Dramanazi got his subreddit banned today

1  2017-05-05 by [deleted]



Hey retard your link is wrong.


Goddamn these fucking Hillary shills can't even internet as on the internet.

It's a 404 page cuz you got banned

That doesn't even make sense. I bet you voted for Jill Stein.

Nah they're a Clinton fan. The butt hurt over her loss is what caused them to go crazy

I always assumed one had to go crazy first before they could vote for Hilldog without duress.

Oh they're nutso

They deleted this thread and reposted it because we called them out on not knowing how to link lol

No it's because you forgot the "/r/" you gigantic fuckin mongoloid

Lol and you keep deleting your accounts after posting

And t wasn't my subreddit