Awww dramanazi got his subreddit banned

0  2017-05-05 by Comeyqumqat


Hey you linked it right this time! Good job!

Having a rough day, your own fake Comey accounts got banned and i'm still here

You have had to engage at least a dozen retired accounts today in order to cope with it. It's really hilarious.

I'm gonna go have a scotch.

Don't hang yourself your plscalmdown account claims to be suicidal

comey uses another tired kys meme


Seriously take care of yourself. My stops now that I know you're legitimately depressed and not just some lonely guy.

Really please take care. Message me if you need to talk, there's another human who wants you to live

You embarrassed to say what shit brand of scotch you're drinking or something?

It's probably some trash blend

#Single Malt MasterRace

Wtf is going on in this thread

Comey has been arguing with dramanazi all day about alts

I don't get why you don't just make a new batch of alt accounts? You used to use all of these to flood political subs but you've been banned from them on all your accounts. Is this now for pleasure?

he created at least two more today to defend himself in srd

What type of scotch?

I'm starting to think it's maybe not okay to be so mean to Dramanazi. I just was notified that his /u/plscalmdown account is super suicidal. That's were trolling ends for me.

Take care of yourself Dramanazi, let me know if you need to talk!

I just was notified

Lol who notified you?

I got this minutes ago


It's taken all the fun out of messing with you so I'm done. Just gonna block all your accounts

You do that sweetie.

The pretending to care act doesn't work when all your alts encourage people to kill themselves

Lol you even made up a name for your alt account? Jesus this is some high level skitzo shit

It'd be sad if it weren't so funny. He posts a fake message with a fake signature then claims you're doxxing him by repeating the name 😂


You posted it you fuckin retard

/u/Comeyqumqat has been reported to the admins for ban evasion.


And Dramanazi does that daily, I'm still here though

Adding the death threats to the report as well. PBUY

I haven't made any threats I honestly want that guy to get help

He posts that he is suicidal

Lying does not help you.

Where am I threatening anyone

Saying please don't kill yourself isnt a treat.

I feel bad for this guy

Please don't kill yourself!

That is what I told exactly, I even sent him a PM just offering to talk.

You think this is funny or whatever and at first I did too but your buddy/alt account is suicidal and needs some love

Ok Jess. Calm down. You're seeing alts everywhere because you're guilty of it. Pretty typical.

Are you really attempting a doxxing right now?

lol it's in your screenshot bud. If Jess is your real name or just a name you made up for your alt is beyond me

That's not my name and I didn't make any of that it's a message I got.

Please stop breaking Reddit rules now

Hah. If that's really not your alt, then I assume you're the one breaking reddits rules (not sure how close a shortened version of someone's name comes to doxxing). Regardless, you did seem to be scared straight when I used that name so I'm going to assume it's you (as I already had)

I posted a screenshot of a message I got that you, plscalmdown, asked for.

I'll delete it and crop it in the next version of someone asks for it

Damn now I'm plscalmdown too?

Everyone is

I always have a hearty laugh when I get accused of being someone's alt. It's always the literal insane accounts too. Jewdank thought I was like 4 people too

Btw I think he mentioned "jess" for the sole purpose of being able to cry dox and try to get people banned

Jess sounds like a great name for a fanfic. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who goes by that in real life

Stop posting that

Shut the fuck up you posted it just so we would say it and you could whine

Don't post people's real names, even if you suspect that they are false.

Ban that faggot. He posted the screenshot just so we could say it and he could report us.

He reported our comments didn't he?

Ban that faggot. He posted the screenshot just so we could say it and he could report us.

First of all, you were the one who said it, not Comey. If you can link me to Comey's comment that violates the rules, I'll remove it as I did yours. Just don't post names, even if somebody else does. It is that simple.

He reported our comments didn't he?

Moderators cannot see who makes reports, so I have no clue. Its possible, but I can't be sure.

He posted a screenshot of a message where the name was used

He did that so we would say it and he could report us.

He fuckin admitted to posting the name. Look at his comment history

I haven't banned anyone who used the name. I've removed a couple posts here yes, but no one, at this moment, is banned because of this.

He admitted to posting the screenshot

He only did it so others would say the name and he could use it to try to get this sub banned

Dramanazi asked that the message be posted. I didn't realize it had a name and I removed it.

no one asked you to post the message you liar.

That's a lie. You asked who told me about your depression

I didn't ask shit.

I certainly didn't ask to post a message revealing private information.

You can't lie when people can literally see my comments.


Wow you really are a gigantic retard.

YOU posted the screenshot with the name showing. God damn you are stupid.

I posted a full screenshot that you asked for but you're right I did not realize it was signed. That's why I deleted it.

You realized you liar. You're trying to whine about people doxxing

Don't post people's real names.

He already got the r/cheetotweetolini sub banned for harassment, now he's still using it with his Dramanazi account

Lol and that's exactly why you purposely showed the name.

You're not half as clever as you think you are.

Okay dude I made you post it repeatedly

I posted it once

He's the one that posted it

He did it just to bait people into saying it and reporting them for doxxing

Okay, but the actual post is deleted as far as I can tell (I've looked at his recent comment history for the screenshot), so I can't prove anything. I'm going to be fair when banning, and no one has gotten banned for it (I've only warned people and removed posts*).

If you have an issue with my decision, you can take it up with the reddit admins.

* I initially banned another user, but I reversed the ban when they said they wouldn't do it again.

Wow you really banned cuckslovetrump?

You let comey bait you hard dude

Initially. We talked it over in modmail and I unbanned Cucks. Just chill fam, seriously.

Please stop sending me threatening messages.

I do not wish to be harassed by you.

Stop bullying me. I feel unsafe now.

There's two people in this thread, me and Dramanazi. Pretty amazing though. He's taken the fun out of harassing him though, he's sad

Which of you is the lesser of retards, I wanna be them

Don't mess with them anymore. I didn't realize that plscalmdown posts suicidal ideations, I don't want that on me. Just give him a hug.

The trolling stops here for me

This is why we need mayocide.


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