a bed with. Just think, she's currently rutting with some other, much more successful man (unlike you, who could barely be called a man, let alone human) filling her womb with his seed, propagating his lineage.

Do you feel it? Do you hear it? Her nails on his back. Her moans of ecstasy when he takes her. They'll have a long, happy future together. A better one than you could've ever given her. Your lineage is squandered on rags, dying, encrusted, yellowing rags and filling the dank air of your festering living area. You have failed not just as a person, but as a basic living being. You waste your time moderating subs. You snap at people who have no identity, who will come and go through your life, and you meet them with hostility. Killing yourself would simply be a benefit to you so in all actuality I hope you never die. I hope you just keep living, in this constant state of mediocrity and anger.

lol @ nsfw tag, bravo

Your niece beats you at FIFA and you make him cry?

master trole

Something 2017 something something gender is not a binary